ENTP Enneagram Types: Differences Explained

26 July 2023

entp enneagram

It is hard to find a personality type that is as open to change as ENTPs are. These lively Debaters are incredibly adaptable, which may be the reason why there are so many variations of their personality.

Moreover, combining different personality theories is an intellectual challenge that an ENTP would surely enjoy. So, let’s apply the Enneagram framework to the ENTP personality type and analyze all the nine ENTP Enneagram subtypes in detail!

In this article, we’ll walk you through all the combinations of these two personalitytypes and see how they alter the core ENTP traits.

A Quick Overview of the ENTP Personality Type

Highly intellectual, curious, and agile, ENTPs are ready to question literally everything in this world. There’s no rule they will not try to break or bend if they find it serves their purpose. They usually enjoy discussing controversial topics just for fun, and other people often take offense at their audacious ideas and statements.

Their intuition allows them to read others with ease, so they can be incredibly persuasive when they want to prove their point or promote a certain idea. These people are also excellent motivational speakers, and no one is better at managing changes than them.

When it comes to emotions, ENTPs are friendly and warm, but getting close to someone is a challenge for them, as they often struggle with showing vulnerability. Nevertheless, their charisma, however, draws a lot of attention, so they typically lead interesting emotional lives.

The Nine Enneagram Types of the ENTP

The Nine Enneagram Types of the ENTP

No personality theory is thorough enough to describe all possible variations of a person’s character. For that reason, we’ve compared ENTP with each of the nine Enneagram types, and here is what we’ve found.

#1. ENTP Enneagram Type 1

The fairness and morals of Type One and the ENTP’s intellectual playfulness collide in this personality. These ENTPs don’t like to play devil’s advocate but feel a strong internal imperative to always do the right thing.

The voice of their merciless inner critic prevents ENTP Ones from engaging in various adventures and risky behaviors, forcing them to take life more seriously. In fact, all the resourcefulness and persuasiveness of the ENTPs are now directed toward protecting the principles of good.

The ENTP Enneagram One will not be as inclined to procrastination as the typical ENTP, who is prone to postponing obligations and bending every possible rule. Therefore, these individuals won’t be so averse to rules, structure, and planning.

Mistakes and their consequences are what these ENTPs are most afraid of. They often believe that errors would expose them as worthlessdilettantes, so they try to achieve some level of mastery in whatever they do. On the other hand, what they want most is tofeel their life has a purposeand live that purpose through active commitment.

#2. ENTP Enneagram Type 2

ENTP Enneagram Twos bring the ENTP’s charm and the Two’s empathy together, resulting in a very seductive personality. These individuals know their way with words and can win people over even faster than regular ENTPs, much like the socially adept and charismatic ESFPs. When exploring personality traits further, it's useful to consider the Enneagram vs. Big Five test to understand how each framework uniquely categorizes and explains different behaviors.

ENTP Enneagram Twos are likely to use their talent to influence other people and help them. In fact, their wit and insight now have the goal of inspiring other people to live their best lives. Also, generous and caring as they are, these people often have the gift of recognizing the hidden talents of other people.

Because they are more emotional than typical ENTPs, ENTP Twos may resemble ENFPs in many aspects. However, as understanding and compassionate as they can be, they will always remain objective and able to think on their feet, unlike feeling types or Twos.

These individuals believe they must earn the affection of other people by doing something for them and that, if they don’t do so, they will be abandoned. For this reason, they are generally more invested in relationships, and their biggest desire is to be loved unconditionally.

#3. ENTP Enneagram Type 3

Two women laughing while holding drinks

ENTP Enneagram Threes are energetic, lively optimists who see this world as a playground full of opportunities for success and self-promotion. They thrive and reap many rewards, but they are never satisfied, as what they are trying to satisfy has nothing to do with all the achievements they make.

