ENFP Enneagram: Common Types & Differences

26 August 2023

enfp enneagram

ENFPs are recognized as gentle, curious, social butterflies who always know how to have fun. While this is true for most ENFPs, not all will exhibit these traits with the same intensity. Because of this, it is beneficial to learn about ESFP Enneagram subtypes and become familiar with the many facets of their vibrant personalities.

In this article, we’ll take you through all nine ENFP Enneagram subtypes and explain the most and least common ones and how they differ from one another.

A Quick Overview of the ENFP Personality Type

ENFPs are always in search of new and exciting experiences. No matter how old they get, they never lose their curiosity and sense of wonder. However, they are less fascinated with the real world around them than they are with ideas, concepts, and creativity.

Their intuition is very pronounced, and they rely heavily on what feels right to them rather than what traditionally makes sense. For this reason, they are often perceived as unique and eccentric, but the fact is that they just follow their inner voice.

In general, ENFPs are extroverted, warm, spirited, and always able to look on the bright side. They also possess a wonderful sense of humor and always come up with creative ideas.

The Nine Enneagram Types of the ENFP

Woman in a white and yellow dress jumping with happiness

No Enneagram type can turn an ENFP into a reserved and emotionally distant person because ENFPs are highly intuitive and emotional. However, certain combinations can significantly alter how they normally behave, even though their core characteristics typically remain the same. Now, let’s see how Enneagram Types and ENFPs combine!

#1. ENFP Enneagram Type 1

ENFPs and Ones are similar in that their gut feelings lead both, and both have a firm value system according to which they make decisions. So, it is reasonable to expect these ENFPs to be more principled and resolute than typical ENFPs, much like the decisive nature often seen in ESTPs.

They also have better time management and organizational skills, which may make them look more like ENFJs. On top of this, these ENFPs feel like their lives have some special purpose. They want to make the world a better place.

Unlike typical ENFPs, just having interesting experiences and enjoying many adventures doesn’t leave them completely satisfied. Thanks to the influence of Type One, they need to feel they have made some impact. However, such idealism may sometimes lead them to disappointment, as reality never lives up to their altruistic pursuits.

Since ENFPs deeply fear being alone and Ones fear making mistakes, these ENFPs usually believe that unless they do everything perfectly, they will end up alone. As for their core desires, they stay mostly the same. It just becomes even more important to them to be true to their values and moral standards.

#2. ENFP Enneagram Type 2

Twos and ENFPs are both very sensitive and intuitive types who genuinely enjoy the company of other people. However, ENFPs are often flighty in their relationships, while Twos are loyal and responsible.

In general, if you are an ENFP who scores as Type Two in the Enneagram, it may mean that you have matured, made peace with reality, and become a grown-up version of an ENFP.

ENFP Enneagram Twos are warm, kind, and caring friends and partners who honor relationships. They are also better organizedthan typical ENFPs. For this reason, they are sometimes confused with ENFJs.

Fear of being alone, which dominates all other fears in this personality type, drives these ENFPs to please others, do favors, and always put other people’s needs first. Because of this, they are inclined to emotional burnout.

As for what ENFP Enneagram Two dreams about, all their desires boil down to living a harmonious family life surrounded by the people they love the most.

#3. ENFP Enneagram Type 3

Standing man in vest and glasses

Ignoring feelings for a type that heavily relies on them is challenging. Yet, because Threes tend to dissociate from their feelings to get the job done, this is exactly the challenge ENFP Enneagram Threes face.

Therefore, these ENFPs also want to succeed, but not at the cost of sacrificing their authenticity. So they insist on succeeding on their own terms rather than complying with social expectations.

They are driven, charming, and often very attractive because they burst with energy and zeal. Their communication skills are also highly developed, and they often use them to seduce other people, convince them to follow their ideas, and enhance their careers.

More focused than typical ENFPs, and more honest than typical Threes, these individuals are well-equipped for true success in every sense.

Their fear that others might abandon them unless they are successful motivates them to work hard. Meanwhile, their core desire to be loved for who they really are keeps them from making the wrong choices along the way to success.

#4. ENFP Enneagram Type 4

ENFP Enneagram Fours are enchanting, flamboyant individuals who fiercely state their authenticity in every situation. Their personalityis intensive and colorful, so people around them are rarely bored.

Though Fours are not as nearly extroverted as ENFPs, they share their intuition, so these ENFPs sense when and to whom they can open up and when it is better to withdraw. Their empathy is also more profound than in regular ENFPs, and they feel compelled to understand their own and other people’s emotional processes.

These ENFPs are even more creative than typical ENFPs and always find unique and attractive ways to express their feelings and thoughts. Their individualism and imagination are often evident in how they dress and speak—they may develop unique fashion style and theatrical manners.

Since they identify with their feelings, and their feelings are ever-changing, they are chronically anxious and confused about their identity. Their deepest fear is that no one will ever understand them and that people will abandon them if they discover the whole truth about who they are.

#5. ENFP Enneagram Type 5

ENFP and Enneagram Type Five make a very rare combination of types as they are complete opposites. ENFPs are all about feelings and intuition, while Fives strongly prefer logic and reason. On the one hand, this personality is perpetually hampered by their need to relax and go with the flow. Still, on the other hand, they have an insatiable desire to make logical sense of everything.

