Enneagram Type 2 Compatibility With Other Enneagram Types

27 September 2023

enneagram 2 compatibility

If anyone could teach us about love and relationships, that would be the generous Enneagram Type Two, also called the Helper or the Giver. Since these people are so well-versed in the art of making every relationship flourish, there’s surely a lot to discuss regarding Enneagram 2 compatibility with the other Enneatypes.

However, the fact that Two can make any relationship work does not mean that any given relationship is ideal for them. Read on as we explore which Enneagram types encourage Twos to develop and which types inspire the worst in them.

Let’s kick in!

Enneagram Type 2 in Love and Relationships

For Enneagram Type 2, love and relationships are what makes life worth living. They are loving, caring, and attentive partners who can anticipate and fulfill their partners' needs without asking for anything in return. An Enneagram 2 male exemplifies these qualities uniquely. No matter what kind of relationship they are in, Twos always put other people’s needs first.

While they can inspire the best in everyone, they also have a huge capacity to put up with the worst in everyone, which may lead them to emotional burnout. Therefore, it is essential for Helpers to learn to establish healthy boundaries.

Let’s briefly review what they need in relationships:

  • Reciprocity. Though selfless and genuinely generous, Twos dream of finding someone who is just as devoted as they are. Since they always go out of their way to support others, these people crave someone who would do the same for them.
  • Respect. Kind and understanding, Twos are often taken for granted. While they are aware of the unfair treatment they get, they rarely stand up for themselves. For this reason, they need someone who will show them not only love but also the respect, appreciation, and recognition they deserve.
  • Closeness. Twos enjoy both emotional and physical closeness. They need open communication and validation of their needs to feel safe in a relationship. Because they have a profound fear of being abandoned, these individuals require a great deal of reassurance and frequent demonstrations of love and loyalty.

If you're interested in understanding the nature of Type Two with a touch of humor, our collection of Enneagram 2 memes is perfect.

Enneagram 2 Compatibility With Every Enneagram Type

Enneagram 2 Compatibility With Every Enneagram Type

After understanding Type Two’s needs in a relationship, we can move on to exploring Enneagram 2 compatibility with each Enneagram Type. Before we delve into details about each possible combination, here is a quick Enneagram 2 compatibility chart:

Enneagram Types




Type Two & Type One


Mutual support, sense of purpose

Criticism, pressure

Type Two & Type Two


Deep, mutual understanding

Lack of attraction

Two & Type Three


Inspiring connection, attraction

Lack of emotional support

Type Two & Type Four


Deep emotional connection

Lack of boundaries and direction

Type Two & Type Five


Mutual respect

Conflict of lifestyles and goals

Type Two & Type Six


Shared needs, mutual support

Mutual insecurities

Type Two & Type Seven


Excitement and fun

Emotional neglect

Type Two & Type Eight


Strong attraction, mutual support, and understanding


Type Two & Type Nine


Emotional stability

Mutual compliance

Type 2 and Type 1

Enneagram 2 compatibility with Type 1 is high despite their many differences because they complement each other perfectly. Twos enjoy the respect and appreciation Ones give them, and Ones melt thanks to Twos’ warmth and generosity. This dynamic is especially notable in relationships involving an Enneagram 2 female, who often embodies nurturing qualities that enhance the partnership.

Moreover, Ones provide structure, direction, and healthy boundaries in a relationship, making Twos feel safe and, therefore, even more giving and supportive. Twos feel protected and accepted by Ones and deeply admire their moral principles and high standards. Together, these two often bring many positive changes to their communities.

Conflicts may arise when Ones are under stress and, therefore, too critical and demanding. Their criticism is very painful for Twos, who already do so much to please other people and meet their needs. However, since both Ones and Twos value open communication, they are more than capable of overcoming all obstacles together.

Additionally, they also make excellent business partners since both are responsible, diligent, and hardworking.

