26 June 2023
The energetic and ambitious ENTJs go straight for the prize—they are very articulate when it comes to what they want from life. So, it is not too hard to assume all the most common ENTJ Enneagram overlaps since not many Enneagram types share such drive and determination.
These natural-born leaders are easy to spot in the crowd. Regardless of the circumstance, they will always look in control and ready to take charge. However, there are no two identical ENTJs. Variations in some personality dimensions can be more or less pronounced depending on which Enneagram type they identify with.
So, let’s see how each of the Enneagrams supports ENTJs' key functions.
ENTJs are bold leaders who think on their feet and rely largely on logic when making key decisions. Their sharp minds, supported by a strong intuition, allow them to read other people easily. This ability allows them not only to adapt quickly to new surroundings but also to manipulate others when they find it necessary.
Moreover, they are very goal-oriented and passionate when it comes to success. However, they may easily lose touch with their emotions and even struggle to understand how they feel. Letting other people witness their vulnerability is their worst nightmare.
The bottom line is, if we had to describe an ENTJ in just a few words, we would say that ambition, a logical mind, and an extroverted nature are their key traits.
Depending on how driven and rational they are, some Enneatypes will make ENTJs stronger, while other, more emotional ones will add some different dimensions to these energetic commanders.
Type One makes ENTJs even more hardworking and diligent but adds more nuance to their motivation. This ENTJ will be motivated not only by success but also by moral ideals and a higher purpose. Ones also make ENTJs more prone to respecting rules and procedures, which they otherwise have a tendency to avoid, as they slow them down.
Enneagram One raises the bar when it comes to ENTJs’ standards in every sense, as they will never settle for anything but the absolute best. Since being the best requires more perseverance, these ENTJs will be more willing to follow through than typical ENTJs who want to see results as quickly as possible. Therefore, their self-control will be admirable.
While refining ENTJs’ natural drive, Ones will also make them slightly less extraverted. Compared to typical ENTJs, these individuals may be a little more introspective and difficult to approach.
As for their core fears and desires, they will be pretty much the same. ENTJ Enneagram One wants to have power and influence while serving as a moral role model in their community, while failure will be their worst nightmare.
ENTJs and Enneagram Twos don’t have a lot in common apart from the ability to lead and take huge responsibility upon their shoulders. These ENTJs will be more compassionate and caring than regular ENTJs and more inclined to protect their loved ones.
However, Enneagram Two will sharpen ENTJs’ already strong intuition, so these people may be brilliant when it comes to manipulating others in both positive and negative ways. While they may use this intuition to inspire others to give their best, they may also occasionally resort to using it for their own gain.
Generally, ENTJ Twos will show more understanding for other people’s flaws and be more patient and kinder in their relationships. For instance, an Enneagram 2 female ENTJ might balance her drive for success with a nurturing approach, making her more empathetic towards her team. They may believe they must earn other people’s love by being successful, so their biggest desires will revolve around earning the love of others through their achievements. As for their fears, failure will still be their biggest dread.
Threes share many key traits with ENTJs, so an ENTJ Enneagram Three will be similar to a typical ENTJ in many ways. These people are charming, driven, and competitive, never losing sight of their goals. Sociable and charismatic, they are often popular in their environment, and people like to be around them for different reasons.
ENTJ Enneagram Threes will always strive to rise above mediocrity, sometimes at any cost. For that reason, they may push themselves too hard or resort to shady, shorter paths to success. Like many overachievers, they are also, at least partly, motivated by deep insecurity, which is mainly the reason why they sometimes pull tricks instead of simply working hard.
Their passion for success often extends beyond their professional lives and into their personal interests. Many ENTJ Threes engage in hobbies such as competitive sports, martial arts or strategic games like chess.
Threes have trouble staying in touch with their feelings, and ENTJs are naturally inclined to use their logic more than their heart, so it may be particularly challenging for ENTJ Threes to understand and express their authentic emotions. Moreover, their need for social validation only makes things even harder.
So, it is not hard to conclude that ENTJ Enneagram Threes dread the mere idea of failure and dreams of achieving the magnificent success that everyone will admire.
Enneagram Fours share little with the extroverted, ambitious ENTJs. For this reason, ENTJ Fours will be unusually sensitive and introspective and significantly less oriented toward people. However, their need for external validation will stay strong, so they will strive not just to be the best but to achieve something so unique that other people are amazed.
Their self-confidence may be strongly associated with some unique talent or skill they have, and they often spend their lives developing in a specific area of their interest. Enneagram Fours will also not be so motivated to lead others as much as they will hate the thought of having to obey authorities.
The ENTJs’ typical fear of failure will be fueled by the Four’s typical fear of being flawed, so their combination variant will be extremely motivated to hide their weaknesses by overworking themselves. What they desire the most is to achieve a unique level of expertise in their areas of interest so that no one ever doubts their worthiness.
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The cerebral Fives will boost the ENTJs’ thinking function, making their minds even sharper. Because of this, ENTJ Enneagram Fives will be more calculated, analytical, observant, and prone to technical sciences, sharing the sharp intellectual engagement typically seen in ESFPs, though the latter are more action-oriented and sociable.
Though they may seem very different at first, both Fives and ENTJs strive for power, but in entirely different ways. Fives believe that knowledge will ensure their independence, while ENTJs believe that success is power. As a result, Fives will tame the ENTJ’s typical impulsivity and lead them to achieve more stable results.
Less extraverted than regular ENTJs and more prone to introspection, the ENTJ Five will be fiercely independent and detached in their relationships with other people. Their close circle may be very small, and they will struggle even more with showing their feelings even to the people they feel safe with.
Since Five's deepest fear is being incompetent, these ENTJs will strive to acquire various skills and achieve a high level of expertise in the desired fields. They dread the idea of having to rely on someone and dream of becoming unmatchable experts in their areas of interest.