These ENTPs were raised in such a way to believe that unless they excel at something all the time, they are worthless, so their ambition actually serves them to earn the right to feel worthy. Yet, since both ENTPs and Threes easily neglect their feelings, ENTP Enneagram Threes tend to easily lose touch with their core motivation.

While they usually achieve a lot, these ENTPs are often followed by a sense that they have not done enough or that they are not doing the right thing. Their worst fear is that they willfail and be exposed as losers. Since they simply can’t allow this to happen, they may sometimes resort to unjust means to achieve the desired results.

When it comes to their dreams and hopes, ENTP Enneagram Threes are all about being free to be whatever they want to be without being afraid that they will be seen as failures.

#4. ENTP Enneagram Type 4

The ENTP Enneagram Type Four is a very uncommon personality type. These ENTPs are significantly less extroverted, friendly, and outgoing than typical ENTPs. They often feel like no one really understands their minds and, therefore, may behave in a somewhat rebellious manner.

ENTP Enneagram Fours are focused on their creative potential and are more attuned to their feelings. For that reason, they are more self-aware and often find ways to express their ideas in a unique manner—through art or in some creative way.

These individuals are full of surprises. They always have a unique insight into an issue and are perfectly capable of articulating it in a way that everyone can understand. People around them are often fascinated by their originality, and their statements usually make others think.

However, regardless of how successfully they communicate their truth, these ENTPs are chronically afraid that no one will ever get them completely, as they will always have to sacrifice some part of themselves to be loved. So, their biggest desires revolve around expressing their uniqueness successfully and being loved and accepted for everything they are.

#5. ENTP Enneagram Type 5

ENTP Enneagram Fives are brilliant thinkers and explorers who communicate their insights with ease, so they are more extroverted than a typical Five but less than a typical ENTP. They are fascinated with theories and abstract concepts and enjoy discussing topics they find interesting for hours.

These ENTPs somehow, through their earliest experiences, learn that there’s no one around who they can really rely on. For that reason, they invest a lot of energy into gaining independence and fiercely defend it. They lock their hearts, and as adults, they find it hard to express warmth and affection, even within their closest circle.

They are also more sensitive and fearful than typical ENTPs, and they feel they must always be prepared for what’s coming. They learn a lot of different things because of this pervasive, intense fear that something unexpected might happen and cause them to lose their sense of security.

The desires of ENTP Enneagram 5 are all about freedom, exploration, and independence. Because of this, they often have the idea of achieving mastery in their field of interest and are inclined toward academic careers.

#6. ENTP Enneagram Type 6

Woman with cloth covering her face, revealing only vibrant green eyes

ENTP Enneagram Sixes experience a lot of uncertainty in their early lives, which is why they are so obsessed with security. They have all the ENTP’s gifts—sharp wit, analytical thinking, great ideas, and creativity, but these are locked away by their chronic anxiety. So, we could say that these ENTPs need to feel completely safe to express their core nature.

On the plus side, all this anxiety and fear of the future, paired with the ENTP’s innovative ideas, make these individuals indispensable as troubleshooters and problem solvers. When planning and organizing, these ENTPs often come up with uniquely efficient, original solutions that make other people’s lives easier.

Trusting others is a painful topic for ENTP Enneagram Sixes. They often have some emotional baggage related to their trust issues and find it hard to open up and build close relationships with other people. Logically, their biggest fears are mainly about being betrayed and abandoned.

Finally, unlike the majority of other ENTP subtypes, these people dream of stable, predictable lives in which they can slowly grow and develop.

#7. ENTP Enneagram Type 7

Here’s one of the most typical ENTPs you’ll find! These lively, playful, and charming people light up the room with their warmth and energy wherever they show up. They have a keen sense of humor and easily make contact with other people, so they have many friends from all walks of life, as depicted in our Enneagram 7 memes compilation.

Bursting with creative ideas and full of zest for life, ENTP Sevens are in love with all the variety and excitement life has to offer. So logically, everyday chores, repetitive tasks, and common responsibilities are their worst nightmares, and they’ll do everything to avoid living a mundane life.

Just like typical Sevens, they are usually full of enthusiasm when they start something but struggle to see through all the phases of implementing their great ideas in reality. It is imperative for them to work on something they are passionate about, or else they turn into slackers and procrastinators who avoid all the boring tasks.

Facing the complexity of life with all the unpleasant feelings that often follow is the ultimate ENTP Seven’s fear. Meanwhile, they dream about carefree, exciting lives full of adventures and passion.

#8. ENTP Enneagram Type 8

ENTP Enneagram Eights are the least prone to procrastination and the least likely to waste all the typical ENTP’s talents. They are focused and determined to succeed and rise to a position of power so that they can indulge themselves carelessly.

The ENTP’s sharp and agile mind is now entirely invested in taking maximum advantage of the situation. ENTP Eights fiercely use their intuition and empathy to make connections and earn a special, privileged spot in society. Like Eights, they are more organized, focused, and practical than typical ENTPs.

These ENTPs are often heroic, brave, and full of brilliant ideas that they dare to make a reality. They stand up for their beliefs and fight against injustice, but they may also become competitive, confrontational, and bossy due to this.

ENTP Enneagram Eights will, just like typical ENTPs, struggle a lot with their emotional side and vulnerability. Their worst fear is that they will be exposed as vulnerable and taken advantage of. As a result, they dream of achieving complete autonomy and independence, which, in their minds, translates into being invulnerable.

#9. ENTP Enneagram Type 9

ENTP Enneagram Nines are very sociable and gentle people who easily find a common language with everyone. These ENTPs do not enjoy debates and discussions as much as typical ENTPs because, deep down, they fear conflict.

Most of their energy goes into scanning for potential conflicts in their environment, and they use their typically clear minds and speaking skills to avoid them and maintain harmony in their environment.

They can stay in the role of observers in life for quite a long time, not daring to use their gifts. This is because they are often unconsciously afraid that by manifesting their nature, they could cause disharmony.

It is crucial for these people to resolve their fear of conflict to release their enormous creative potential and live life to the fullest. So, it is no wonder that their biggest dream is to find inner peace—they intuitively feel that’s what they need to release their creative capacity.

The Most and Least Common ENTP Enneagram Types

The Most and Least Common ENTP Enneagram Types

ENTPs are considered one of the most extroverted personality types, so it makes sense to expect that they will correlate the most with the extroverted, intellectual Enneagram profiles. Still, personality theory is not math, so surprises are always possible!

Most Common ENTP Enneagram Types

The most common ENTP Enneagram types are Sevens and Eights. The Seven’s agile and creative mind perfectly correlates with the ENTP’s love of adventure and intellectual challenges.

Meanwhile, Eigths are far less common than Sevens but more common than all the other Enneatypes among ENTPs. This can be explained by the strong need for independence that ENTPs and Eights share.

Least Common ENTP Enneagram Types

The least common ENTP Enneagram types are Ones, Nines, and Twos. The emotionality of Twos and Nines has little in common with the ENTP’s focus on purely intellectual experiences. The One’s firm moral grounds and rigidity clash with the ENTP’s playfulness, so it is no wonder this combination is so rare.

For a deeper understanding of the dual nature of your personality traits, try our Dark and Light Side of Personality test.

Additionally, exploring your Enneagram learning style can offer insights into how you process and absorb new information, which is especially valuable for ENTPs who thrive on intellectual challenges and innovation.


ENTPs' bubbly minds are unbound by mundane reality, so they see the colorful, fun side of life and invite us all to see it too. They are full of enthusiasm and not afraid of change. Though their core traits slightly alter depending on their Enneatypes, all ENTPs have the same core traits in different proportions.

Therefore, ENTP Enneagram Sevens and Eights will have the most typical ENTP traits harmonically expressed. Meanwhile, ENTP Enneagram Ones, Nines, and Twos will be the least typical ENTPs, often resembling ENFPs or INTPs.