23 February 2024
Enneagram Type One, also called the Perfectionist, is primarily driven by the need to do everything right. Ones take life extremely seriously, which, however, doesn’t mean they can’t be funny.
Enneagram 1 memes will allow us to look at the Perfectionist's nature from a completely new perspective and hopefully inspire Type One to laugh instead of ruminate over their mistakes!
Moreover, humor is one of the best ways for Enneagram Type One to learn to relax and enjoy life more.
So, let’s explore the funny side of the Perfectionist personality type through some funny Enneagram 1 memes!
These Enneagram 1 memes will make the Perfectionist chuckle and possibly even rethink some of their priorities in life! And if you get a rib-tickling sensation while reading these funny memes, our mission of making you laugh is accomplished!
So, let’s see how Enneagram 1 memes portray the Perfectionist character.
Ones often look as though they fulfill their responsibilities with ease, like perfection comes naturally to them. What other people don’t see is the hard work, constant self-examination, and exhausting pressure that they impose on themselves to always perform at their best.
Therefore, even when you are annoyed by their impossible standards, try being kind to Ones, because they surely won’t be kind to themselves.
For Ones, performing perfectly all the time isn’t considered something exceptional. For them, that’s the only way to be. So, when they get praise for doing something they consider normal by their standards, they get completely confused.
So, this Enneagram 1 meme illustrates how, instead of just enjoying the praise, Ones get suspicious and even insecure.
This tendency to question praise or feel suspicious can sometimes lead to misidentification with Enneagram 5, as both types are prone to self-doubt and intellectual analysis, though their core motivations differ.
From questioning what they did to earn praise to doubting the intentions of the person praising them, it takes a while before One learns to simply take the compliment and enjoy it.
This Enneagram 1 meme addresses the core of Enneagram Type One's life strategy: the goal of doing everything perfectly and acting in accordance with the highest moral standards is to shield themselves from criticism by others, particularly those they love and rely on.
So, they believe that by being hard on themselves, they will minimize the possibility of making mistakes and, consequently, other people criticizing them.
Telling Ones that self-compassion is way more powerful than self-criticism would only make them laugh. However, that’s the lesson they are bound to learn sooner or later in life.
Ones go above and beyond to earn other people's respect, trust, and appreciation. Moreover, they believe that the only way to be worthy of those is to embody all the most desirable moral virtues a human can have.
What they fail to understand is that no one is virtuous 24/7 and that the fact that they are not perfect doesn’t make them any less worthy of love and respect. Moreover, their ‘perfection’ actually annoys other people, as no one can live up to One’s perfectionistic standards.
No matter what they achieve or how obvious and positive their achievement is, Ones will always question themselves and their achievements. Thanks to this constant introspection, Ones often find ways to improve themselves and do things in better, more efficient ways.
However, they should bear in mind thattaming their inner critic wouldn’t make them less perfect; it would only allow them to enjoy their achievements more.
Ones are often criticized for not being able to relax and have fun. While that’s not entirely false, the thing is—One’s idea of fun is a bit different than that of most other people. Cleaning, organizing, folding, ironing, and all the housework other people usually avoid or postpone is what most Ones find not only rewarding but fun and enjoyable!
So, if you need help cleaning and organizing your home, don’t hesitate to ask your Type One friend for help—they will be thrilled, and you’ll have your home cleaner and better organized than ever before!
The best way to trigger Enneagram Type One’s stress response is to tell them to just relax and enjoy themselves. Even if they accidentally really relax, their inner critic will not allow them to rest for too long.
So, if you see a Type One sitting peacefully and doing nothing, don’t be fooled into believing they are relaxing. The chances are they are going through their endless to-do lists in their heads, checking if they have really earned a moment of pure relaxation.
If you want to insult Type One, you don’t need to dig deep into psychology; simply suggest that there’s more than one way of doing things. Furthermore, all it takes to turn them into your enemies and spark a major argument is to fold the laundry in a different way than they do while acting as if nothing has happened.
So, if you’re in the mood for a half-hour lecture or a heated argument with Ones, you know what to do—put the teacup in the coffee cup cupboard, load the dishwasher without a specific order, or just get creative and put One’s pink socks in the white socks drawer!
Enneagram Type One belongs to the Enneagram gut triad together with Type Eight and Type Nine, which means their core emotion is anger. The core emotion of each type describes how they react to their needs not being met. Unlike Eights, who express their anger directly, Ones suppress and internalize their anger.
While, in general, internalizing and suppressing anger isn’t the healthiest way to deal with it, Ones still find ways to use it constructively. So, when you see them obsessively cleaning their house, car, or office, stay away; it’s their way of releasing the rage they feel.
Although Perfectionists usually criticize themselves, they are frequently astounded by the things other people let themselves get away with. They honestly struggle to understand that not everyone aspires to perfection like they do.
For this reason, other people often perceive them as cruel and even unfair, which only makes Ones more confused and sometimes even insulted.
In general, healthy Ones are rarely judgmental of other people. However, unhealthy Ones direct their criticism toward everyone and everything that doesn’t align with their idea of perfection.
One example of the hard decisions Ones have to make on a daily basis is whether to:
Though they often intuitively feel they are harming their relationships with other people by constantly telling them what to do, they simply can’t resist the temptation.
Though the primary purpose of this article is to amuse you and offer some valuable insights through relatable memes about One’s nature, bear in mind that personality-type memes are largely based on stereotypes.
Therefore, while they are funny and inspiring, they certainly don’t provide the full picture of the complexity of Type One’s character.
Moreover, they mostly magnify One’s weaknesses, pointing out the humorous side of their character, thus inviting them not to take their flaws too seriously.
26 June 2024
2 January 2025