Sixes are mostly defined by their fears and anxiety, so they will make ENTJs more turbulent, unstable, and insecure. Though they may hide it under their cool exterior, these ENTJs will be very indecisive and fearful at times, especially when it comes to taking risks.
On a more positive side, ENTJ Enneagram Sixes will be more loyal, steady, and family-oriented than regular ENTJs. They will take greater care of their friends and loved ones and ensure they are protected. Unlike a typical ENTJ who can find their way out of any situation with their words, ENTJ Enneatype Six will be more honest and trustworthy.
Moreover, these ENTJs will also be more strategic and serious in their approach to life. They will stick with large systems and organizations and feel at their best when they are at the top of a reputable corporation or public company.
In this particular type variation, the ENTJs’ basic fear of failing extends to the concern that others will let them down. However, their core desire will remain the same—they will still want to achieve success but will be less prone to risking everything for the sake of prestige and status. In other words, they just like to play it safe. Just like how this blend of traits makes for a unique ENTJ, our Enneagram 6 memes humorously show how various Enneagram types handle stress and insecurity.
ENTJ Enneagram Sevens will be rather attractive, charming, and adventurous. The Seven’s enthusiasm and ENTJs’ ambition pair to create a personality driven by novelty. Therefore, these ENTJs will be more relaxed and eager to feel the joy of life. Success comes easily to this type, so they are not so concerned with it.
ENTJ Enneagram Sevens are also very energetic, upbeat people who need constant stimulation and often have trouble following through. They are great at initiating things, but persistence isn’t their strongest suit. However, what they lose in terms of steadiness, they gain in terms of creativity, as they are full of innovative ideas.
Because of the Seven’s spontaneous and somewhat chaotic nature, these ENTJs may resemble ENTPs. They are more organized than it seems at first glance and often have some unique way in which they structure their time.
Finally, since both ENTJs and Sevens have trouble handling their feelings, ENTJ Sevens’ deepest fears will revolve around being vulnerable and facing unpleasant emotions. Their deepest desire is to live an exciting life full of exciting adventures, glorious victories, and lots of fun.
The power-driven Eights accentuate all the typical ENTJ’s traits—their willpower, drive, and ambition. These individuals are a force of nature—when they focus on something, they are unstoppable. On top of that, because of their bold strength and straightforward nature, they often come across as intimidating.
ENTJ Enneagram Eights usually display such impressive self-confidence that people around them almost instantly accept them as leaders. They are willing to do the work and take responsibility without thinking twice. When they face an obstacle or failure, they rise like phoenixes and achieve even more impressive success afterward.
These people never take “no” for an answer, and precisely because they refuse to accept defeat, they are extremely resourceful and persistent. Because they are so fiercely focused on their goals, others often perceive them as arrogant and brash.
They don’t fear failure as much as they fear being betrayed by people they trust. When something like that happens, they may become very aggressive and rude. When it comes to their deepest desires, they want to be the rulers of their destinies, independent from any authority.
ENTJ Enneagram Nines are not so concerned with being in charge and find it easier to let others take the lead in some circumstances. Their vision of success is different from that of a typical ENTJ, and these people want to live in harmony with everyone, especially with themselves.
Since Nines have a soft spot for the underdog, these ENTJs may be more prone to defending the weak, unlike a typical ENTJ who hates to see weakness both in others and in themselves.
Moreover, ENTJ Enneagram Nines will surely be more compassionate, though not often in an obvious way. They may be driven to pursue a career in which they will use their strong drive for success to defend and stand up for those in need.
On the one hand, these ENTJs will be more easygoing and adaptable, and on the other, they will be way more stubborn when it comes to changes and innovation. That’s because they are more concerned with peace than a typical ENTJ. They may also enjoy Enneagram 9 hobbies such as reading, gardening, or practicing yoga, as these activities help them maintain a sense of inner peace and balance amidst their busy lives.
As for their deepest fears and desires, ENTJ Enneatype Nine dreads the thought of being abandoned and often believes that others will leave them unless they are successful. However, they will dream of a different kind of success—the kind that brings peace and stability into their worlds.
As we could see above, ENTJs can be any Enneagram type. However, some Enneagram types are more common among ENTJs than others. Let’s see which ones.
The most common Enneagram types among ENTJs are Threes and Eights.
The competitive Threes have all the typical ENTJ traits like charisma, drive, and leadership abilities, so it is natural that many ENTJs identify as Enneagram Threes. Eights also take up a large portion of all ENTJs because they are very power-driven, too, and have a lot in common with regular ENTJs.
Of these two, ENTJ Enneagram Eight will be more self-assured and domineering, while ENTJ Enneagram Three will be more sociable and charming.
The least common ENTJ Enneagram types are, unsurprisingly, Fours and Fives.
Fours, who are introverted and deeply concerned with finding a deeper meaning to life, have so little in common with a typical ENTJ, who is all about success and impressing other people.
Fives are also highly introverted and couldn’t care less for social status and prestige, which is quite the opposite of a regular ENTJ who works hard to earn a privileged position.
Boldness, ambition, and charisma are some of the ENTJs’ key traits, yet there is a lot more nuance to their characters, especially when they are compared to their Enneagram counterparts.
The largest portion of ENTJs will identify with either Enneagram Type Three or Enneagram Type Eight, as hardly any other Enneatype displays such energy and drive. On the other hand, it is almost unthinkable for an ENTJ to self-identify as either a Four or a Five on the Enneagram,so both ENTJ Enneagram Fours and ENTJ Enneagram Fives are highly uncommon.
The bottom line is, if you understand the core ENTJ meaning, you’ll easily grasp how this type combines with any Enneagram personality type!
26 June 2024
2 January 2025