How to Recognize an Unhealthy Enneagram 1+ How to Fix It

20 October 2023

unhealthy enneagram 1

A healthy Enneagram Type One is easy to recognize—neat, impeccably dressed, and perfectly organized. However, an unhealthy Enneagram 1 isn’t as easy to spot.

In this piece, we will investigate what goes down when One's neatly stacked sock drawers become a jumble and when their color-coded schedules collide as they realize that perfection is out of reach.

Come along as we explore the unpredictable behaviors of unhealthy Enneagram 1s and learn what sets them off, as well as how they can get back on the right track.

How Does a Healthy Enneagram 1 Look Like?

A healthy Enneagram Type One, also known as the Perfectionist, is an example of ethics, integrity, and high moral standards in their community.

Healthy Ones lead organized lives dedicated to the betterment of humankind on the local or global level, regardless of their profession. They selflessly invest their energy and power to make the world a better place in all the ways they know.

Instead of harsh criticism, healthy Enneatype Ones aim to understand other people as well as themselves. Wise and compassionate, they see mistakes as lessons and willingly learn from them.

Though they can’t settle until they do what they believe is right and correct all the wrongs, they make room for other people’s and their own feelings along the way.

Finally, healthy perfectionists set boundaries and are self-aware enough to know when to pursue change actively and when to back off and let events unfold as they will. They encourage and uplift others rather than force their own subjective standards on them.

To explore Type One traits with a dash of humor, visit the Enneagram 1 Memes page!

8 Signs of Unhealthy Enneagram 1

8 Signs of Unhealthy Enneagram 1

Due to their tendency to bottle up their emotions for so long, it can be difficult to spot the warning signs of an unhealthy Enneagram 1. In general, they may sometimes look like unhealthy Fours, but there are many more variations to their behaviors.

That’s why we’ve decided to list the most prominent as well as the most subtle signs of an unhealthy Enneagram 1.

#1. Unhealthy Ones Repress Their Anger

Enneagram Type One belongs to the Enneagram body/gut triad together with Types Eight and Nine, which means their core emotion is anger. However, unlike Eights, who express their rage, Ones hold their anger in, repress it, and direct it inwardly.

This repressed anger then comes out in the form of severe self-criticism, irritability, rigidity in attitude, and intolerance. Unhealthy Type Ones blindly insist on following rules even when these rules are obviously harmful and do nothing but slow them down.

#2. Unhealthy Ones Overthink

Unhealthy Ones overthink because they want to be sure they are doing the right thing.

However, since things are rarely black and white in the real world, Ones may often find it extremely hard to separate right from wrong. Unhealthy Ones’ inner critic is extremely intense, and they feel a huge pressure to perform perfectly in every sense.

For all these reasons, unhealthy Type Ones easily get paralyzed by overthinking every decision and move, unable to move forward as nothing seems good enough.

#3. Unhealthy Ones Lack Self-Compassion

Unhealthy Enneagram 1s lack self-compassion because their inner critic completely takes over. They can’t understand that not every mistake is catastrophic, and they punish and scold themselves for even the slightest issues.

If, for example, they take the bus instead of driving to work and end up being late, they resent themselves for not going by car.

For this reason, unhealthy Enneagram 1s feel guilty all the time despite the fact that they invest all their effort to perform perfectly and do the right thing.

#4. Unhealthy Ones Procrastinate

Recognizing Unhealthy Enneagram - Procastination

Unhealthy Ones procrastinate because they find it hard to decide what the best way to do things is, and they believe mistakes are absolutely unacceptable. So, they feel the safest in this space between the decision and action, as no mistake has yet been made, and perfection still seems possible.

Another reason why they may be prone to procrastination is that they focus too much on irrelevant details, striving to conform to their own impossible standards of perfection.

#5. Unhealthy Ones Judge Harshly

Enneagram 1, when unhealthy, acts as both the accuser and the judge, condemning other people without mercy and sticking rigidly to their subjective moral standards. They refuse to consider different perspectives and easily label other people as morally inadequate.

In their value system, anyone who does not adhere to their strict moral code becomes the target of their paranoid suspicion.

They may even develop a so-called tunnel vision, taking their own standards as the only right way to do things, and their suppressed anger pushes them to judge and punish anyone who dares not to comply with those standards in any sense.

#6. Unhealthy Ones Are Prone to Hypocrisy

In their darkest moments, Ones may succumb to their repressed desires, which they previously labeled as “bad” or “wrong” in some way, though in most cases, these desires are just natural. For this reason, they may, for example, secretly indulge in pornography while publicly condemning sexual indulgence.

They could also develop other unhealthy habits like binge eating, excessive drinking, or substance abuse for the same reason while they publicly preach moderation and health. What’s particularly dangerous about this is that they tend to isolate themselves when they succumb to these vices, diminishing their chances of getting help.

