
Type 8

The Assertive, Confident Personality Type: Self-Assured, Determined, Strong-Willed, and Provocative.

The Dominator personality type is prideful and independent. They are strong, bold personality types that blaze a trail for other people and are able to learn from stumbles along the path of life to continue with even more confidence.

Path of growthPath of stress

Personality Traits of the Type 8

  • Self-assured and independent
  • Confident in their mannerisms and clothing
  • Strong, and determined
  • Important, and busy
  • Passionate and powerful both at work and in their personal lives
  • Close-minded and stubborn
  • Controlling

Type Eight personalities are self-sufficient to the point that they reject the rules of society. They believe themselves capable and have no need for the opinions of those who disagree with them.

Eights think of others, and are often found standing up for others. In particular, they are prone to protecting those that they believe can’t protect themselves. They divide the world into two sections; those who can protect themselves (the strong) and those who need protection (the weak).

Eights are definitely not shy. They are happy to lead, and are able to make even tough decisions with the utmost confidence. They are not afraid of conflict, and can sometimes stomp all over boundaries if they think it is for the best. They are energetic and direct people, and are at ease in the leadership role.

This personality type is often known as bossy or headstrong. In particular, they have grown up in an environment where they feel the need to express themselves as strong to survive. This environment was likely conflict-heavy.

Dominators are found in the ‘body-based’ section of the Enneagram, which means that their core emotion is anger. The other two members of this triad is the type One and the type Nine. The other members of this triad repress their anger, whereas the Eight uses it to fuel their expression of their opinion.

Type Eights with a healthy mindset are able to stand up for themselves and others in leadership positions. Unhealthy Eights may become the dominating and oppressive force that they initially protest against through trying to become powerful and authoritative. This may lead to a loss of close relationships. Eights need to be able to access their weaknesses, and recognize that they may not always be right.

Core values

  • Being powerful, in control, and knowing exactly what needs to be done is where a type Eight thrives. They want respect over friendship and close relationships with others.
  • Dominators will not back down from a challenge. They believe they are helping others, and are prideful of their honesty, and strength.
  • Dominators are led by their strong internal moral compass and sense of justice. They are devoted to those who have gained their trust, and their loyalty can skew their moral compass.
  • They are confident, and will protect everyone they love during conflict or times of danger.