27 May 2023
The story of the ENTJ 8w9 personality type is a story about willpower. No one knows better than them what it takes to succeed or what sacrifices a strong will requires.
As they have extremely intense energy, people react to them in very different ways. While some admire them for their strength and determination, others find them rude and cutthroat.
So, how different are ENTJ 8w9s from typical ENTJs? What drives them, what they dream about, and what they fear? These are just some of the questions you will find the answers to in this article.
An ENTJ 8w9 is a force of nature—their resilience, willpower, and determination are fascinating. Though they are ambitious and driven to succeed, what really inspires them to achieve so much are challenges. The harder the challenge, the more determined they are to overcome it.
Their minds are efficient and focused. These people make elaborate problem-solving strategies on the go and don’t show empathy for those who are not as driven as they are. So, they give orders, take command, and fiercely take charge of any situation they find themselves in. That’s one of the reasons why others may perceive them as callous and overbearing.
The Nine wing balances their temper a bit, so they are usually very composed and calculated. However, since both Eight and Nine belong to the Enneagram gut triad, when they get angry, they resemble merciless hurricanes.
Nevertheless, these fierce, charismatic individuals are capable of empathy. They actually see through others quickly and easily but choose to show compassion only to those who they believe are deserving of it. As they mature, they typically become more generous with their emotional resources.
Additionally, ENTJ 8w9s are exquisite communicators who recognize other people’s talents and are great at inspiring them to live up to their potential. They value close relationships and are loyal friends and passionate lovers.
Generally, these people seem like they are ready to conquer the world. However, the truth is that they just want to hold the keys to their destinies in their own hands.
Power is the key to understanding both the fears and desires of this headstrong personality type. While they seem absolutely brave and unstoppable on their way to success, they are actually driven by their fears no less than by their desires.
These individuals are among the most confident personality types of all, so it surely isn’t easy to scare them. However, their core fears play a huge role in their motivations and include:
When ENTJ 8w9s want something, they obsess over it until they fulfill their wish. So, it’s safe to assume that they are surely not the quitting type and will do whatever it takes to accomplish their dreams.
Their core desires are:
The key difference between ENTJs and ENTJ 8w9s is the level of their extraversion. ENTJs are generally uninhibited, communicate with ease, display a sharp sense of humor, and can often be blunt. An Enneagram 8 female with a 9 wing, however, balances her robust energy with a bit more tact and diplomacy in everyday life. However, in ENTJ 8w9s, the Nine wing slightly balances their robust energy, so they appear a bit more tactful than the average ENTJs in everyday life.
Though ENTJs generally read other people’s feelings well thanks to their intuition, they do not show a lot of empathy unless they believe that’s necessary. Meanwhile, the Nine wing makes ENTJ 8w9s more understanding of others and, therefore, more willing to forgive and give others a second chance. On top of that, they will also be less judgmental of others.
ENTJs are known for their fierce, unapologetic attitudes. Both ENTJs and Eights will start a conflict in the blink of an eye if they perceive that any of their values are jeopardized. However, under the influence of the Nine wing, ENTJ 8w9s will be more willing to find a middle ground and soothe conflicts instead of heating them up.
The Nine wing inspires ENTJ 8w9s to withdraw, think, and analyze their situation more than a typical ENTJ who makes decisions on the go. An ENTJ 8w9 likes to have a plan and maintain harmony in their environment. They are also more selective in choosing friends and have a greater need to spend some time alone.
ENTJs are very proactive, driven, and hardworking, and they simply can’t stop until they reach their goal. ENTJ 8w9s, on the other hand, are also diligent and ambitious, but they are more aware of the need for balance and rest. Therefore, ENTJ 8w9s are generally more relaxed and wiser in their approach to work.
ENTJ 8w9s are just as strong as any other ENTJ, but thanks to the Nine wing, they can control themselves better. This ability may also make them more manipulative than a typical ENTJ, who expresses their needs and feelings bluntly.
The biggest difference between ENTJ 8w9s and ENTJ 8w7s is reflected in their overall attitude toward life. While both ENTJ subtypes are generally a bit more relaxed than a typical ENTJ, the Nine wing makes ENTJs more calculated, and the Seven wing makes them more impulsive. Let’s see an overview of all the key differences between the two.
ENTJ 8w9 | ENTJ 8w7 |
More tactful | More spontaneous |
More family-oriented | More adventure-seeking |
More compassionate | More egocentric |
Thoughtful and considerate | Reckless and uninhibited |
Thinks long-term | Lives for the moment |
Strategic thinking | Creative thinking |
Introverted extravert | Highly extraverted |
Mature and protective | Bold and domineering |
An ENTJ will either be a leader, CEO, director, or entrepreneur. They can’t stand being in a subordinate position for too long, so they will either climb the corporate ladder or work on their own terms. ENTJ 8w9s may be slightly more motivated to work in a more stable setting because they are family-oriented and their need for control is greater than their need for adventures.
As team players, ENTJ 8w9s will quickly earn the respect of their coworkers because they are smart, efficient, fast, and fair. They will probably assume the role of team leader as soon as possible.
Working independently is also a fairly common choice for this type. They are structured, don’t need pressure from the outside to get them working, and are perfectly capable of running a company.
ENTJ 8w9s like a clear structure and hierarchy and are excellent communicators. Therefore, they are great managers in whichever field they choose to work in. Their problem-solving skills are highly developed, so they are great under pressure. With this in mind, it’s safe to assume that some of the best ENTJ 8w9 careers are:
ENTJ 8w9 is not detail-oriented. They are great at seeing the big picture, brainstorming, and strategizing, but repetitive administrative tasks are the worst thing you can ask them to do. Therefore, the worst ENTJ 8w9 careers are:
In an unhealthy mode, ENTJ 8w9s become insecure and overwhelmed with all kinds of emotions. Their first reaction to such vulnerability is to cut off everything they feel and become hyper-rational. The more vulnerable they feel, the more arrogant their behavior becomes. And since they become so defensive, it is not easy to help them.
When they are frustrated for too long, the tendency to control anger loosens up, and they become prone to angry outbursts. They may blame others for not being as strong as they are and generally assume a critical attitude toward people in their surroundings. Eights have trust issues, and ENTJs can be suspicious, so ENTJ 8w9s will avoid sharing how they feel at all costs.
They may also become preoccupied with vindictive ideas and isolate and plot against the perceived enemies. However, these individuals are very resilient and capable of overcoming personal and professional crises. To avoid being stuck in an unhealthy pattern for longer than necessary, it is very important for ENTJ 8w9s to:
There are many famous ENTJ 8w9s in all spheres of life—some of the most popular ENTJ 8w9 celebrities are:
Now that you understand the ENTJ 8w9 meaning, you know a lot is going on behind their strong and charismatic appearance. These intense individuals will surely inspire you to take action, even if you’re just reading about them.
Before you leave, let’s make sure you’ve got all the ENTJ 8w9s’ key traits memorized:
26 June 2024
2 January 2025