30 August 2023
Individualists hold the reputation of being the special snowflakes of the Enneagram in normal circumstances, so can you imagine the kind of treatment they demand when stress knocks on their doors? Brace yourselves and get ready for a roller coaster of emotions, as no one is better at creating drama than an Enneagram Four in stress!
In this article, we will share with you what triggers Enneagram Fours and how they cope, as well as what they need to learn to handle stress better and grow through it.
Enneagram Fours are also called Individualists and Romantics because of their intense, emotional, and artistic natures. Their primary concern in life is to explore their identity and understand themselves. While doing this, they rely on their intuition, creativity, and empathy and often come to unique insights about life and themselves.
They are nonconformists who march to the beat of their drums. Being unique is what they take pride in, and they are never afraid to be different from others. However, precisely because they are so different, they occasionally get insecure, believing that others have something they lack, while at the same time, they themselves have something others can never have.
Though highly introverted, they manage to connect with people who share their values on a very deep level. There’s nothing superficial about Fours; authenticity is their top value, and they’ll never spend time with people or projects they are not honestly passionate about.
Regardless of whether they are talented or not, they find creative ways to express who they are and how they feel. Moreover, they often dress and talk in an unusual, theatrical, or dramatic manner and are, therefore, easy to spot in the crowd.
Intense, passionate, and highly introspective, Fours bring unique creativity and depth of insight to the world.
Fours are very delicate and sensitive types who are particularly vulnerable to feelings of inferiority. This vulnerability can sometimes lead to misidentification between Enneagram 4 and 7, as both types experience intense emotions but express them differently. For that reason, an Enneagram 4 under stress focuses their attention on seeking validation from others, and they do that through a dramatic expression of their emotions. Since they identify with their feelings, going through stress is particularly hard for them.
Stress brings their feelings of inadequacy to the surface, making them fragile and hypersensitive and enhancing their deep-buried belief that they are not worthy of love. Feeling insignificant and irrelevant, they eventually resort to the manipulation typical of Enneagram Type Two, including martyrdom, acting out, and codependent behavior.
So, the answer to the question ‘Where does Enneagram 4 go in stress?’ is—they run away using the unhealthy tactics of Type Two.
When these tactics do not have the desired effect, Fours eventually withdraw and isolate themselves, confirming their belief that no one can ever truly understand them. If the stress lasts too long, they may give in to alcoholism, substance abuse, and other addictive behaviors.
Enneagram 4 in stress is mainly sensitive to their own interpretation of the circumstances rather than the circumstances themselves. Their view of the world is highly subjective, which is why they so often seem unpredictable in the way they behave and react in some situations.
Here are the most common stress triggers for Individualists:
Conflicts are stressful for Fours because their identity is fragile and defined by their feelings. Confrontations and negative feedback feel like a direct attack on their personality, so they respond by withdrawing or responding too dramatically.
On top of it, they are typically struggling with a lot of internal conflicts already, so conflicts coming from the outside also have a polarizing effect on their inner struggles. They need harmony so that they can embark on their soul-searching adventures.
Every new person a Four meets poses a new danger of being rejected and abandoned. They feel like they always have to prove they are worthy by showcasing their uniqueness. So, for them, large groups of unfamiliar people equal large groups of people who may find them insignificant.
Moreover, Fours prefer one-to-one communication and close relationships with a select few individuals. Communicating with a group feels too confusing for them, and such extensive socializing quickly drains them out.
One of the most important needs of Enneagram 4 in stress and normal circumstances is to be understood and accepted for who they are. They need to be appreciated for their uniqueness, whatever that uniqueness refers to. They can’t stand being judged and criticized for being authentic, and they can never take such transactions lightly.
Such criticism isn’t just an annoyance to them; it’s something that hurts them deeply. They take everything personally and can’t separate their personality from their behavior.
Fours are very perceptive to everything that goes on around them, and in normal circumstances, they use this perception as inspiration for their creative outlets. Moreover, creativity is what they are usually known for and what defines a large part of their identity. So, when they hit a creative block, it is a serious crisis for them.
