7 March 2025
Analyzing Modern Family Enneagram types will not only shed new light on the beloved Pritchett-Dunphy clan—it will also deepen your understanding of the Enneagram test and typology.
If you’ve always identified with a particular member of this branched-out family tree, it may be because you share their type. So, in this article, we’ll explore the intricacies of Modern Family Enneagram personality profiles, pinpointing the traits that put each character in a certain category.
Who knows—you may even recognize some of your qualities in one (or more) of them!
The Enneagram is a powerful personality system that categorizes individuals into nine distinct types, each with its core motivations, fears, and behavioral patterns. Unlike other personality models, the Enneagram focuses on deeper psychological drives, helping people gain self-awareness and improve their relationships. By understanding Enneagram types, we can better appreciate the unique traits of ourselves and others—including some of our favorite TV characters.
The Enneagram types of characters from the TV show Modern Familyare rather diverse, ranging from responsible Ones to breezy Sevens, making their interactions fun to watch.
Without further ado, let’s explore their Enneagram profiles in detail:
Photo Credit: ABC
Phil, the easy-going dad of the Modern Family tree, belongs to the Enneagram Type Seven, dubbed the Enthusiast. Given his innate optimism, upbeat attitude, and childlike curiosity, it’s no wonder he seems more like a friend than a parent to his children at times.
Energetic and charismatic, Phil has a magnetic pull on those around him, always coming up with new ways to have fun. This is typical of Sevens, as their ultimate goal is to make each day count and enjoy life to its fullest.
Still, there’s more to Phil than fun and games. He has a strong Enneagram Six wing, reflected by his loyalty to his wife and family. As an Enneagram 7w6, he’s reliable, trustworthy, and takes his commitment to others quite seriously.
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Principled, self-controlled, and responsible, Claire belongs to Enneagram Type One, also known as the Perfectionist. The nickname suits her—she sets high standards for both herself and her family, striving to bring out the best in everyone.
Fortunately, her Enneagram Two wing tones down her strict nature, making her less judgmental and more attuned to other people’s emotions. In addition, her being an Enneagram 1w2 explains her role as the family’s moral guardian.
Despite their differences (or rather because of them), Claire and Phil make a great couple. Their dynamic reflects Ones’ compatibility with Sevens, proving that opposites really attract. Claire's structured mindset helps Phil find a sense of direction, while Phil's playfulness encourages her to let loose.
Photo Credit: ABC
As the ambitious daughter of the Dunphy family, Alex belongs to the Enneagram Type Three, commonly nicknamed the Achiever. She’s on a never-ending quest for knowledge, having realized early on that her intellect would be the trait to gain her the recognition she craves.
Alex’s resolve is admirable, although it can sometimes push her to resort to manipulation to win an argument or get what she wants. She’s also highly competitive, especially with her sister Haley, often using her academic achievements to prove her superiority.
Still, she doesn’t conform to the conventional idea of success—instead of seeking the approval of others, she stays true to herself and her own interests and values. This suggests she’s an Enneagram 3w4—individualistic and authentic but also driven and self-disciplined.
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The free-spirited Luke is another Enthusiast of the Modern Family Enneagram clan. Much like his father, he’s spontaneous, fun-loving, and always on the lookout for a new adventure. In light of this, it’s no surprise that the two of them understand each other so well—in fact, their bond often feels more like that of two partners in crime than a typical father-son dynamic.
With both of them being male Enneagram Sevens with a Six wing, Luke and Phil see the world through a similar lens—when one comes up with an outlandish idea, the other one follows suit. As a child at heart, Phil sees himself in Luke and relates to his carefree nature, encouraging his antics instead of disciplining him.
Photo Credit: ABC
Haley, the eldest child of the Dunphy family, is yet another Enneagram Seven personality type. Bright-natured, outgoing, and sociable, she embodies the very core of the lively Enthusiast—living in the moment and embracing new experiences with open arms.
Like all Sevens, Haley prefers looking forward rather than dwelling on setbacks or unpleasant feelings. Instead of confronting challenges, she often redirects her energy to something more enjoyable, often sidestepping adult responsibilities in the process.
That said, Haley’s quite resourceful and intelligent despite not being particularly academically inclined. This stems from her innate open-mindedness and curiosity, both trademarks of a female Enneagram Seven. She’s also very popular, assertive, and protective of her freedom, which points to her being an Enneagram 7w8, unlike her more easygoing brother and father.
Photo Credit: ABC
The patriarch of the Modern Family Enneagram clan, Jay Pritchett, is the epitome of the Enneagram Type Eight, also known as the Challenger. He’s authoritative, independent, and strong-willed, which makes him self-reliant and capable of providing for his family.
