26 September 2023
Enneagram Type Three is the embodiment of ambition and relentless drive. These dazzling go-getters of the Enneagram achieve success in whatever field they choose simply because they can’t bear the thought of failure. However, only specific Type 3 Enneagram careers allow these charmers to use all their talents and achieve remarkable results.
When they make the right career choice, Enneagram Type Three has the power to turn a regular office job into a Hollywood movie. So, let’s see what kind of roles they excel at, what careers they should avoid, and what they generally look for in a job!
Enneagram Type Three, also called the Achiever, is characterized by their desire to accomplish something remarkable and thus earn the recognition they crave. They are ambitious, driven, and passionate and care deeply about projecting an image of success and perfection to the outside world.
The question of success is the question of life and death for Enneagram Type Three. They need it like the air they breathe because their self-worth and self-respect are directly proportional to the level of success they achieve.
However, being successful at all costs may sometimes cause Threes to resort to not-so-moral means and lead them astray. Facing failure and rejection is their worst fear, and they would rather lose their ethics than sacrifice the image and status they worked for.
This, however, doesn’t mean they are not ready to work hard; they are, but if the hard work doesn’t pay off the way they planned, they are easily tempted to make suspicious moves, believing that the means justify the ends.
Competitive, charming, and charismatic, Threes are indeed capable of great achievements. They are the smoothest communicators who can win even their worst enemies with only their words and enchanting smiles. If they choose a career path that aligns with their genuine passions, they can become amazing leaders and professionals everyone looks up to.
An Enneagram Type 3 seeks success and achievement above all in a career. Threes typically grow up in an environment that encourages success and neglects their emotional needs, so they learn to suck it up, work hard, and be the best.
For that reason, Threes often don’t even care too much about what they do; they just want to be successful in whatever they are doing.
For Threes, their career is their way to ensure they are accepted, admired, and loved in their environment. They need to feel recognized for what they do and enjoy showing it off. Therefore, status, financial accomplishment, and public image are top values in Type 3 Enneagram careers.
However, these people are unlikely to remain enthusiastic about their work if it lacks variety, excitement, and room for growth, despite the high pay and prestigious reputation that come with it. Threes seek opportunities for improvement and expansion, so they cannot tolerate stagnancy.
No matter where they start in the business world, Threes can always make their way to the top thanks to their charisma, people skills, and ingenuity.
Type 3 Enneagram career struggles mostly stem from their need to succeed at all costs. They are prone to workaholism because they cannot relax until they have achieved their goals. Needless to say, mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion are the inevitable outcomes of such a mindset.
The internal conflict that arises when a Three wants to do what is expected of them socially while also pursuing their true passions is another challenge they often face. Due to their tendency to conform to social pressure rather than their own needs, Threes suffer when these two do not overlap.
However, their fear of failure is likely the most devastating struggle of all. As soon as there is even a remote chance of failure, Threes are flooded with anxiety and begin to question their own value.
While Threes generally give the impression that they take good care of themselves, that impression is only a façade because they place more importance on career success than self-care. Such disregard for their essential needs eventually results in health problems and impedes their aspirations.
The best Type 3 Enneagram careers are those that spark genuine passion in them and allow Threes to use their competitive spirit and relentless drive for success. These include:
The job of a marketing specialist offers plenty of opportunities for learning and room for creativity. Threes are quick-witted, resourceful, and fast learners who would enjoy juggling the multiple responsibilities of a marketing specialist.
This role usually offers possibilities for promotion to managerial and leadership positions, which is also very stimulating for the Achiever.
Threes are fast thinkers who know their way with words, which is essential for success in the role of a lawyer. Their personal charisma and confident attitude look great in court and also instill a sense of trust in their clients.
Additionally, they often have a fluid understanding of justice and morality, which serves them well in cases where it is difficult to differentiate between right and wrong.
Image-conscious and goal-oriented Threes typically have exceptional presentation skills, which, coupled with their charm and persuasiveness, make them perfectly suited for the role of real estate agent.
Moreover, Threes also have great communication skills, which are necessary in this line of work, as they need to build and maintain relationships with clients as they negotiate sales.
Some of the highest-paying Enneagram Type 3 careers are in the banking sector. This field of work is attractive to Threes because of the social status it can ensure. Plus, they have all the essential traits that make a successful banker, like the ability to assess risks and make informed decisions, attention to detail, and competitiveness.
On top of that, the result-oriented and ambitious Threes handle the pressure and stress that are typical in the banking business well.
Sales roles often demand a highly competitive personality that manages stress well and has highly developed communication, persuasion, and negotiation skills. Needless to say, Threes are endowed with all of this—and their natural charisma is also a huge asset in this line of work.
The excitement and thrill that result from closing sales and achieving sales targets are also very motivating for Threes. As long as there is room for advancement, they are successful in any sales position, from sales representative to sales director.
Threes often possess exceptional physical prowess and excel in many different sports, so their personality is a great fit for the exciting and competitive world of professional sports. Their dedication, concentration, and desire to win at any cost set them apart from the competition in any sport, whether it’s individual or team play.