These ENFPs are, therefore, less spontaneous, warm, and people-oriented but spend more time in their heads. They also need more time alone as constantly juggling so many different needs exhausts them in the long run. The biggest challenge they have to overcome is learning to value their intuition and emotions just as much as they value reason and logic.

They unlock a tremendous amount of latent creative potential when they realize how useful intuitive insights and our feelings are. Once this happens, they also eliminate their core fear of being useless and incompetent and readily devote themselves to pursuing their passions.

#6. ENFP Enneagram Type 6

What happens when Type Six and ENFP combine into one personality can be compared to what happens when you push all the ENFPs buttons simultaneously. This combination exaggerates all the ENFP's fears, casting a shadow on their otherwise bubbly and optimistic character.

So, these ENFPs are fearful and anxious while feeling a need to belong. Because their connections with other people are the source of the elusive feeling of safety they seek, it is only natural they give all of their attention to those relationships. They tend to be possessive and needy at times, especially when under a lot of emotional strain.

Fear of abandonment completely dominates their character, so they develop people-pleasing patterns to ensure they are not left behind. They dream of a stable, harmonious life in which they will feel safe and accepted without dwelling on every choice they make.

#7. ENFP Enneagram Type 7

ENFP Enneagram Type 7

ENFP Enneagram Sevens are the most typical and common combination possible. These ENFPs are everything you’ve ever read about their personality type; lively, gregarious, compassionate, open-hearted, and full of life’s joy.

They are very passionate and enthusiastic about their interests. However,, they are rarely patient enough to see through until their ideas become a reality; instead, they constantly start new projects, leaving them for others to finish.

The dark side of these lovely characters is their inability to process and acknowledge unpleasant feelings. They suppress and bury their pain, sorrow, and anger because they have no clue how to deal with them. Therefore, their biggest fear is that they will be left alone with all these feelings.

What they want the most is to enjoy life and be free to pursue all their passions without ever having to deal with heavy feelings. Our Enneagram 7 memes compilation humorously depicts how they navigate these challenges.

#8. ENFP Enneagram Type 8

ENFP Enneagram Eights are a more hedonistic and relaxedversion of Type Eight or a more focused version of ENFP. These two personality types complement each other well. The intuitive insights of ENFPs and the willpower of Eight often result in highly accomplished individuals.

Thus, these ENFPs use their intuition to pave their way to success and don’t waste time just exploring ideas. They want results, instinctively feel what works and what doesn't, and are often irritated as people around them are not as insightful as they are, causing them to slow down.

These individuals make decisions swiftly based on momentary flashes of intuition. They are deeply attuned to their inner power, so they rarely feel insecure or fearful. The only thing they are afraid of is that someone may take advantage of them.

As for their desires, they work hard to achieve a position of power, and once they have ensured their stability and the protection of those they care about, they are ready to give in to the delights that life has to offer.

#9. ENFP Enneagram Type 9

ENFP Enneagram Nines are a calmer version of ENFPs. They have a more pronounced capacity for compassion, and they take the quality of their interpersonal connections more seriously than typical ENFPs.

They also differ from the typical ENFP in that they do not desire exciting new experiences. Instead, they would much rather have a secure haven to which they can always retreat. Enneagram 9 hobbies such as hiking, yoga, or journaling can help them cultivate this sense of peace and provide the quiet reflection they often seek.

These ENFPs have a hard time saying "no", especially to the people they care about, which makes them an easy target for people who want to manipulate them. This is because they would rather deal with dishonesty and humiliation than conflict and confrontation.

However, they will eventually become exhausted by this behavior, and at this point, they will start to experience genuine personal growth.

The mere thought of being deserted leaves these ENFPs in complete horror. Their entire approach to life is geared toward ensuring that they are never left alone. It should therefore come as no surprise that their deepest aspirations are to achieve inner peace, find stability in their lives, and live in harmony with their surroundings.

The Most and Least Common ENFP Enneagram Types

Least Common ENFP Enneagram

ENFPs are all about expressing their feelings and experiencing life to the fullest. When combined with their emotions, their powerful intuition gives them an unparalleled creative edge. Naturally, the extroverted, sensitive Enneatypes are more prevalent among them than the logical, introverted ones. So, let’s see what the most common ENFP Enneagram types are.

The Most Common ENFP Enneagram Types

Sevens are the most common Enneagram personality type among ENFPs. Their imaginative, adaptable, and passionate nature perfectly encapsulates ENFPs. The second most common type is the sensitive, emotional Two, while the eccentric Four comprise a sizeable portion of ENFPs.

The Least Common ENFP Enneagram Types

Fives, Eights, and Sixes are highly uncommon among ENFPs because it is quite difficult for a single personality to contain such contrasting qualities as these. Fives are logical, observant, and introverted, Sixes are consumed by their need for security, and Eights are all about power and independence—all of which are very atypical for ENFPs.


After reading the descriptions we provided, it may seem like we are talking about nine different personality types. That’s because we wanted to focus on the differences. However, all these variations are merely different ways an ENFP may express its core nature.

It would be very hard for an ENFP to be reserved and withdrawn, so naturally introverted Enneatypes like Fives are quite rare among them. It would also be a challenge for an ENFP to be as detail-oriented as a Six or focused and practical like an Eight, which explains why, aside from Fives, Sixes and Eights are the rarest Enneagram types among ENFPs.

The Enneagram Type Seven is the one that corresponds to ENFP the most naturally, but Twos and Fours are also not that uncommon.