As a natural-born leader, Jay takes charge in both his personal and professional life—in fact, he views these two aspects as closely connected. By building his business, he’s not only working toward his goals but also creating a better life for his loved ones.
After all, Jay is an incredibly devoted husband, father, and grandfather, despite not always understanding the younger members of his family. He’s deeply protective of them, which indicates an 8w9 personality type—these people tend to be more caring and less aggressive than regular Challengers.
Photo Credit: ABC
Gloria is kind and compassionate, always ready to lend a listening ear or a helping hand to her loved ones. She’s the anchor keeping the Pritchett-Dunphy clan together, often encouraging Jay to be closer and more open with his children. After all, it was she who said that family is important, whether it’s the one you’re born into or the one you choose.
Her warm and loving nature is indicative of an Enneagram Two female, making her a perfect complement to Jay’s Type Eight. Their relationship is a classic example of the dynamic between a Two and an Eight—a balance of Gloria’s feminine aura and Jay’s masculine energy.
Despite being a Type Two, or the Helper, Gloria isn’t humble—on the contrary, she seeks admiration and thrives on attention. This points to a 2w3 personality, blending the Helper’s caring nature with the Achiever’s desire for recognition.
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There’s no denying that Gloria’s son Manny is an Enneagram Type Four, fittingly nicknamed the Individualist. He’s introspective, romantic, and highly attuned to his feelings, so much so that he can be a little moody at times, especially under stress.
Like a true Four, Manny stays true to himself and deeply values his principles, never compromising who he is for social norms or the approval of others. In fact, he’s aware of his uniqueness and takes great pride in it, even at the expense of not fitting in with his peers.
That said, as an Enneagram 4w3, Manny is more open and goal-oriented than a typical Individualist. For the same reason, and in spite of being somewhat eccentric and dramatic, he craves recognition and external validation.
Photo Credit: ABC
The responsible and reliable Mitchell thrives on stability and structure, which makes him a strong match for Enneagram Type Six, commonly known as the Loyalist. He’s cautious and perceptive, always striving to stay ahead of the situation and come up with the most effective solution to any problem.
His ever-present vigilance, reliance on rules, and need for security likely stem from his insecurities growing up. However, they also result in him being keenly aware of the needs of others.
As a true Loyalist, Mitchell has a deeply rooted sense of community, which is reflected in his commitment to his family. While he may be a bit reserved, he consistently shows up when it matters the most, a trait reinforced by his 6w5 disposition.
Photo Credit: ABC
Like Gloria, Cameron is an Enneagram Type Two with a Three wing. Given how much these two have in common, their friendship makes perfect sense—they’re both giving, thoughtful, and empathetic, yet they also enjoy being recognized for their efforts and talents.
As an Enneagram Two male, Cam has a fatherly quality to him—he’s fiercely protective of his daughter Lily and always there to offer her emotional support and guidance. Meanwhile, his playful nature and dramatic flair make him an affectionate and fun parent, constantly entertaining her and showering her with love.
Although their parenting styles differ, Cam and Mitch make wholesome partners in raising Lily. Like most Enneagram Two and Six couples, they have similar priorities, striving to build a family together and create a secure domestic life.
Photo Credit: ABC
Lily, the youngest member of the Modern Family Enneagram clan, belongs to the Type Five, often dubbed the Investigator. True to her profile, she’s reflective, inventive, and inquisitive, always asking questions on her mission to learn about the world around her.
Her innate curiosity and thirst for knowledge often lead her to make witty remarks that quickly turn into a running gag on the show. In fact, as she grows up, Lily’s clever comebacks and sharp humor become a signature part of her character, indicating her strong Six wing.
As a 5w6, Lily balances her analytical drive with a strong need for belonging, demonstrating a sense of loyalty to her family from a very young age. After all, she often mirrors her parents’ mannerisms due to her deep emotional connection with them.
Have you ever wondered who your Modern Family Enneagram personality match might be? Thanks to our free Enneagram test, the answer is only a few clicks and fun questions away. Give it a try and find out whether you belong to the Dunphy, Delgado-Pritchett, or Tucker-Pritchett branch of the Modern Family tree!
Now that you know the Modern Family Enneagram typology, you can watch the popular show from an entirely new angle. Whoever you identify with, their reactions, motivations, and behaviors will make much more sense after exploring their personality types.
Additionally, given the show’s long run, you can observe Enneagram fictional characters from the Pritchett-Dunphy clan changing and growing over time. This may even inspire you to analyze your core traits, especially if your Enneagram test results show you share a type with your favorite member of Modern Family!
26 June 2024
2 January 2025