Enneagram 1 and 4 Misidentification: How Rare Is It?

30 September 2024

enneagram 1 and 4 misidentification

Enneagram 1 and 4 misidentification happens when Enneagram Type One, also known as the Perfectionist, is mistaken for Enneagram Type Four, known as the Individualist.

These two types aren’t very alike at first glance; however, due to specific overlaps in their values and needs, it is possible to mistake one for another.

In this article, we’re taking a closer look at Ones and Fours’ similarities and differences to understand the logic behind Enneagram 1 and 4 misidentification.

Why Do Enneagrams 1 and 4 Get Misidentified?

Enneagrams 1 and 4 get misidentified because, despite being so different, they still share some important characteristics.

Let’s first explore their shared traits:

  • Desire for improvement: Both Ones and Fours are deeply driven to improve themselves constantly. There’s nothing that makes them more fulfilled than the feeling of becoming better at something.
  • Self-criticism: Ones are extremely hard on themselves whenever they make any mistake, and just like them, Fours are also merciless in the way they perceive their own flaws.
  • Focus on mistakes: Though they focus on mistakes in different areas of life, both Ones and Fours are hyper-attuned to noticing what’s missing, what could be improved, and what’s wrong compared to what’s right.
  • Emotional intensity: Ones may not be as expressive as Fours, but they are just as passionate about their ideas and aspirations.
  • Idealism: Fours and Ones are probably the most idealistic Enneagram types. They both have a strong sense of right and wrong, though they usually express it in entirely different ways.

What Is Enneagram Misidentification?

Enneagram misidentification, also referred to as Enneagram mistyping, happens when one Enneagram type gets confused with another one. Misidentifying an Enneagram type can happen for a number of reasons, from the lack of insight into the foundations of Enneagram theory to a misunderstanding of someone’s behavior.

Enneagram 1 and 4 misidentification can happen for various reasons, but regardless of why it happens, it is important to learn to avoid it. It could lead to failed opportunities for personal development, slow down a person’s growth, and limit them instead of expanding their self-awareness.

On the other hand, accurate identification of one’s Enneagram type can provide significant support in improving all aspects of their life, from career to love. This is because the Enneagram sheds light on a person’s core talents and strengths and teaches them how to overcome their weaknesses.

8 Common Reasons for Enneagram Misidentification

There are many reasons for Enneagram 1 and 4 misidentification and for Enneagram mistyping in general, but let’s focus on the eight most common ones:

A man consoling his friend

#1. Complexity of Human Personality

The psychology of human personality is well-explored, but there are many things we don’t know yet, and the human brain remains a black box in many ways. This makes it hard to create personality categories that would be 100% accurate and all-inclusive.

Plus, the complexity of human nature still puzzles scientists, so it is not realistic to expect any personality theory, including the Enneagram, not to be limited in one way or another.

#2. Misinterpretation of Motivations

Enneagram motivations are one of the central concepts of the Enneagram theory. They explain how each Enneagram type constructs their life strategy, what drives their behavior, and what kind of psychological factors affect them the most.

Moreover, the Enneagram theory isn’t focused on observable behaviors but on those underlying motivations. Thus, misidentifying Ones and misidentifying Fours is always possible, as they may behave similarly while their motivations remain different.

#3. Stereotypes

Stereotypes are created quickly, and they follow every personality theory; of course, the Enneagram isn’t an exception. These represent an attempt to simplify the concept of the Enneagram without making an effort to understand its logic.

So, exactly because they seem like a shortcut to understanding the complexity of the theory, they persevere and easily lead to Enneagram 1 and 4 misidentification.

#4. Influence of Wings

In line with the Enneagram theory, every Enneagram type can be influenced by their two neighboring types called the Enneagram wings. The type that has a stronger influence on the core type defines its subtype.

For instance, Type One can have Types Two and Nine as their wing, and Type Four can be influenced by Types Three and Five. Needless to say, this can easily lead to Enneagram mistyping for obvious reasons.

#5. Variability in Healthy vs. Unhealthy Types

Every Enneagram type behaves slightly differently depending on their level of psychological health and maturity. The more mature and healthy an individual is, the more they will embody all the positive traits of their Enneagram type.

Unhealthy behaviors, however, may give off the wrong impression about a certain personality type, thus enhancing mistyping, including Enneagram 1 and 4 misidentification.

#6. External Influences

Many external influences that we can never predict or entirely take into account shape who we are and may significantly change the expression of our core type. As a result, it can be possible to mistype someone due to their circumstances and the way they modify their personality.

#7. Self-Perception

Though some studies indicate that our self-perception usually lines up when we judge our own personality, we must not forget its limitations. In other words, we are all limited by something—our beliefs, values, prejudices, or knowledge.

Therefore, since every personality test is based on self-perception to some extent, there’s no way for any to provide 100% objective results. Needless to say, this obviously makes room for Enneagram 1 and 4 misidentification and Enneagram mistyping in general.

