Enneagram Vacation: A Perfect Getaway for Each Type

10 October 2024

enneagram vacation

The concept of Enneagram vacation aims to describe the best kind of vacation for each of the 9 Enneagram types based on their traits, needs, desires, lifestyles, and preferences.

There is an ideal Enneagram vacation for every Enneagram type, and if you are looking for ideas on how to plan your next one, stay tuned. We’ll explore the topic of the best choices for Enneagram vacations in detail to inspire you to have the best time the next time you take your days off.

So, let’s dive in!

The Ideal Vacation Based on Your Enneagram Type

A plane in the sky

Let’s see what each Enneagram type needs to recharge their batteries.

Type 1 - The Perfectionist

You might think that an Enneagram Type One, known as the Perfectionist, would want nothing less but a perfect vacation. However, the truth is quite the opposite: they don’t want any vacation at all! Diligent, dedicated, and responsible Ones are rarely enthusiastic about taking some days off to enjoy life—there’s so much to be improved and perfected instead of just lazing around!

However, this only makes their vacation more needed. So, considering that they like to stay active and intellectually stimulated, Ones would surely enjoy city escapes where they could roam the city and explore its history, admire the architecture, and enjoy the art.

Type 2 - The Helper

Enneagram Type Two, the Helper, may also seem like they don’t need a vacation at all because they are used to neglecting their own needs at the cost of pleasing others. However, Twos have a strong hedonistic streak and a taste for finer things in life, so the idea of vacation sparks their creativity, and they eagerly pack their bags to travel anywhere as long as they don’t travel alone!

For Helpers, it doesn’t really matter what or where their Enneagram vacation takes place. If they go there with someone who loves them, they will enjoy it fully even if the accommodation is the worst ever. So, for them, it all boils down to how well they choose their travel buddies.

Nevertheless, if you really want to make a Two happy on vacation, ensure there are gourmet tours, group activities, and lots of opportunities to connect with people.

Type 3 - The Achiever

The Achiever is a showoff, and they like to use their vacation as a staple of their style, status, and success. Ambitious and driven by the need to be recognized, Threes strive to excel in everything they do, and planning their Enneagram vacation isn’t an exception.

So, considering how energetic and adventurous they are, in addition to the fact that they like to draw attention to themselves, luxury retreats and adventure destinations, or these two together in one, are an ideal choice for Threes.

Threes need plenty of physical activity and enjoy challenges, so they would enjoy trying new activities like paragliding, skydiving, driving a scooter, or similar on their vacation.

Type 4 - The Individualist

Individualists are known for their creativity, introspective nature, and the need to explore their identity. They are nonconformists who follow their passions wherever these take them; for them, a vacation is an opportunity to devote themselves entirely to their heart’s desires and immerse themselves in soul-searching.

Therefore, an ideal Enneagram vacation for Type Four should include plenty of contact with nature and opportunities for hiking and spending time in the open. A starry sky, a beautiful view from the top of the mountain, or a walk through a wild wood can be very inspiring for Fours’ artistic minds.

In addition, due to their artistic tendencies, Fours enjoy visiting cities known as artistic centers, such as Venice and Paris.

Type 5 - The Investigator

Two women posing

The curious Investigator isn’t particularly interested in vacation. They already feel like they are on a constant mission to explore the world, and they do it freely, regardless of whether they are at work or not.

So, the best Enneagram vacation for Type Five, considering their thirst for intellectual stimulation, should include places with a rich intellectual heritage like Oxford, Cambridge, Prague, Athens, or similar. Fives would be thrilled to explore historic landmarks, famous world libraries, and museums.

In addition, hiking in nature would also be very useful for them, as it would allow them to have some time for self-reflection and self-discovery after sightseeing.

Type 6 - The Loyalist

Sixes like to do everything by the book, so taking a vacation is something they see as one more task on their list. Considering how hard they work and how committed they are, the Loyalists surely need quality time for rest and recharge.

Taking into account how much security means to them and how much they hate risks, it is essential for the ideal Enneagram vacation for Type 6 to be thoroughly planned. They may prefer going to places they have already been before or destinations known as safe and well-organized. In other words, they’d rather go to Switzerland than to an African safari.

As for the kind of activities they prefer on their vacations, they like participating in group activities, as a sense of belonging makes them feel safe and connected.

Type 7 - The Enthusiast

Sevens look forward to every new experience, and they are probably the Enneagram type who invented the concept of vacation in the first place! Playful, energetic, and curious, Sevens are always in search of adventures!

Therefore, a perfect Enneagram vacation for Type 7 should include plenty of exciting activities, things that they have never tried before, and lots of opportunities to meet new people.