Type 2 and Type 2

Type 2 and Type 2

Enneagram 2 compatibility with Type Two is high because they understand each other beyond words. Their relationship is full of kindness and warmth, so these two know how precious love is and do their best to nurture it. They enjoy spending quality time together, snuggled up in each other's arms.

However, though both of them know how to build strong and lasting connections, they may lack the initial spark—the flame that pushes us into the relationship. For this reason, it may take time before passion develops between them.

Yet, when it does, they don’t wait long to put a ring on their love and create a big, happy family. And, if it doesn’t, they can always be great friends or business partners.

The biggest challenge to their relationship is that both tend to swallow up their anger until they explode instead of communicating directly what bothers them. Yet, since they are both willing to grow, they eventually learn how to overcome such issues.

Type 2 and Type 3

The compatibility between Type 2 and Type 3 is often based on strong physical attraction and shared goals. Both Twos and Threes exert significant influence in their social circles, but Twos do it behind the scenes while Threes take the limelight. For this reason, they fit together like two pieces of the same puzzle, though their emotional natures are totally different.

While Twos feel good giving and supporting their Type Three partner, Threes may sometimes forget who has their back while they are enjoying the applause. Therefore, this relationship requires maturity from both sides to really work.

Threes have to overcome their need for glory and learn to put their real emotional needs first, and Twos need to learn to assert their boundaries and prevent being taken for granted. If they manage to grow together, they can become a powerful couple that makes waves in their social circles.

Other than the romantic context, relationships between Twos and Threes are often very productive, and they make lucrative business partnerships, too.

Type 2 and Type 4

Enneagram 2 Compatibility

Enneagram 2 compatibility with Type 4 is based on mutual understanding. While, in theory, it makes sense to expect they will adore each other and fit perfectly, in reality, their connection is often unstable and unpredictable.

Fours surely benefit from Twos’ emotional stability and support, but Twos, while fascinated with Four’s uniqueness, don’t really enjoy their impulsivity and moodiness.

In general, the relationship between them often follows a pattern where Two plays a parent to the creative yet unpredictable Four. Eventually, Twos might get tired of constantly reminding Fours of the basic necessities of everyday life, while Fours might feel smothered.

In an ideal case, this might be a relationship between an artist and their muse, where Four is the artist and Two is the muse. However, for this to happen, both of them must overcome their weaknesses to a significant level.

Relationship harmony can be achieved, but only with great patience and a willingness to learn and adapt, despite their initial intuitive understanding. This is why it is more common for Twos and Fours to be friends than romantic partners.

Type 2 and Type 5

The compatibility between Type 2 and Type 5 is based on mutual respect, but these two don’t understand each other easily. Twos look for dominant, strong partners, as they unconsciously seek protection, and Fives don’t typically fit the description of a fearless protector.

Because of this, these two do not click right away; rather, their connection develops gradually over time. But when it does develop, it is like something out of a slow-burn romance novel, where fate gradually brings the protagonists together.

And, if they are both mature enough, Twos might be inspired by Fives’ thirst for knowledge to grow and develop, while Fives may learn to loosen up a bit and enjoy life more thanks to Twos’ kindness and warmth.

In general, such relationships depend on external factors since neither Twos nor Fives will insist on it. Independent and intellectually oriented Fives are too proud to show affection, and Twos need more than an inspiring conversation to warm up to someone.

Type 2 and Type 6

Enneagram Type 2 and Type 6

The compatibility between Six and Two is based on shared values, lifestyles, and emotional needs. These two hit it off pretty quickly, as they understand each other without too many words. Both want a steady and serious relationship, and both are very committed, so the topic of marriage easily comes up to them.

Twos love how honest, attentive, and caring Sixes are and feel like they finally found someone who can reciprocate. Sixes, on the other hand, enjoy the support and deep emotional connection they have with Two and finally feel safe with someone. Plus, they often have very similar lifestyles and easily make everyday arrangements.