Additionally, there is also the fame that comes with being successful in sports, which is a huge motivating factor for this personality type.
Threes are natural motivators who bring a lot of enthusiasm and energy into everything they do. Plus, they have their way with words, which is essential for motivational speakers. Their social intelligence is also at a very high level, so they are more than well-equipped for success in this line of work.
However, it is their energy and charisma that truly set them apart from the competition and allow them to become the best in this field.
Three’s desire for recognition often drives them toward the entertainment industry, where they can take the limelight and show off their talents. Moreover, Achievers are often gifted in performing arts, such as singing, dancing, and acting, and their sense of humor and quick wit are also precious in the entertainment industry.
In addition, the combination of empathy and adaptability they have makes them excellent actors. It allows them to understand people of varying backgrounds and easily transition into playing a variety of different roles. In general, the entertainment industry is equally appealing for both Enneagram Type 3 female careers and Enneagram Type 3 male careers.
Threes are well-suited to entrepreneurship in any field, thanks to their natural leadership skills, ability to think outside the box, and dedication to hard work. By striking out on their own, ambitious Achievers can realize their full potential, receive the recognition they deserve, and define their own path to success.
Curious about your academic strengths and how they influence your career choices? Discover more with our Type Guesser Academic test.
Each Enneagram type can have some traits of the types that surround it on the Enneagram diagram. These adjacent types are called Enneagram wings and can also influence the Type 3 Enneagram career choice. So, Type Three can have Types Two and Four as their wings.
Highly sociable, 3w2s thrive in environments where they can network and connect with others. Therefore, the best jobs for Enneagram 3w2 individuals include positions in sales, marketing, public relations, event planning, and customer service.
3w4s are more introspective versions of Type Three and naturally gravitate toward professions that leave room for creativity and self-expression. Having this in mind, it’s safe to say that the best job preferences for Enneagram 3w4 are careers in the arts, entertainment, design, fashion, consulting, and entrepreneurship.
Enneagram Type 3 careers to avoid are, in general, those that do not provide significant recognition and status or those that limit creative expression.
Here’s a list of some of the worst Type 3 Enneagram careers:
Threes are perfectly suited for the corporate environment and are probably the type who created the corporate culture in the first place. They thrive in a fast-paced, result-driven, and competitive culture with clear rules and hierarchy.
Recognition and reward play a significant role in the motivation of Type Threes, so they appreciate a culture that acknowledges and rewards top performers. They don’t care too much about what kind of reward they get; it may come in the form of a bonus, promotion, award, or public recognition. It is important that their effort is seen and possibly admired.
While they like clear structure and transparent rules, Threes can’t stand being micromanaged. Therefore, they prefer organizational settings that leave room for a lot of autonomy and allow them to take initiative and make independent decisions.
Moreover, sociable and highly extroverted Threes also need a lot of interpersonal interaction at the workplace. They value teamwork and collaboration and do well in cultures that support synergy among team members. They will, though, make sure they become team leaders, as they are very competitive.
Finally, Threes are innovative thinkers and creative problem solvers and, therefore, value organizational cultures that encourage thinking outside the box and an original approach.
Threes find working in teams inspiring and rewarding, as they enjoy exchanging ideas and opinions with team members. However, at the same time, they can be very competitive and insensitive to other personality types who are not as driven and energetic. Their competitiveness is benign only as long as everyone agrees they are the best.
If they fail to establish themselves as team leaders, they may rebel and cause friction among team members. They need to feel special within the team because, without it, their motivation will be erratic at best.
When they reach the position of leadership, they do so with honor and conviction, standing up for their teammates and taking the hits for them. The ability to inspire others is a strength of Achievers which makes them excellent role models in groups.
In general, Threes bring initiative, energy, and enthusiasm to the team. They are also excellent problem solvers who quickly find feasible solutions and easily adapt to all kinds of challenges and changes.
Curious about your colleagues' types and workplace compatibility? Try our Type Guesser Workplace test!
The leadership style of Enneagram Type 3 is goal-oriented and results-driven. The highest levels of fulfillment for Threes come from taking on leadership roles, as these provide the recognition, status, and image they desire.
It is important to understand that taking charge, which qualifies them for leadership roles, isn’t Threes’ only ambition. They are also highly skilled strategists, capable of outlining a comprehensive plan to reach their objective. Instead of just throwing unattainable goals at their staff, they provide a comprehensive strategy for achieving those goals.
Confident and charismatic, Achievers are highly effective at rallying their teams toward common goals. They support their teams by encouraging a healthy dose of intrateam rivalry. Moreover, they ensure good relationships and an enjoyable atmosphere among team members, thanks to their empathy and strong interpersonal and communication skills.
Finally, the Threes are very concerned with their reputation and make every effort to set a good example. Since they want their team to perceive them as competent and hardworking, they do their best to be worthy of their respect and admiration.
Laser-focused on success, Threes are obviously perfectly equipped for surviving in the professional jungle!
Before you move on to the next topic, let’s ensure you remember the key facts about Type 3 Enneagram careers:
If you want to learn about the best careers for other Enneagram Types, take a look at these posts:
26 June 2024
2 January 2025