They become frustrated, nervous, and snappy, as they are unconsciously afraid their creative genius might have gone forever. Therefore, in an attempt to regain their creative power, they devote themselves entirely to the challenge at hand and withdraw from the outside world. In a relationship between Fours and Eights, this tendency can be balanced by the Eight's natural drive and decisiveness, helping to ground the Four and propel them forward.
Freedom to pursue their passions is essential for Individualists to feel good. The lack of such independence is deeply frustrating for them, so they have zero tolerance for people who try to control and manage them.
When they have no choice but to accept circumstances in which their freedom and autonomy will be limited, they enter stress mode. How long they can endure it is directly related to the quality of other relationships in their lives and the support they get from these.
Fours draw their strength from the special relationships they nurture with individuals with whom they share similar aspirations and views of the world. They crave deep, meaningful connections; just one such relationship is enough for them to feel the joy of life.
However, the lack of such connection leaves them feeling chronically misunderstood and like they are all alone in a hostile world of people who can never get them.
On the one hand, Fours are convinced that they have something that no one else has, and on the other, they feel deeply ashamed, as they are afraid they lack something that everyone else has. Their creativity is often the tool they successfully use to relieve this inner conflict and win the appreciation and validation they need.
But when such appreciation is denied, they fall back into that underlying inner conflict and enter the endless spiral of self-doubt and shame.
The great thing about Fours is that they are never lazy about exploring their emotions and are always willing to learn and grow through their experiences. They are one of the most spiritual Enneagram types that actively seek different ways to cope with their intense feelings.
Here are some tactics that have proven to work great for them:
Fours have trouble with discipline and structure, but they still need some kind of boundaries, as these make them feel safe. Establishing healthy daily routines can be a source of great strength for them, as they will get a sense of predictability in life as opposed to their ever-changing feelings.
It is essential that they create these routines themselves. Otherwise, they may easily feel like someone’s imposing something on them.
Emotions are the greatest source of power, but only for those who can recognize and express them in a positive way. Needless to say, Fours have amazing creative potential, as emotions are what their identity is based on. Therefore, it is crucial that they find a creative outlet and let all this inner richness flow. Otherwise, they risk being the drama queens and making their lives more complicated than necessary.
Perceptive and compassionate, Fours find it hard to draw the line between their needs and other people’s requests. They easily take on the emotional baggage of others, often without even being aware of it. As a result, they get so immersed in those issues that they completely neglect their own well-being.
Therefore, learning to set healthy boundaries andrecognize when they should meddle and withdraw will bring much-needed stability to their lives. It will also protect them from the unnecessary stress of carrying other people’s burdens. So, it’s safe to say that the Enneagram 4’s growth depends a lot on how successfully they set up healthy boundaries with others.
Curious to know more on how Enneagram 4 copes with stress? Our Enneagram 4 memes page offers a fun and informative peek into the Type Four world.
An Enneagram 4 in stress may refuse the idea of learning how to regulate their emotions due to their belief that they should let their feelings flow naturally, wherever that may lead them.
However, once they understand how we produce different feelings and how everything we feel and think is interconnected, they will enjoy their self-exploring quests even more.
These people believe that only extremely rare individuals can truly understand and accept them, and that is the biggest source of Enneagram 4 relationship problems.
The reality is that they would have more close friends and people who love them if they shared more honestly how they feel and what they need. For that reason, it is very important for them to nurture the relationships they care about and open up more to new people.
Providing support to an Enneagram 4 in stress requires a lot of patience, tact, and subtlety. These people are very sensitive—even to well-intentioned criticism—and can’t stand any kind of judgment, especially from the people they love. What they need in times of stress is a reminder that they are loved, no matter how they feel and see themselves at the moment.
However dramatically Enneagram 4 in stress may react, remember that it’s just their defense mechanism, and don’t confront them or try to minimize their perception. They just need you to be there with them to show that you’re not going to leave them and that you can stand whatever they’re going through.
When an Enneagram 4 in stress feels safe with you, you can gently encourage them to look toward solutions, express what they feel in a constructive way, and remind themselves of their many qualities. After all, Fours need a lot of reassurance about their worth, and they can only accept it from someone they trust completely.
Now that we know so much about the Enneagram 4 in stress, it is safe to conclude that the biggest source of stress for them comes from within, not from external factors. To back up this claim, let’s wrap it up with some of the key insights from this article:
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