However, as much as they look like a match made in heaven, they have their share of challenges, too.

Under stress, Sixes become overly reactive and sensitive, while Twos may feel inadequate because no amount of love or support they offer is enough to make Six feel good. In addition, Sixes might feel threatened by Twos' more advanced social abilities. Therefore, the two should be prepared to talk openly about their fears.

Type 2 and Type 7

Enneagram 2 compatibility with Type 7 mostly resembles an impossible romantic love drama. Twos look for real love, connection, appreciation, and security, while Sevens want excitement, fun, and adventure.

Twos may fall for the Sevens’ seductive, playful spirit but soon feel hurt as the Sevens' interest quickly moves on to a different topic, person, or destination. Depending on their age and maturity, Twos might get hooked on playing the “catch me if you can” game with Sevens, while Sevens never really plan to be caught.

So, this can easily turn into a heartbreaking story. But if Enneagram 2 and 7 are both mature, Twos overcome their fear of abandonment, and Sevens overcome their fear of intimacy, they could grow into an energetic couple who knows how to have fun well into old age.

In business, however, this can be a very lucrative partnership in which Twos’ support and care inspire the best in creative Sevens, and they both enjoy the results of their efforts. Intuitively, Twos will usually choose platonic friendships over romantic relationships with Sevens.

Type 2 and Type 8

Enneagram Type 2 and Type 8

Enneagram 2 compatibility with Type 8 is based on passion and deep, instinctual understanding of each other’s needs. Since Twos are the essence of feminine energy and Eights represent the archetypal male energy, their relationship symbolizes the union of the female and male principles.

Though they seem like complete opposites at first glance, they are actually like two sides of the same coin. Twos have the emotional depth and stability Eights need to open up to someone, while Eights bring passion, direction, and energy into the relationship. Twos enjoy feeling protected and taken care of, while Eights see Twos as their ultimate safe haven.

The chemistry between Enneagram 2 and 8 is strong, and they easily build lasting, quality relationships. Eights’ jealousy and possessiveness and Twos’ insecurity are just a few rocks they face on their way to a harmonious relationship.

In whichever context they meet, they easily find a common language and soon feel a physical attraction to each other. As time passes, they grow into a power couple everyone looks up to.

Type 2 and Type 9

Enneagram 2 compatibility with Type Nine is inspired by shared values and similar lifestyles. Both value peace and harmony and know how to create a pleasant atmosphere in a relationship. They also share a strong hedonistic streak, so they experience a lot of joy together.

However, since both are very compliant and conflict-avoidant, the very things that brought them together could be the things that stand between them unless they learn to communicate openly. That is no easy feat, given that conflicts trigger each partner's worst fears of being abandoned.

At the same time, they are each other’s strongest support because each has what the other needs to feel safe. Nines are deeply accepting and full of appreciation for Twos' love and devotion, while Twos are calm and patient, which is what Nines need to flourish.

So, in general, Twos and Nines make great couples in every context. They are good friends, romantic partners, and business associates since their natures complement each other.

Key Takeaways

Before you conclude who Enneagram 2 should marry, let us just remind you that a happy, fulfilling, and harmonious relationship is possible between any two Enneagram types. It all depends on how motivated partners are to work on their issues.

With that in mind, here are some key insights about Enneagram 2 compatibility:

  • Besides other Twos, Ones, Eights, Sixes, and Nines are the Enneagram 2 most compatible partners. They feel an instant attraction to Eights, enjoy the stability Ones offer, and share goals and lifestyles with Sixes and Nines.
  • Enneagram 2 least compatible partners are Fives and Sevens, whose independent and adventurous nature triggers Two’s deepest fear of abandonment.
  • Relationships with Fours may be too emotionally draining for Twos, and in relationships with Threes, Twos may easily feel taken advantage of.

For more detailed insights into the compatibility of other Enneagram types, explore our other articles: