Best Personal Development Books for Enneagram Types

19 November 2024

personal development books for enneagram types

Since Enneagram is primarily a self-discovery tool, exploring personal development books for Enneagram types can significantly help each type’s soul-searching path. Each of the nine personality types has their typical weaknesses and challenges that accompany them, and targeting those weak spots is essential for their personal growth.

So, in this article, we’ve compiled a list of the best personal development books for Enneagram types that can help each type unlock their full potential.

What is the Enneagram and How Does It Work?

Enneagram is a powerful personality system that originates from ancient, worldwide traditions and blends modern psychology and philosophy influences. The Enneagram as we know it today is the result of the work of Oscar Ichazo, the Bolivian philosopher, and his followers, who continued developing the theory.

The hallmark of the Enneagram is its classification of nine personality types based on their core motivations, weaknesses, and strengths. Some of the most important concepts of the Enneagram include Enneagram wings, Enneagram arrows, and Enneagram motivations, each explaining the nine types from different perspectives.

For instance, Enneagram wings explain how Enneagram subtypes are formed, arrows describe how personality types change and grow, and Enneagram motivations explain what drives each type’s behavior.

By taking an Enneagram test and determining your type, you get a detailed overview of all the most important aspects of your personality that you can use as a tool for self-exploration, development, and growth.

Now, let’s take a look at our selection of the best personal development books for Enneagram types, which is based on each type’s core weaknesses and needs.

Personal Development Books for Each Enneagram Type

A person reading a book

Personal development books for each Enneagram type can be a powerful support on their road to increased self-awareness. So, here are the top suggestions of headlines that can make a difference in each personality type’s life.

Enneagram Type 1

The gifts of imperfection

The Gifts of Imperfection by Brené Brown, book cover image courtesy of Goodreads

Therefore, the first personal development book recommendation for Ones addresses their perfectionism. "The Gifts of Imperfection" by Brené Brown is all about letting go of perfectionism and finding the courage to be vulnerable and imperfect.

It can help Ones understand that perfection was never a real option and that no matter how morally perfect they are, their perfection is no guarantee of happiness.

Another important headline that should find its place on One’s bookshelf is "Radical Acceptance" by Tara Brach. This book can help Ones develop self-compassion and understand the origins of their self-criticism.

Enneagram Type 2

Boundaries - personal development books for enneagram types

Boundaries by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend, book cover image courtesy of Goodreads

Self-respect and personal boundaries are the two most important themes in Enneagram Type Two’s life. They need to overcome their tendency to put others first in every situation and stop sacrificing their own well-being to save their relationships.

“Boundaries” by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend should be the first book on their reading list as it provides practical strategies for setting personal, emotional, mental, and spiritual boundaries.

Another important read for Twos is “Women Who Love Too Much,” written by Robin Norwood. This book addresses codependency and can help Twos become aware of their unhealthy relationship patterns.

Enneagram Type 3

Dare to lead - personal development books for enneagram types

Dare to Lead by Brené Brown, book cover image courtesy of Goodreads

Overcoming the need to impress others and learning to recognize and follow their authentic inner voice is the key to happiness for Enneagram Type Three. Though they usually look like they have it all, Threes experience plenty of emotional turmoil due to their tendency to identify with their achievements.

Two books that can change their lives are “Dare to Lead” by Brene Brown and “Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less” by Greg McKeown.

The first one will help Threes reconnect with their authentic selves, guiding them through vulnerability and encouraging them to bring more heart into their achievements. The second will help Threes prevent burnout and teach them that prioritizing well-being is essential for true success.

Enneagram Type 4

The artists way

The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron, book cover image courtesy of Goodreads

Fours are very sensitive, and the most painful issue they typically deal with is the feelings of inadequacy. They perceive themselves as inherently flawed in some way and are prone to suffering from an inferiority complex.

Therefore, the most essential book that they need to read is the previously mentioned book “The Gifts of Imperfection” by Brene Brown. This book can help Fours learn to love and accept themselves fully and to change perceptions about what they perceive as their flaws.

The second book that should take a special place on their bookshelf is “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron, which will inspire Fours’ creativity and support their soul-searching pursuits.

