Enneagram 1 and 5 Misidentification: Knowing the Differences

25 August 2024

enneagram 1 and 5 misidentification

Enneagram 1 and 5 misidentification happens due to the many similar traits and values that Type One (the Perfectionist) and Type Five (the Investigator) share. These two types generally get along well for the exact same reasons why people often mistake them for one another.

In this article, we’ll explore their differences and similarities to understand why Enneagram 1 and 5 misidentification occurs so often.

Why Do Enneagram 1 and 5 Get Misidentified?

Enneagram Types One and Five get misidentified easily because they share many traits and usually behave in similar ways on many occasions.

Before we analyze their differences in order to better understand Enneagram 1 and 5 misidentification, let’s take a look at what they have in common:

  • Independence: Both Fives and Ones are very self-sufficient and value their competence and knowledge a lot because these ensure their independence.
  • Objectivity: These types are also highly rational, objective, and calm, and their attitude toward other people is pretty similar. Both types are usually reserved and cautious (though Fives more than Ones).
  • Discipline: Both the Investigators and the Perfectionists are highly disciplined, responsible, and diligent in everything they do, though they are motivated by completely different needs.
  • Need for Control: Their need for control is also at a similar level, and both have very strong and often inflexible personal boundaries.
  • Strong Intellect: Another important factor that makes them similar and also plays an important role in how they bond with each other is their strong intellect. Both are very intellectually oriented and tend to connect with other people over shared intellectual pursuits and interests.

Bearing this in mind, it’s safe to say that misidentifying Enneagram Type 1 with Enneagram Type 5 isn’t hard at all due to all the traits they have in common.

What Is Enneagram Misidentification?

A person hiding behind a plant

Enneagram misidentification (or Enneagram mistyping) is what happens when someone’s Enneagram type is misinterpreted due to overlapping traits, behaviors, and tendencies. So, for example, it might be fairly easy to confuse two Enneagram types who, for example, belong to the same Enneagram triad.

Enneagram mistyping (including Enneagram 1 and 5 misidentification) can lead to failed opportunities for personal development, misunderstandings, and general confusion.

Therefore, determining your Enneagram type accurately is essential, as it can help you identify your key strengths, overcome your weaknesses, and deal with life challenges more efficiently.

8 Common Reasons for Enneagram Misidentification

There are many reasons for Enneagram misidentification, but these are the most typical ones:

#1. Complexity of Human Personality

Despite all the scientific advances we are witnessing in the modern age, human personality is still a very complex topic. Therefore, it is not realistic to expect that any personality theory can encompass all the diversity, complexity, and intricacy of human nature and human experience in general.

Needless to say, these kinds of limitations inevitably lead to mistakes when categorizing people into types.

#2. Misinterpretation of Motivations

The concept of core motivation and life strategy is essential to Enneagram theory, and all the Enneagram types are categorized primarily according to their different motivations. Each type is motivated by a unique set of needs, desires, fears, and strengths, and their life strategy is based on these.

While many types can behave in similar ways, their core motivation is what always makes the difference and leads them toward different outcomes of their behaviors.

In some cases, different Enneagram types may seem to have very similar motivations, which may also lead to confusion and mistyping. That just makes it more important to develop a sense of the subtle differences that separate one type’s motivation from the other.

#3. Narrow Perceptions and Stereotypes

There are many stereotypes associated with the Enneagram theory. However, though they may seem to make the theory easier to understand, they often lead to confusion and Enneagram misidentification.

Therefore, it is important to understand the basics of the Enneagram system correctly before jumping to conclusions about any personality type.

#4. Influence of Wings, Health Levels, and States

According to the Enneagram theory, each personality type can be influenced by its neighboring types. Based on that, each Enneatype has two subtypes, defined by their neighboring types or the so-called Enneagram wings.

For example, Type One can have Types Two and Nine as their wings and therefore we recognize One with a Two wing (1w2) subtype and One with a 9 wing (1w9) subtype.

Additionally, each personality type goes through different developmental stages and may display some traits of other types at each stage.

#5. Variability in Healthy vs. Unhealthy Types

Each Enneagram type has its own characteristic healthy and unhealthy patterns of behavior. When unhealthy, each of them can behave in atypical ways and, therefore, be easily mistaken for some other Enneatype.

#6. Limitations of Self-Perception

Self-perception is important for determining our personality type, as many personality tests are largely based on it. However,self-perception and self-awareness are also limited by our prejudices, beliefs, fears, and experiences and may not always be the most reliable tools for self-discovery.

#7. Influence of Enneagram Arrows

The concept of Enneagram arrows is another important concept inherent to Enneagram theory. It explains how each type is inclined to develop and regress following specific patterns. As a result, any Enneagram type can come off as the type to which they regress or grow in certain periods of life.

