28 August 2023
All Enneagram types are equal in the sense that each one of them brings a unique set of talents to the table. However, some Enneagram types are more common than others. If you’ve ever wondered what the most common Enneagram type is and how to recognize them, this article will provide the answer you seek.
We will also explain why some Enneagram types are more common than others and why some of them are super rare. Additionally, we will provide a brief overview of the most common combinations of Enneagrams and other personality types as well, so you won’t have to wonder about a thing!
The Enneagram types that emerge as the most prevalent are Enneagram Type Nine and Enneagram Type Six. What these two types have in common is:
Moreover, Sixes and Nines center their lives around ensuring the well-being of the community and nurturing their relationships with others. While Nines seek to protect peace by avoiding conflict, Sixes try to maintain harmony by avoiding risks. Where Nines are open and curious, Sixes are honest and practical.
So, while their characters and behaviors are different in many ways, it is safe to say these two Enneatypes reflect one of the essential human needs—to establish connection and safety. And, bearing in mind how kind, loving, patient, and altruistic Nines and Sixes are, we can only conclude that humankind is lucky to have these two as the most common Ennatypes.
To check how you add up to the statistics, determine your Enneagram type by taking the Enneagram test.
Enneagram Type Nines, also called the Peacemakers, are kind and compassionate people, driven by the need to be in harmony with their surroundings. They are gentle and adaptable, never imposing their will on others.
While they seem easy to handle, they actually never allow others to control them. They find passive, subtle ways to resist and rarely engage in conflicts. Moreover, they handle conflicts like zen masters, always aiming to find common ground and reestablish peace. That’s because their need to belong and maintain a sense of community dominates their behavior.
At work, Nines are not the type who will rock the boat, but they can be headstrong if presented with an ultimatum or forced to make a choice they don’t want to make. Otherwise, they are perfect team players who make sure everyone feels accepted and valued.
When it comes to relationships, they play the most important role in the Nines’ lives. Their friends, family, and partners are their biggest motivation in life. The mere thought of losing dear people feels dreadful to them. There’s nothing Nine fears more than being abandoned.
Humble and quiet, Nines often give off the impression they don’t want much from life. Indeed, they are humble in the sense that they are not bothered by prestige and status. Finding inner peace and being in harmony with the ones they love is their definition of happiness.
Nines speak in a mellow, soothing voice and exude an aura of peace. They move their bodies in slow, fluid movements and always find a way to get where they want to be.
Though they are not loud, their presence never goes unnoticed. They intuitively adapt to their surroundings and always make sure everyone feels accepted. If there is a disagreement, they will intervene in a non-obtrusive way and try to help the parties involved better understand one another.
They enjoy the finer things in life, such as tasty food, music, and the arts, and they like to engage in deep philosophical conversations about art and the meaning of life.
The strengths that Nines typically develop are mostly the result of their need for peace and harmony. Soft-spoken and agreeable, they hide immense power of character within. Their most prominent strengths are:
The biggest obstacle Nines need to overcome is their tendency to avoid personal conflicts. Nines would rather stall and avoid the things they don’t want to do than stand up for themselves.
All Nines’ weaknesses can be seen as the result of their tendency to conform, even at the expense of their own needs and desires.
Here are some of their biggest weaknesses:
Sixes, also called Loyalists, are motivated by their need for security. They see life and the world as unpredictable and full of potential dangers, so they make sure they plan everything in advance and are always ready for worst-case scenarios.
They are hardworking, diligent, and loyal people who find peace in sticking to tradition and respecting rules. Family and their loved ones mean the world to them, and there’s nothing they wouldn’t do to ensure their well-being. The need to belong and be part of something bigger than themselves motivates them to always be supportive and helpful toward other people.
Six’s relationship with authority is often complicated. Generally, they either comply and obey authorities without a second thought or resist and rebel, even without a particular reason.
A similar pattern is noticeable in their reaction to fear. Some Sixes avoid everything that frightens them, while others act counterphobic and intentionally expose themselves to their biggest fears.
In general, Sixes are reliable, detail-oriented, organized, and loved in their community for all the contributions they make. Though timid and reserved, they are friendly and communicate in a very clear and precise manner. They are great teammates and a friend who’ll stick with you through thick and thin. To see these traits in a more humorous light, the article Enneagram 6 memes offers a playful look at how Sixes navigate their complex world.
Sixes need social approval, so they make sure to dress appropriately in every situation. They are usually elegant and neat and give the impression of a well-mannered person. Their voice is calm, and they rarely start the conversation but readily participate in it, especially if it tackles the topics they care about.
Because of their distrust and fearfulness, they seem to be always on guard. And, indeed, they are rarely relaxed, especially when surrounded by people they don’t know. They notice anything that even slightly calls for danger and immediately start coming up with solutions in their heads.
Since Sixes are mainly motivated by security, all their biggest virtues revolve around ensuring stability in life. They are the pillars of society, as they always take care that everything is done properly and on time. Some of their biggest strengths are:
Fearful and scared of life, Sixes owe many of their weaknesses to their highly sensitive nervous system. As they mature, they learn to relax and enjoy life more. But until they get to that point, these are the weaknesses they need to overcome:
The Enneagram Type Five, also known as the Investigator, is the most uncommon of all the types. It is followed by Type Eight, also known as the Challenger, and Type Two, also known as the Helper.
Fives are the most intellectual of all the Enneagram types. They represent the archetype of the wise man, who retreats into their inner world to contemplate, analyze, and come up with deep insights about the world. Social expectations, prestige, and material wealth are of no interest to these individuals, who only care about knowledge, science, ideas, and learning.
Eights are power-hungry, strong, and straightforward individuals who know what they want and don’t hesitate to get it. Responsible and capable of greatness, they dare to step where no other men have dared. They are those people who build huge companies from scratch, capture the masses with their charisma, and hold key roles in society.
Twos are the archetypal mothers, and they are generally the rarest Enneagram type for males. Deeply compassionate, intuitive, and caring, they respond to the needs of others even before they are aware of them. They are generous and selfless because they are driven by the desire to love and to receive love. They remind society about the importance of empathy.
While the Enneagram provides many details about one’s personality, no personality system can explain the complexity of human nature to the fullest. However, let’s see how Enneagram combines with 16 personalities.
INTJs are organized, focused, and intense individuals whose curiosity leads them to learn many things throughout their lives. Enneagram Ones perfectly capture the essence of INTJs with their powerful intellect and strong personal beliefs.
The ambitious, driven, and passionate ENTJs most often correlate with power-driven Eights, who dare to dream big and go after their dreams.
The curious and knowledge-thirsty INTPs value freedom, autonomy, and knowledge above everything else. No wonder they most often identify as inquisitive Enneagram Type Fives.
ENTPs are in love with life, thirsty for thrills and excitement, and can't stand monotony. That’s also a pretty accurate description of Enneagram Type Seven.
ISTJs are observant, thoughtful, and diligent individuals with a strong sense of right and wrong. They perfectly encapsulate the Enneagram Type One personality with their perfectionistic nature.
ESTJs are strong-willed individuals who enjoy adventures and aren’t afraid to take risks. These are also some of the core characteristics of Enneagram Type Eight.
ISFJs value tradition and stability in life and are very caring and warm toward the people they love. The Enneagram Type Six, also called the Loyalist, is led by the same values.
ESFJs are deeply compassionate and caring people who always take care of others. They naturally correlate the most with Enneagram Type Two, which is just as kind and supportive.
ISFPs are on an everlasting quest to find peace of mind, which perfectly matches the Nines’ need for harmony and balance.
ESFPs are adventurists eager to taste all life's pleasures. Their zest for life and charisma are very similar to what makes Enneagram Type Seven unique.
INFPs are free-spirited souls, eager to explore the depths of their inner world, just like Enneagram Type Fours, who are on an everlasting quest to discover their identity and life purpose.
The sensitive ENFPs are eager to experience adventures, explore the world, and enjoy meeting new people. They are most often found among Enneagram Sevens, who are just as thirsty for novelty and curious about the world.
The wise and sensitive INFJs who want to understand themselves and the world on a deeper level often identify as Enneagram Type Fours, motivated by the same need to explore their identities.
ENFJs are energetic and charismatic individuals who are very goal-oriented and even manipulative when they find it necessary. This is also a common description of Enneagram Type Threepersonality.
ISTPs are observant, logical, and detail-oriented individuals who enjoy spending time alone and exploring their interests. Enneagram Type Fives are the most common Enneatypes among ISTPs, as they share the same core traits.
ESTPs are reality-oriented, energetic individuals who naturally take charge in every situation. They are self-assured, strong, and straightforward, just like Enneagram Type Eight, the Challenger.
The most common Enneagram types are Nines and Sixes, which we can say is good news considering how wonderful their characters are. They both place an emphasis on harmony, peace, security, and interpersonal relationships, which they attempt to protect in distinct but equally effective ways.
The Enneagram type that stands out as the rarest of all Enneatypes is Five—the Investigator. Fives hold the reputation of fiercely independent intellectuals who couldn’t care less for the material world.
Considering the consumerist culture we live in today, it makes perfect sense that introverted Fives, who dedicate their lives to science and intellectual explorations, are the least common of all Enneatypes.
If you are curious about where you stand in the Enneagram statistics and don’t know what your Enneagram Type is, you can get a precise answer in only 10 minutes, which is how long it takes to complete our Enneagram test!
26 June 2024
2 January 2025