Enneagram Type 6: Career Matches for “The Loyalist”

2 October 2023

enneagram type 6 careers

For an Enneagram Type Six, life feels like navigating through a forest of “what ifs” and “maybes.” They don’t just have plan B—they also have plans C and D in case plan B isn't good enough. Therefore, it does not come as a surprise that an Enneagram Type 6 career is never random but a result of meticulous planning and consideration.

Join us as we explore the careers that can turn a Six's compulsion to plan everything into a marketable skill that earns them promotions! We’ll also review some Enneagram Type 6 career choices that cause them even more anxiety than they already experience.

Let’s kick in!

Enneagram Type 6 Overview

Enneagram Type Six, also called the Loyalist, is characterized by a deep-seated need for security in all aspects of life. This need is reflected in their loyalty to tradition and respect for rules and structure, as these provide some sense of predictability and, therefore, safety.

One of the key factors in shaping Sixes' character is the need for support, guidance, and protection. Regardless of how talented, hardworking, and knowledgeable they may be, Sixes always look for someone to look up to. For this reason, they struggle with making independent decisions, as they always feel like they need someone’s approval.

Despite their introversion, Sixes thrive in the company of those they trust and appreciate the sense of community that such relationships provide. So, unsurprisingly, they are the most helpful, supportive, and loyal friends anyone can have.

Their need to belong is often expressed through care for their environment and community. Similarly to Nines, they try to ensure harmony in their surroundings, and similarly to Twos, they will go out of their way to help other people.

Hardworking, neat, organized, and dedicated, Sixes take life seriously—in general, they are the type who always plays safe.

However, some Sixes may display counter-phobic tendencies. This means they can show an excessive propensity for taking risks and have a rebellious attitude toward authority. But, generally, this kind of behavior is rather considered their defense mechanism.

What Do Enneagram 6s Look For in a Career?

What Do Enneagram 6s Look For in a Career?

Enneagram 6 looks for security and stability in their career. Responsible, ethical, and diligent, these people are highly professional and have very specific expectations.

Here’s a brief overview of their career needs:

  • Steadiness. Stable income and job security are essential for Sixes. For this reason, they are inclined toward well-established companies, state organizations, and industries that are less prone to economic fluctuations.
  • Teamwork. Sixes enjoy working with other people and find helping others rewarding. As genuine team players, they are often the glue that keeps the team together.
  • Positive and conflict-free environment. Conflicts are highly stressful for Sixes, as they trigger all their deepest fears. These individuals thrive in harmonious settings that encourage collaboration and a positive attitude.
  • Predictability. Sixes value predictability and consistency in their work environments. They find that having a plan for each day helps them feel more in control of their anxiety and worries about the future.
  • Guidance and direction. Even when they have years of experience, Sixes like to have someone they can turn to for support and direction. In most cases, they just need reassurance because they are essentially insecure.
  • Clear rules and structure. Sixes prefer to work in environments that are hierarchical, have well-defined processes, and have clear guidelines because these things make them feel more secure.

Enneagram Type 6 Career Struggles

Enneagram Type 6 career struggles mostly revolve around their tendency to overthink. In general, Sixes are very sensitive and prone to all kinds of insecurities, which inevitably reflects on their career, too.

So, here are the most common struggles they face:

  • Catastrophic thinking. Sixes overanalyze situations in an attempt to anticipate every possible worst-case scenario. This leads them to see only the negative sides of things and blocks their ability to make decisions and take action.
  • Dependence on authority. No matter how much experience and knowledge they might have, Sixes feel compelled to get approval for their actions and decisions, which is not always possible.
  • Distrust. Sixes are very suspicious of other people’s intentions. Since they struggle with trusting others, they can feel very lonely at work.
  • Conflict avoidance. Conflicts trigger Sixes’ fear of abandonment and make them feel very anxious, so they are ready to go to great lengths to avoid them. This can create some tension in the workplace, though.
  • Rigidity. Sixes tend to stick too hard to certain ways of doing things and insist on certain procedures even when these are not necessary. For this reason, they may fail to learn to do things in a more simple way just because they have an aversion toward innovations.

9 Best Enneagram 6 Career Options

9 Best Enneagram 6 Career Options

The best Enneagram 6 career options are those that offer stability, consistency, clear structure, and teamwork. With that in mind, here are some jobs that are good for Enneagram 6 and allow Sixes to grow and develop:

#1. Police Officer

Sixes have a strong sense of duty and responsibility and, therefore, make committed law enforcement professionals. The discipline and clear hierarchy that are characteristic of this profession make Sixes feel secure.

