Adventurous Bond in Enneagram 7 and 7 Relationship Explained

25 January 2024

enneagram 7 and 7 relationship

When two Sevens cross paths, will it be for bungee jumping, a visit to the circus, or an impromptu road trip? Just imagine what can happen when Seven’s insatiable curiosity and fear of missing out are doubled, which is the case in an Enneagram 7 and 7 relationship!

In this article, we will analyze Enneagram 7 and 7 compatibility, explore the colorful world they create together, and go over the highs and lows of their exciting relationship.

Enneagram Type 7 and 7 Compatibility

An Enneagram 7 and 7 relationship is primarily an adventure where both partners are delighted to have found someone who shares their zest for life. At first, they are thrilled with each other, and their relationship becomes a playground for their wildest dreams.

Neither of them judges the other for being reckless or childish, and it seems like they have the keys to the land of eternal fun. They are optimistic about their connection and make grand plans for traveling the world together, starting a creative project, or some similar exciting endeavor.

Since both are creative, spontaneous, and playful, they are full of ideas on how to spend time together. Their social schedules are also full, as both are highly extroverted and enjoy being around people.

While their shared traits make them highly compatible as a couple, the stability of their relationship is never easy to predict, and it depends largely on how emotionally mature they are.

How Enneagram Types 7 Contribute to the Relationship

How Enneagram Types 7 Contribute to the Relationship

Enneagram 7 and 7 relationship is full of positive energy. The great thing about them is that they forgive each other easily and don’t have the habit of holding a grudge. They create a buoyant atmosphere where nothing is taboo, and challenges are perceived as opportunities for growth and creative expression.

Both are flexible, open-minded, and upbeat, and they understand each other’s need for new experiences. Moreover, they don’t feel threatened by it at all but inspire each other to explore new horizons.

However, since both find it hard to deal with unpleasant emotions, the first serious issue that causes one of them to experience pain or sadness will be the first big test of their love. Everything is rainbows and butterflies between them until they have to face the not-so-pleasant side of reality.

As long as at least one of them is mature enough not to give up at the first sign of a problem, they have a chance for a great future together. Beyond that, it is all up to the random events that life brings their way.

Complete Overview of The Enneagram Type 7 and 7 Relationship

Complete Overview of The Enneagram 7 and 7 Relationship

Enneagram 7 and 7 in love are like two butterflies on a flowery meadow. But what happens when the rain pours and their wings start feeling heavy? Analyzing all the core aspects of their connection and mapping the most and least troubling areas of their relationship is the best way to find the answer to this question.

#1. Type 7 and Type 7—Communication

Sevens’ communication style is very creative, amusing, and playful. They have a great sense of humor and always look at the bright side of life.

However, though they are very spontaneous and express pleasant emotions easily and directly, they have trouble communicating any experience that isn’t positive. Their communication, therefore, flows seamlessly as long as they don’t experience any discomfort.

#2. Type 7 and Type 7—Values

Sevens value freedom, independence, excitement, adventure, and creativity. They are passionate, enthusiastic, and energetic individuals who follow their heart wherever it leads them.

When it comes to an Enneagram 7 male, these values are often even more pronounced, making their shared enthusiasm and zest for life a central part of their connection.

Other people frequently view their spontaneity and desire for novel experiences as recklessness. So when they meet each other, they are delighted to have found someone who shares their energy and approves of their values, just like Fives and Sixes would.

#3. Type 7 and Type 7—Building Trust

Trust isn’t something Sevens are concerned about. They tend to see everyone in a positive light, and their childlike openness and curiosity allow them to connect easily with people from all walks of life. The only person they really have trouble trusting is themselves, especially when it comes to handling unpleasant emotions.

Therefore, the two Sevens don’t question each other’s trust a lot. Recognizing shared values and zest for life, they open up to each other easily.

But they also know deep down that they cannot trust each other completely, particularly in times of difficulty. So, they wisely sidestep conversations about delicate topics that could cause them to doubt each other's reliability.

#4. Type 7 and Type 7—Stress Management

Stress Management

Sevens under stress become extremely impulsive and prone to escapist behaviors, from binge-watching TV shows to excessive partying. Overwhelmed with anxiety, Sevens are ready to go above and beyond to avoid facing the real issue and dealing with their feelings. Deep down, they feel utterly incompetent to solve serious issues.

So, when they are both under stress, their relationship may become extremely chaotic and destructive. They may encourage each other’s unhealthy patterns, which only leads to more problems.

Another coping mechanism they also resort to is false positivity. Instead of acknowledging problems, they ignore them and exaggerate the positive aspects of them, dismissing the seriousness of the situation.

#5. Type 7 and Type 7—Passion & Intimacy

Sevens are one of the most progressive, open-minded Enneagram types who enjoy experimenting with their senses. They are also one of the biggest hedonists of the Enneagram and love exploring everything that brings them joy and pleasure.

Needless to say, their relationship is full of passion and sensual experiences. They enjoy trying new things together and inspire each other in this area.

#6. Type 7 and Type 7—Emotional Support

The level of emotional support two Sevens can get from each other depends primarily on their level of emotional maturity. Sevens aren’t particularly skilled at supporting themselves emotionally, let alone providing emotional support to someone else.

However, this doesn’t mean they lack empathy and compassion; they just lack the courage to face and deal with unpleasant feelings. Moreover, they understand and intuitively sense each other's needs, and this inherent connection could encourage them to grow emotionally.