Enneagram Type 5

When the Body Says No

When the Body Says No by Gabor Maté, book cover image courtesy of Goodreads

The most challenging aspect of Enneagram Type Five personality is their tendency to separate their intellect from their feelings. This leads to various forms of self-neglect that can lead to strained relationships and health issues.

With that in mind, we highly recommend Gabor Mate’s book “When the Body Says No,” which will allow Fives to understand how mind and body are connected. It will also encourage them to learn to listen more to their body signals and take better care of themselves in general.

Another author that Fives would find very inspiring is Viktor E. Frankl and one of his most famous books, “Man’s Search for Meaning.” This timeless classic will tickle Fives’ curiosity and support their search for purpose.

Enneagram Type 6

Not to Worry - personal development books for enneagram types

Not To Worry by Mary McClure Goulding, book cover image courtesy of Goodreads

The responsible, dutiful Sixes tend to worry too much about everything and are one of the most anxiety-prone Enneagram types. They are deeply afraid of the unpredictability of life, and all their efforts are mainly directed toward ensuring they are safe and protected from life’s twists and turns.

The key to happiness for Sixes lies in overcoming their anxieties, and the book “Not to Worry! How to Free Yourself from Unnecessary Anxiety and Channel Your Worries Into Positive Action” by Mary M. Goulding and Robert L. Goulding can be of great help to them. This book provides practical strategies for managing anxiety and letting go of excessive worrying.

In addition, the book “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway” by Susan Jeffers also offers excellent strategies for overcoming all kinds of fears and building confidence.

Enneagram Type 7

Handbook of Emotion Regulation

Handbook of Emotion Regulation by James J. Gross, book cover image courtesy of Goodreads

Sevens see life as a neverending search for joy and excitement, and the only time they start to question themselves is when they experience unpleasant feelings. They lack the skills to face and process negative emotions, which leads them to all kinds of escapistic behaviors.

Therefore, the book they should start their personal growth journey with should be “Handbook of Emotion Regulation” by James J. Gross and Brett Q. Ford. This book provides practical strategies for recognizing and handling one’s emotions and can teach Sevens to process instead of avoiding negative feelings.

The second book recommendation resonates more with Seven’s search for joy. “The Art of Happiness” by Dalai Lama and Howard Cutler can help Sevens balance their pursuit of joy with their emotional and intellectual needs.

Enneagram Type 8

Daring Greatly - personal development books for enneagram types

Daring Greatly by Brené Brown, book cover image courtesy of Goodreads

Type Eight, the Challenger, struggles with vulnerability. Eights are known as strong and fierce, and they are very resilient in stressful situations. However, when it comes to emotional intimacy, they find it very hard to show tenderness and expose their vulnerability.

So, the first book for personal growth for Enneagram Type Eight is “Daring Greatly” by Brene Brown, as it focuses on the courage needed to be vulnerable. It can help Eights understand that only through accepting vulnerability can they maximize their strengths.

Another useful self-help book for Enneagram Type 8 is “The Compassionate Mind by Paul Gilbert,” which can help Eights foster their empathy and connect with others better.

Enneagram Type 9

Disease to please

The Disease to Please by Harriet B. Braiker, book cover image courtesy of Goodreads

Enneagram Type Nine, the Peacemaker, often suffers from inner conflicts. Nines tend to suppress their anger and are ready to do everything to avoid conflicts, which often results in inner turmoil and eventually may make them depressed.

Considering this weakness, the best personal development books for Enneagram Type Nine should address their people-pleasing tendencies. So, their first choice book should be “The Disease to Please” by Dr. Harriet B. Braiker, which provides practical tools and action plans for overcoming people-pleasing patterns.

The book “Codependent No More” is another excellent growth book for Enneagram 9 personality type that can help them build healthier relationships.

Take Your Life In Your Hands

Determine your Enneagram type with our free Enneagram test and get all the tools you need to become the best version of yourself! By learning about your type’s strengths and weaknesses, you’ll be able to unlock all your talents and maximize your potential.

Key Takeaways

Enneagram self-improvement books list can be much longer, but we wanted to target each type’s biggest challenges.

Therefore, personal development books for Enneagram types are selected to bring more self-awareness to each type and provide practical tips for overcoming their weaknesses.

We hope we inspired you to explore your personality and encouraged you to face your most significant issues with courage and confidence!