#8. Enneagram Arrows

Enneagram arrows are also one of the core concepts of the Enneagram. They explain how each Enneagram type grows or regresses under stress, taking over the traits of some other Enneagram type. So, as they develop or regress, Enneagram types can behave in ways that are not typical for them, which can be very confusing and misleading when trying to identify them.

4 Crucial Differences between Enneagram Type 1 and 4

Two men walking - enneagram 1 and 4 misidentification

The crucial differences between Enneagrams 1 and 4 include the way they express their similarities, their core motivations, behavioral expressions, and relationship needs.

Differences in Traits

The Perfectionist and the Idealist have many differences, but the most prominent ones are:

  • Impulsiveness: Ones are rarely impulsive. They might react on impulse only under extreme stress, but they immediately try to regain control. Fours have difficulty controlling their feelings, and impulsive reactions happen to them on a daily level.
  • Practical spirit: Though both are idealistic, Ones’ idealism is oriented toward practical, everyday issues, whereas Fours’ idealism is more spiritual and artistic in nature.
  • Spontaneity: Ones have trouble relaxing in general, and spontaneity is something they need to learn. Fours, on the other hand, refuse to be anything but spontaneous and freely follow their passions.
  • Organizational skills: Ones are exceptionally structured. Even as kids, they enjoy tidying their rooms and categorizing their stuff. Unlike them, Fours are pretty chaotic, as they defy all kinds of systems and organizations and feel restricted when they have to follow the rules. Enneagram 4 children, on the other hand, might exhibit a more chaotic approach, as they often resist systems and feel restricted by rules.
  • Creativity: Ones are constructive and pragmatic, but creativity isn’t their strongest suit; meanwhile, Fours are recognized for their untamed imagination and unique ideas.

Understanding Motivations

The concept of Enneagram motivations is one of the fundamental ideas of the Enneagram theory. It gives a deep insight into the psychological forces that drive each Enneagram type’s behavior and allows us to understand why seemingly similar types are actually so different. Bearing that in mind, here are Ones’ and Fours’ core motivations explained:

  • Type 1 Motivations: Enneagram Type 1 is motivated by the desire to be morally correct, pure, and just. They are driven by the desire to make the world a better place, correct the wrongs of the world, fight for justice, and generally improve the human condition.
  • Type 4 Motivations: Fours are motivated by the desire to explore their identity, understand themselves, and share their unique insights with the world through some form of creative expression. They seek to understand what makes them different from others.

Behavioral Expressions

Fours’ and Ones’ behavioral expressions are very different. Here are some key behavioral patterns of both types:

  • Type 1 Behaviors: Enneagram Type Ones usually assume leadership roles both in their private and professional lives. They are full of initiative, result-oriented, and practical, and they just enjoy organizing other people. As a result, people intuitively rely on them to make crucial decisions and light the way forward.
  • Type 4 Behaviors: Fours are very emotionally expressive and often behave in a theatrical way, oscillating from amusing to dramatic. Plus, since they are essentially introverted, they can be very withdrawn. However, their need to show who they are draws them to express themselves in creative ways, so they usually stand out from others in some way.

Relationship Needs

Ones and Fours are very different in terms of their needs in romantic relationships. Though both types seek honesty, devotion, and an intellectual match, Ones are more practical and want a stable connection. Fours, meanwhile, love the passion and the turbulence that comes with it.

Moreover, Fours are very romantic and often have a very idealized picture of what their relationship should feel like. Meanwhile, Ones seek a partner for life, someone whom they can rely on, and while they may project their perfectionistic tendencies on their partner, they are still more down-to-earth than Fours, who dream of a movie-like love story.

How to Know Which Enneagram Type You Are

Two girls taking a selfie - enneagram 1 and 4 misidentification

The best way to know which Enneagram type you are accurately is to take a quality Enneagram test. It’s based on comprehensive questions whose answers provide results with detailed explanations of your type so that you can quickly recognize if you got mistyped or not.

It would also be very useful to familiarize yourself with the Enneagram theory and its core concepts, such as Enneagram arrows, triads, and motivations. Understanding how the types are classified into categories can help you avoid Enneagram 1 and 4 misidentification and mistyping in general.

There’s also the possibility of asking the people who know you well for feedback about your behavior and personality and comparing their insights with your test results. This kind of exploration can lead to personal growth and may even encourage you to deepen relationships with some people in your life.

Key Takeaways

Enneagram 1 and 4 misidentification isn’t a particularly common phenomenon, yet it still happens for a number of different reasons. One of these reasons is surely Ones’ and Fours' shared values like integrity and honesty. However, there are more things they share, and we’ll wrap up this article by reminding you of their key similarities and differences:

  • Both Ones and Fours are highly idealistic; Ones' ideals inspire them to take practical actions, while Fours’ ideals lead to creative expression.
  • The Perfectionist and the Individualist are both very passionate, yet Ones are rarely impulsive because of their passion, while Fours often act on their impulses.
  • Ones not only love rules and procedures but also create them, whereas Fours tend to discount them completely.