#7. Type 7 and Type 7—Intellectual Exchange

Intellectual Exchange

Sevens belong to the Enneagram thinking triad, which means that they are naturally intellectually oriented individuals. They enjoy intellectual challenges, and this kind of stimulation is one of the most important aspects of their connection. Exchanging ideas, debating differing views, and sharing insights feed their curiosity.

Similarly, Type Eight and Type Nine relationships benefit from engaging in such intellectually stimulating activities, which can strengthen their bond and mutual understanding. In addition to having incredibly stimulating and fruitful conversations, they frequently opt to collaborate on a wide range of creative projects.

#8. Type 7 and Type 7—Mutual Motivation & Encouragement

Two Sevens motivate and encourage each other spontaneously, simply by sharing their enthusiasm and passion for life, similar to two Threes. Having someone who is as energetic, open-minded, and curious as they are boosts their will for life and makes them even more optimistic about the future.

On top of that, though Sevens are not the steadiest personality type, they are really kind and will help out other people whenever they can.

4 Pain Points in Enneagram Type 7 and 7 Relationship

4 Pain Points in Enneagram Type 7 and 7 Relationship

Considering the amount of positive energy two Sevens generate together, it may seem hard to imagine they experience any trouble at all. However, there are many challenges they have to overcome to build a stable, harmonious relationship. Let’s go over the most important issues they need to overcome as a couple:

Lack of Commitment

Sevens are prone to feeling trapped in committed relationships. For this reason, the Enneagram 7 and 7 dating stage could last forever!

Despite having so much in common, the two Sevens find it incredibly hard to define their relationship or make any serious plans together. They perceive the routine and security that come with a stable relationship as boring and easily become frustrated.

It is important for both to understand that the real cause of their commitment issues has nothing to do with their need for new experiences, , a sentiment also true for Type 3 and Type 7, and that a steady relationship doesn’t limit them in any way. Deep emotional connection can only bring out the best in both partners, and that’s a big lesson Sevens need to learn.

Avoidance of Unpleasant Feelings

It is extremely challenging for Sevens to engage in deep emotional conversations. They lack the emotional depth necessary to deal with the whole spectrum of emotions effectively. This inevitably leads them to avoid conflicts, causing the unresolved issues to accumulate over time and impact their relationship in more or less hidden ways.

Sevens need to understand that working on emotional literacy is the first step toward emotional growth and maturity needed in any kind of close emotional relationship.

Toxic Positivity

Toxic Positivity

Driven by a need to avoid discomfort and difficult topics, Sevens may insist on being positive even when that’s totally inappropriate. They may dismiss each other’s needs, labeling them as negative simply because they don’t know any other way to address them.

Toxic positivity hinders emotional closeness, which is the foundation of both healthy Enneagram 7 and 7 friendships and romantic relationships. Focusing on reality and their capacity to deal with real life is a good way to counteract toxic positivity.

Unrealistic Expectations

Sevens often hope that their relationship will be an endless source of thrill, excitement, and joy, especially because they share the need for novel experiences and adventures. However, this inevitably leads to disappointment, as no relationship can ever remain as exciting and thrilling as it was in the beginning.

Developing emotional maturity and becoming more attuned to the joys of a profound emotional connection are two of the most effective ways to handle this problem.

How Enneagram Type 7’ Wings Impact Their Relationship

Your Enneagram test may show that your core Enneagram type has wings. This means that you have some traits of one of the two Enneagram types adjacent to your core type on the Enneagram circumference.

Enneagram wings are particularly important in relationships between two people of the same personality type because they can help them overcome their typical weaknesses more easily.

So, Enneagram Type 7 can have types Six or Eight as their wing. The Six wing adds more stability to the relationship, while the Eight wing makes it even harder for Sevens to commit. That’s because 7w6s are a more stable and down-to-earth version of Type Seven, while 7w8s are even more adventuristic and independent than typical Sevens.

Two 7w6s will easily grow together and have much bigger chances of building a long-term relationship than two 7w8s, who tend to be very competitive and stubborn.

How Can Type 7 and 7 Elevate Their Relationship

How Can Type 7 Elevate Their Relationship

Elevating the 7 and 7 relationship demands mutual growth and development. Here are some useful tips that can support their connection:

  • Foster emotional resilience: It is important for Sevens to practice staying in touch with their feelings even when they aren’t pleasant. They need to understand that only the feelings we avoid stay with us. But, if we process them properly, we can transform them and grow from the experience.
  • Set realistic expectations: Instead of idealizing each other, Sevens should focus on building an emotional connection. The closer they are emotionally, the less they feel the need to project grandiose expectations on one another.
  • Embrace all emotions: The key to embracing the whole range of human emotions is understanding that each emotion has a specific message and helps us understand our needs better. Therefore, there are no negative emotions, just unpleasant ones. So, only by embracing all that we feel can we have all our needs recognized and answered.

Key Takeaways

So, dear Sevens, there’s no easy way to say it, but you have to work hard to maintain your relationship with each other! The good news is that you are more than capable of growing and developing together, and here is why:

  • Two Sevens foster each other’s creativity and talents and have a strong intellectual bond, which is a great foundation for mutual growth.
  • Thanks to shared values and emotional needs, Sevens understand each other without too many words.
  • When Sevens apply their creativity to solving their relationship problems, everything becomes easy!

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