In addition, Sixes have a natural inclination toward thoughtful analysis and thorough planning, both of which serve them well in this profession. They are ready to react promptly in all kinds of situations, thanks to their extensive risk assessment, which is crucial for police officers.

#2. Teacher

Sixes make attentive, thoughtful educators who care about the well-being of their students and not just about their grades. They create a positive, supportive environment in the classroom and ensure everyone leaves class with at least the basics of the subject at hand.

Thanks to their need for structure, they create meticulous lesson plans that cover all aspects of the topic they are teaching. Committed and loyal, they also ensure their students adopt optimal discipline when it comes to learning.

Finally, teaching allows them to feel like members of the community and actively participate in shaping its values and future through education.

#3. Security Guard

Type 6: Security guard

Sixes are always on guard, hypervigilant, and ready to react if some of their worst-case scenarios happen, and that is a highly desirable trait for security guards. Meticulous and diligent, Sixes notice every detail that could point to something suspicious.

Moreover, Sixes take pleasure in conforming to established norms, obeying established authorities, and maintaining order.

Paradoxically, they feel much more relaxed when their job requires this level of alertness because it provides them with the steadiness and security they need.

#4. Strategic Planning Specialist

Strategic planning requires a high level of risk assessment, problem-solving, and the ability to see both the big picture and the details. As you may have already guessed, Sixes have all of these skills honed to a razor's edge. They anticipate potential challenges objectively and quickly and devise proper, practical solutions.

In addition, strategic planners often work as part of a team, and Sixes enjoy working in a team, as it gives them a sense of belonging and stability.

#5. Financial Analyst

Sixes excel as financial analysts because of their attention to detail, thorough approach, and highly developed personal and work ethics.

The financial analyst profession requires the ability to objectively assess risks and spot opportunities for more effective distribution of funds. Thanks to their innate tendency toward planning and organization, Sixes are a perfect fit for this kind of role.

Loyalty and trustworthiness are also highly valued in this industry, and Sixes possess these traits by nature.

#6. Medical Doctor

Doctor holding a flask

Sixes make great doctors not only because of their diligence, attention to detail, and precision but also because of their deeply empathic nature. They genuinely want to help other people and, therefore, easily establish trusting relationships with their patients.

However, since they are very sensitive and prone to excessive worry and anxiety, Sixes should stick to fields of medicine that are not highly stressful. They make great diagnosticians, dentists, and family physicians. They find great fulfillment in these types of jobs, knowing that they are making a positive contribution to their community.

#7. Quality Manager

Sixes are exceptional quality managers because of their attention to detail, sense of responsibility, and risk awareness. They enjoy scrutinizing processes and products and ensuring that industry standards are respected.

Additionally, thanks to their ability to spot potential issues miles ahead, they ensure organizations are protected from unnecessary mistakes and losses.

#8. Administrative Assistant

Hardworking and dependable, Sixes are great at all kinds of administrative roles. What some other types find monotonous, they see as comforting because predictable, routine tasks instill a sense of security in them.

Moreover, they get their kicks out of lending a hand to the team and making sure there is not any unnecessary paperwork holding the company back from moving forward. Plus, they have excellent organizational skills, an eye for detail, and the patience that is necessary in this line of work.

#9. Paralegal

Sixes are exceptional researchers, which is paramount in legal research and case preparation. Everything they do is checked against applicable laws and regulations, and that means they review contracts and evidence very carefully.

Aware of the potential consequences of any mistake, they know how to protect the organization from potential losses. Their dedication to ethical principles is also consistent with the standards of the legal field.

Enneagram 6 Wings and Their Impact on Careers

Enneagram Type 6 Career Match: IT Specialist

Each Enneatype can have a wing. Enneagram wings are the two adjacent Enneagram types that surround the core type on the Enneagram diagram. Type Six can have two possible subtypes: Type 6 with a 5 wing and Type 6 with a 7 wing, meaning a Six can have some traits of Type Five or Type Seven.

6w5s are even more analytical than typical Sixes but less dependent and socially oriented. They may be prone to solitary work and, therefore, inclined toward professions that are more analytical and research-oriented. The best 6w5 careers include medical researchers, IT professionals, data analysts, inspectors, and similar.

6w7s are more adaptable, easygoing, and relaxed than typical Sixes. They are not as inclined toward administrative roles either and need variety and excitement in their careers. Therefore, the best6w7 jobs are sales managers, marketing managers, teachers, creative strategists, and all the roles that combine problem-solving and creativity.