Sevens are equally thrilled with an urban vacation with exciting nightlife and romantic village scenery. Actually, hopping between destinations is what they look forward to the most; in addition, they also like all kinds of road trips.

Since they are very energetic, their vacation should always provide plenty of physical activity, from dancing in nightclubs to hiking in nature. After all, they are usually up for anything that seems fun!

Type 8 - The Challenger

People at the beach

Eights are always busy, but they know how to enjoy life. Apart from relentless ambition, determination, and strong will, they also have a lot of hedonism in them. ‘Work hard, play hard’ is their motto, and they make the best of their free time.

So, considering how much they like challenges, ideal destinations for Eights should have a tough, rugged appeal. They would enjoy exploring wild, even dangerous, places that aren’t just tourist destinations.

As for the activities they would enjoy, mountain climbing, scuba diving, paragliding, and all kinds of high-adrenaline activities and extreme sports are very attractive to the Challenger.

Type 9 - The Peacemaker

The Peacemaker values harmony and seeks inner peace, motivated by the desire to belong and to be connected with others. Nines also have a strong hedonistic streak and enjoy the finer things in life, so their perfect Enneagram vacation should be a mix of relaxing activities and sensual pleasures like tasty food, SPA, and similar.

For Nines, it is important that they are in a stress-free environment where they can recharge without worrying about others. Therefore, peaceful retreats and luxury destinations are both perfect getaways for these individuals.

In addition, Nines should be more careful about the travel companions they choose to vacation with than the destination itself. That’s because they are very sensitive to others' needs, so if people around them aren’t happy, they can’t relax.

9 Great Tips for Planning an Enneagram-Inspired Vacation

Planning your Enneagram vacation will be easy with these essential tips for each Enneagram type:

  • Type 1: There’s no doubt you’ll plan your vacation perfectly, but allow some room for spontaneity and surprises.
  • Type 2: Choose the destination you like, not the ones your partner or other family member would prefer. Your wishes are as important as those of the people you love.
  • Type 3: Forget social networks and selfies and focus on having a great time, not on giving off an image of having a good time.
  • Type 4: A little structure would help you make the best of your vacation and take in more experiences.
  • Type 5: Instead of searching for knowledge, try some relaxing activities and visit a spa center. Also, make sure you make at least one new friendship on your vacation.
  • Type 6: You would enjoy your vacation more if you would allow for more spontaneity. Not every surprise is a bad one!
  • Type 7: By investing more energy into planning your vacation, you’d ensure more exciting experiences and reduce anxiety, so don’t skip this step!
  • Type 8: Focus on people around you—interact and connect with others. Letting your guard down is the kind of vacation you need.
  • Type 9: Don’t let others pick the destination and activities for you. Assert your wishes and see how it feels when others try to please you and not vice versa!

The Importance of Vacation in Personal Growth

The importance of vacation in personal growth is undeniable, as only when we have enough joy in our lives can we really grow and develop. A quality vacation gives us room to self-reflect, break the routine, and become aware of where we are emotionally, mentally, and in other ways.

Why Vacations Are Essential for Mental and Emotional Well-Being

The first and most obvious positive aspect of vacations is that it helps people prevent burnout. In Western culture, hard work is glorified, especially in corporate environments. While there’s nothing wrong with working hard, it is essential to remember that we can give our best only when we have enough energy and are not stressed or under constant pressure.

Furthermore, many studies have been done about the connection between work productivity and vacation. It has been shown that taking regular breaks from work reduces the levels of cortisol, a stress hormone.

This also means that vacations can reduce the risk of stress-related illnesses. Moreover, a study has been done indicating that people who regularly take vacations are less likely to experience depression and anxiety.

The Role of Travel in Understanding Oneself and Personal Development

Many studies have confirmed what many of us intuitively knew: vacations improve our emotional well-being and mental health, thus supporting our personal growth and development. Taking a break from everyday routine allows us to look at our lives from a distance to shift our focus to relationships and other important aspects of our lives.

Many great ideas come to us not when we work hard but when we are completely relaxed and disconnected from everyday reality. So, taking time to recharge is a surefire way to boost our creative potential and improve the overall quality of our lives.

Final Thoughts

Considering all the facts, it is safe to conclude that vacation isn’t a luxury but a necessity for each Enneagram type to be able to perform at their best, foster their creativity, and prevent burnout.

With that in mind, let’s review some key points from the article:

  • Ones, Threes, Sixes, and Eights are the most likely to avoid vacations as they tend to put their work and responsibilities first, which only makes vacations more necessary for them.
  • Fours, Fives, and Sevens are the most likely to fully enjoy their vacations, as they allow for a lot of spontaneity and don’t feel guilty for taking time off.
  • Twos and Nines have a huge capacity for joy, but their tendency to please others may sabotage their vacations.