#8. External Influences

External influences are the wild card, and none of us can ever predict the kinds of experiences, events, and relationships that will shape our personalities for good. After all, we are all a unique blend of internal and external factors that constantly influence who we are.

How Are Enneagram 1 and 5 Different?

enneagram 1 and 5 misidentification

Considering the many similarities they share, it may be very challenging to identify how these types are different from each other and avoid Enneagram 1 and 5 misidentification. However, they do differ in many very important ways.

Let’s see some of the biggest differences between Enneagram 1 and 5:

Differences in Traits

Though differences in traits between Ones and Fives are generally very subtle, they still exist. For example, Fives are never as critical toward themselves and others as Ones can be, nor are they as judgmental and demanding.

For Ones, almost everything is a question of morals, whereas Fives are simply focused on being realistic and efficient.

Furthermore, Ones are significantly more ambitious than Fives and, therefore, often take leadership positions, while Fives aren’t at all interested in leading, though it can happen to them.

In addition, it is also important to note the difference in the level of each type’s emotional engagement and reactivity. Ones are significantly more passionate and emotionally invested in everything they do, whereas Fives remain detached and cool.

In addition, Ones aren’t nearly as intellectually curious as Fives are; they are intellectually motivated, but their curiosity isn’t limitless like Fives’.

Understanding Motivations

Different core motivations are essential for understanding the differences between Enneagram One and Enneagram Five. Misidentifying Ones happens just as easily as misidentifying Fives when you don’t understand the concept of Enneagram motivations.

So, here’s an overview of One’s and Five’s core motivations:

  • Type 1 Motivations: Enneagram Type One is essentially motivated by the desire to be morally correct, make the world a better place, and engage in ethical, altruistic endeavors. They believe that they only deserve to be loved, accepted, and respected if they are perfect in a moral sense. As a result, they become perfectionists, dedicated to improving everything around them.
  • Type 5 Motivations: Fives are motivated by the desire to understand the world around them and acquire knowledge. They are deeply afraid of life's unpredictability and unconsciously believe that the more they know about the world, the more they will be in control of their lives.

Behavioral Expressions

Though Ones and Fives may behave similarly in many situations, their behavioral expressions are very diverse and multifaceted. So, here are the essential differences in their behavioral tendencies:

  • Type 1 Behaviors: Ones ensure that their behavior is always appropriate, rarely defying social norms and expectations. Moreover, they are concerned with always doing what’s right, so their behavior reflects their moral perfectionism. Though they are not extroverted, they have no trouble engaging in any kind of conversation because they respect the social code.
  • Type 5 Behaviors: Fives don’t care at all about being morally correct, so their behavior is a lot more unpredictable than that of Ones. They have no trouble defying social rules and expectations, and if they find certain conversations boring, they will simply withdraw without apologizing.

Relationship Needs

Neither Ones nor Fives are particularly concerned with relationships in their lives. However, Ones are more aware of their emotional needs and more invested in building and maintaining close relationships. Meanwhile, Fives are very comfortable being on their own and easily detach from other people.

How to Know Which Enneagram Type You Are?

A jigsaw puzzle with a missing piece - enneagram 1 and 5 misidentification

The best way to know which Enneagram type you are is to become familiar with the theory. Learning what it is based on and how it categorizes people into nine personality types could also help.

The most important thing to understand about the Enneagram theory is that personality types are assigned based on their core motivations and life strategies, not on their behaviors or traits, which are prone to change and modification.

Moreover, the Enneagram highlights each type's psychological motivation, allowing for great flexibility in how each type expresses its core nature.

The next step in accurately determining your type may be a reality check in the form of feedback from your friends. You can ask them to tell you what kind of impression you give off and how they perceive you, and then compare how their perspective of you aligns with yours and with your Enneagram type.

However, by far, the most reliable way to determine your Enneagram type accurately is to take an actual quality Enneagram test. Such a test includes carefully targeted questions and a thorough explanation of your type so that you can easily understand whether you got the wrong type or not.

Key Takeaways

Enneagram 1 and 5 misidentification is a very common phenomenon because Ones and Fives indeed have a lot of similar traits. So, let’s wrap up by highlighting the most important insights about Enneagram 1 and 5 misidentification:

  • The Enneagram theory emphasizes each type’s core life strategy and motivation, not their behavioral tendencies.
  • Ones and Fives are both rational, principled, objective, and practical, but their expressions of these traits may vary in different situations and life stages.
  • The best way to avoid Enneagram 1 and 5 misidentification and identify your Enneagram type accurately is to take a well-rounded Enneagram test and familiarize yourself with the theory.