#7. Unhealthy Ones Find It Impossible to Unwind

Unhealthy Ones Find It Impossible to Unwind

Ones have endless to-do lists and are compelled to soldier on until they cross every item on their agenda. But eventually, they get exhausted from constantly carrying so much on their shoulders, and then they strike an unhealthy path.

When that happens, they either become pushy and domineering, imposing their tasks on other people, or insist on handling everything themselves even when that’s not necessary at all. As a result, they become bitter and resentful and see everyone around them as lazy and incompetent.

#8. Unhealthy Ones Display the “Savior” Complex

Ones have a strong desire to exert dominance over everything and everyone in their immediate vicinity. They have an overwhelming urge to control the actions of those around them, telling them what to do, where to go, and how to act. It is common for Ones to feel responsible for making up for the mistakes or incompetence they attribute to others.

They might redo work already done by others or refuse to delegate, thereby dampening the responsibility of those around them. People may experience feelings of futility and despondency in the presence of One. The One's incessant efforts to find fault or "fix" things can demoralize those around them by stifling their own initiative.

What Triggers Unhealthy Enneagram 1 Patterns?

Unhealthy Enneagram 1 Triggers - Criticism

Every Enneagram type can act in a healthy and unhealthy way. When an Enneatype starts displaying their unhealthy behaviors, it means something triggered them and made them feel very vulnerable. Unhealthy behaviors of the Enneagram types are really just misapplied survival strategies.

Here are some common triggers for unhealthy Enneagram 1:

  • Criticism. Since they are already too self-critical, any form of criticism easily sets Ones off. They immediately spiral into feeling unworthy, flawed, and wrong in all kinds of ways.
  • Injustice. Ones feel responsible and compelled to right all the wrongs in the world, so they take every injustice personally. This is very exhausting and easily leads to emotional burnout.
  • Chaos. When they find it impossible to maintain order and structure for too long, Ones feel stressed out and angry at the world.
  • Lack of recognition. Though they are genuinely inspired by high ideals about justice and morality, Ones crave recognition for their efforts to make the world a better place and feel lost when they don’t get it.

How Can Enneagram 1 Resolve Their Unhealthy Behaviors?

The first issue an unhealthy Enneagram 1 should address is repressed anger.

They learned very early in life that anger is an undesirable, “bad” emotion, and their first reflex is to swallow and ignore it. Only when they become aware of their anger and what triggers it will they open the door to healthy growth and development.

And when that happens, when Ones realize that all that pent-up anger is directed toward the first people in their lives who taught them to repress it, they will find more compassion and understanding, both for themselves and the people around them.

While they usually believe they just have to push harder and stick tighter to their high standards to win approval, respect, and love, exactly the opposite is true.

No one judges them as hard as they judge themselves, nor does anyone expect that level of perfection. Ones don’t even need compassion from others; they need it from themselves.

For Ones, self-compassion is like a panacea that helps them relieve all their issues. Ones who achieve this level of self-compassion easily find a way to handle their anger with grace and calm dignity. Instead of judging and condemning other people, they become inspiration and support for everyone who crosses their path.

How to Deal with an Unhealthy Enneagram

Dealing with an unhealthy Enneagram 1 requires a lot of tact, patience, and genuine kindness. They’ve built a thick wall around themselves to protect themselves from perceived criticism of others, so it may take some time before they realize the criticism is coming from within and not from the outside world.

Therefore, never criticize One’s behavior, no matter how much they deserve it. Instead, offer them compassion, show them how you learned from your own mistakes, and prove to them that they don’t have to be perfect to be loved and accepted.

One can learn a lot from a healthy relationship with a mature person, regardless of whether that’s a friend, partner, or coworker. The easiest way to learn self-compassion is by example.

Make room for them to feel and express their anger by sharing what makes you angry. Create a safe space where they will be able to reconnect with their feelings and act from a more authentic place.

Key Takeaways

So, in general, it is safe to say that for Ones mistakes are truly a blessing. Only through mistakes can they see that perfection is not only unattainable but also completely unnecessary.

The biggest changes and insights they make in their lives usually come to them after their biggest disappointments.

Now, let’s conclude with some key insights about the unhealthy traits of Enneagram 1:

  • The biggest catalysts for unhealthy Enneagram 1 patterns are criticism, injustice, chaos, and lack of recognition.
  • An unhealthy Enneagram 1 looks like a grumpy, rigid, and resentful old person, even when they are in their early 20s. They despise the imperfect world and see everyone around them as incompetent.
  • The path to healing for Ones starts with acknowledging their repressed anger and slowly starting to address it.

If you're interested in learning more about unhealthy Enneagram types, be sure to explore these related articles: