Explore your personality type with an accurate Enneagram test

The road to self-discovery starts here! The Enneagram test helps you explore your strengths and unlock your hidden powers!

Enneagram personality test

Take our free Enneagram personality test and find out which of the nine Enneagram types best describes your personality, strengths and weaknesses, and much more!

enneagram Perfectionist icon
1. Perfectionist

Passionate, principled idealists with powerful logic who strive to make the world a better place.

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2. Helper

Compassionate, generous, and caring empaths who value relationships.

enneagram Achiever icon
3. Achiever

Goal-oriented, driven, and image-conscious people who strive to excel at all costs.

enneagram Individualist icon
4. Individualist

Authentic and highly sensitive people who are always in search of a higher purpose.

enneagram Investigator icon
5. Investigator

Quiet, intelligent, and rational individuals who seek to understand the world in depth.

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6. Loyalist

Careful, responsible, and hardworking type driven by their need for security.

enneagram Enthusiast icon
7. Enthusiast

Thrill-seeking adventurists who want to enjoy life with all their senses.

enneagram Challenger icon
8. Challenger

Power-driven and strong individuals determined to succeed and protect their independence.

enneagram Peacemaker icon
9. Peacemaker

Amiable and compassionate type that protects their harmony and strives for inner peace.

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What are Enneagram triads?

Based on their underlying core emotions and preferred psychological functions (instinct, feeling, and thinking), the nine Enneagram types are split into groups of three—the so-called Enneagram triads.

Therefore, we have the Enneagram gut (instinct), heart (feeling), and head (thinking) triads. They help us understand which emotions the Enneatypes from each group tend to struggle with and how their core emotion influences the development of their personality.

Unlock your full potential with the Enneagram test

The Enneagram test is a unique tool that allows you to better understand yourself on every level—emotional, spiritual, psychological, physical, and social. In fact, there’s no similar personality theory that brings scientific facts into practice as efficiently as the Enneagram.

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Understand who you really are

Know your strengths and hidden talents, as well as the core motivation behind your behavior, and make better decisions in every area of your life based on your Enneagram type.

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Improve your relationships

Discover your compatibility with other Enneagram types, identify your typical thinking and emotional patterns, and learn to overcome your weaknesses in relationships with other people.

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Boost your career

Find out your top career matches to unlock all your hidden talents and translate them into practical success, flourishing into the person you are meant to be.

How reliable is the Enneagram test?

The Enneagram test has been used by psychologists since the 1970s. Up until today, it has only been refined and improved, becoming one of the most accurate personality tests you can find. Because of this, many HR professionals and businesses rely on it for talent development and employment purposes.

How do I discover my Enneagram type?


Take the Enneagram test. Answer honestly to 100 questions about how you would feel and react in different situations.

step 1 icon

Receive your Enneagram test result. After you’ve answered the questions, you will find out which Enneagram type best matches your personality.

step 2 icon

Put your new knowledge into practice. Subscribe and get privileged access to practical information that will help you unlock your full potential based on your Enneagram type.

step 3 icon

Decode the secret of self-awareness with the Enneagram test

Take the first step toward meeting your true self. Click the button below to do the Enneagram test for free and get in-depth and accurate results in a matter of minutes!


What people say about the test

The questions were surprisingly precise, so it was easy to complete the test. Still, the biggest surprise was how well the results described my type. Almost as if they were written by someone who had known me for years!

Ann avatar picture

Ann — “The Challenger

Type 8

I have to admit, I’ve never felt more understood in my entire life. I finally know why I feel the way I do!

Emma avatar picture

Emma — “The Individualist

Type 4

I was skeptical about free personality tests, but the Enneagram one swept me off my feet. It described me so well and helped me learn so much more about my strengths and flaws!

John avatar picture

John — “The Investigator

Type 5

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