Enneagram Type 6 Careers to Avoid

Enneagram Type 6 careers to avoid include all those roles associated with high risk, job insecurity, and stressful environments. On that note, here’s a list of jobs Sixes probably wouldn’t excel at:

  • Extreme sports athlete. For Type 6, the constant exposure to real-world dangers that is normal in these professions can be overwhelming.
  • Artist. Sixes feel like the rug has been pulled out from under them in the creative and artistic fields because there is nothing predictable or particularly reliable there.
  • Entrepreneur. The competitive and unpredictable world of small businesses and start-ups triggers all the Six’s worst fears.
  • Performance artist. There’s already enough anxiety in life for Sixes, so there’s definitely no room for stage fright and all the stresses related to performing in front of an audience.
  • Chief executive officer. Sixes are amazing at planning and strategizing, but they are not willing to take on the biggest responsibility of leading the entire organization. They prefer to depend on their superiors, as they feel more secure that way.
  • Freelancer. There’s no steadiness and predictability in freelancing, and Sixes can’t cope with the insecurity of such a position.
  • Surgeon. The responsibility and risk that this profession implies are too overwhelming for Enneagram Type Six.

What Kind of Organizational Culture Would Enneagram 6 Prefer?

Type 6 traits: teamwork

Enneagram Type Six prefers organizational cultures that provide a sense of stability and structure; they thrive in harmonious environments in which they feel safe and protected.

Let’s take a look at the key characteristics of an ideal organizational culture for Type 6:

  • Transparency. Sixes need to have an insight into what’s going on in the organization in order to feel safe. Ambiguity and vague communication leave them confused and stressed.
  • Leadership. Sixes thrive in organizations with a clear hierarchy and supportive leadership. Guidance and direction make them feel safe.
  • Tradition. Loyalists like organizations with long traditions and conventional settings. They like to have strict work hours, pension and retirement plans, private health insurance, and similar corporate perks.
  • Teamwork. Because of their strong need to belong, Sixes prefer working in teams. They thrive in a harmonious team atmosphere and do their best to foster team spirit.
  • Loyalty. Sixes like organizations that recognize and reward loyalty.

How Enneagram 6s Act in Teams

Enneagram 6s express all their best qualities when working in teams. They are motivated by a sense of community and the desire to belong, so they make sure that every member of the team feels valued.

Loyalists take great pleasure in working with other people and do their best to foster a sense of community among their teammates. They are the kind of colleagues who always have your back and whose presence serves as a steadying influence when things get rough.

Their analytical, troubleshooting, and problem-solving prowess make them valuable members of any team. However, they may have difficulty voicing their dissatisfaction, even if it is shared by the rest of the team, because they lack experience in conflict resolution and general conflict management. Moreover, conflicts are deeply triggering for Enneagram 6 in stress.

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Enneagram Type 6 as a Leader

Two colleagues working together on a laptop

Enneagram Type 6 as a leader is extremely conscious and ethical and has a strong sense of responsibility. They don’t accept leadership roles easily, as they often feel a strong inner need for guidance and doubt their leadership skills. Even after many years of experience and many achievements under their belt, Sixes tend to feel insecure when they have to take charge.

However, it is often their insecurity that makes them excellent, careful, attentive, and supportive leaders. In order to prevent any mistakes and mishaps, Sixes pay attention to every detail, from procedures to the atmosphere within the team, and readily take corrective actions to prevent any possible problems.

Their loyalty to the company is also very evident in their leadership style; they are steadfast in protecting the company's interests and upholding its core values at all times.

Key Takeaways

So, in general, Sixes are extremely competent and reliable individuals with impeccable work ethics who you can always count on for help or advice. The bottom line is—you’d definitely want them on your team at work!

Now, before you leave, let’s reiterate this guide with some key insights about the Enneagram Type 6 career:

  • Sixes prefer steady, traditional jobs that provide a sense of stability and predictability.
  • The best Enneagram Type 6 careers are police officers, safeguards, financial analysts, strategic planners, physicians, dentists, paralegals, and all roles that require an eye for detail, precision, patience, problem-solving, and troubleshooting skills.
  • The worst Enneagram Type 6 careers are those that involve a lot of stress, unpredictability, and a lack of structure and stability, such as extreme sports, creative arts, the show business industry, and similar.
  • Sixes are excellent team players and cautious and ethical leaders.

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