12 March 2025
INFJ 8w7 is a distinct personality type that combines INFJ’s emotional depth and 8w7’s ambition and strength. These personalities have qualities that don’t often come together in one person, so they are extremely rare.
In this article, we’ll analyze their key strengths, relationship needs, career preferences, and ways in which they can grow and develop from the perspective of the Enneagram test and theory.
Let’s start!
INFJ 8w7 meaning is best described through an overview of this personality type’s key strengths. So, based on the insights from the Enneagram test, here are the INFJ 8w7 hallmark traits:
INFJ 8w7s have very strong convictions and are determined to stand up for them in every situation, regardless of risk and potential implications. Moreover, thanks to the influence of Enneagram Type 8, they are not just willing to defend their values but to engage actively in applying them.
They might, for example, start a social movement, propose radical changes in their workplace, or come up with ideas about improving the community. Their propositions are usually very innovative but always based on their strong sense of justice and genuine altruism.
The emotional richness and depth of the INFJs are enhanced with the intensity and focus of 8w7, making these personalities exceptionally intricate. Unlike typical INFJs, INFJs 8w7 can be very emotionally expressive and have no trouble showing anger.
However, when these types get angry, their anger comes after a detailed analysis and a conclusion that there’s no other way to accomplish things but to use their anger. They are not impulsive like 8w7s but more thoughtful and calculated, yet equally intense. Consequently, they can be extremely manipulative and vindictive when unhealthy.
In addition, these individuals have the willpower of Eights, the thirst for freedom of Sevens, and the empathy of INFJs. In the INFJ 8w7 character, the Eight’s need for power transforms into the need to control their own lives, not others', while the INFJ’s empathy becomes more selective.
8w7s aren’t known for being empathetic, while INFJs are deeply compassionate. So, when these two influences combine in one personality type, the result is a character that is not only capable of profound empathy but also ready to act on it and take practical measures to help and protect those they empathize with.
The core fears and desires of INFJ 8w7s are as complex as they are and have a strong influence on their behavior. Here’s what they are afraid of and what they desire the most:
The INFJ 8w7 core fears include:
The core desires of INFJ 8w7s include:
INFJ 8w7s are exceptional leaders who can provide compassion, encouragement, and direction to their team. They seem like they have a limitless source of energy that they are connected to, and their drive is contagious.
Plus, their razor-sharp intuition helps them make the right decisions and read other people well, allowing them to adapt their leadership style to the situation and people they lead.
They are also great in critical situations, where they remain calm and persistent, capable of thinking rationally while also coming up with creative solutions. People naturally recognize them as leaders and follow them with trust and enthusiasm.
These individuals can also work well in a team, though they tend to emerge as team leaders sooner or later due to their ambition, competence, and natural tendency to take charge of their environment.
Working independently also suits these individuals well, as they have a strong sense of autonomy and ownership of their work. Moreover, they need constant challenges to keep them motivated, so if the job doesn’t offer such challenges, they will create them by themselves.
That said, let’s see what the best and worst career choices for them are:
The best INFJ 8w7 careers include:
The worst INFJ careers include:
INFJ 8w7 in love are deeply passionate, intense, devoted, and thoughtful partners. Creative and dynamic, they prefer depth in relationships and seek partners who can keep up with them on every level.
Still, considering the Eight’s hedonistic nature emphasized by an Enneagram 7 wing, these INFJs are more open to passionate romances and unconventional connections than typical INFJs. Nevertheless, what they value the most in love is authenticity, so they are generally more oriented toward building strong, purposeful connections than embarking on many adventures.
When in relationships, they need the right balance between independence and connection, and they don’t tolerate jealousy and possessiveness.
The best matches for INFJ 8w7 are Twos, Fours, and Sevens. Twos have the strength and depth these individuals need, Fours are just as passionate and introspective as they are, while Sevens’ creativity and energy inspire them.
The worst matches for INFJ 8w7s are Threes, Fives, and Sixes. Threes may lack the depth of emotions they need, Fives are too distant for their intense nature, while Sixes may be too cautious and traditional for them.
Unhealthy INFJ 8w7s are extremely passive-aggressive, controlling, manipulative, and irrational. They may insist on their attitudes and beliefs despite being proven wrong, provoking arguments just to have an excuse to release their anger.
Moreover, they easily lash out and struggle to control their impulses, so, at some point, they may decide to self-isolate in an attempt to regain control over their emotions.
Here are some tips on how they can grow out of their unhealthy patterns:
Fostering introspection is important for INFJ 8w7s because it helps them achieve better impulse control. Reflecting on their behaviors, attitudes, and decisions can help them gain more insight into their needs and motivations and prevent their passion from clouding their judgment.
INFJ 8w7 have a very rich inner world, and expressing themselves creatively allows them to have better emotional regulation and boosts their vitality. They like to do everything for a purpose, so when they can transform their emotions into works of art or some other form of tangible product, they get a sense of achievement and feel deeply fulfilled.
Plus, creative outlets help them stay in touch with their tender side, which they generally don’t express easily, despite being bold and brave.
These individuals need to overcome their view of vulnerability as a weakness but understand that vulnerability is the key to deep, quality connections with others. Confiding in selected people on whom they can rely can only make them feel stronger and help them get over their insecurities.
In order for them to realize that fear and weakness are not the same thing and that they can be both strong and vulnerable at the same time, it can be useful for them to analyze what it means to have courage and strength.
Let’s take a look at some of the most well-known INFJ 8w7 celebrities to better understand what makes them unique:
Photo Credit: Everett Collection
Now, let’s take a look at some of the INFJ 8w7 fictional characters:
Ready to unlock the secrets of your personality, understand your core motivations, and take control of your life? Take our free Enneagram test and embark on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth.
Now that you know who the INFJ 8w7 is and what you can expect from them, let’s round off by pointing out the key insights from this article:
26 June 2024
2 January 2025