30 May 2023
ESTP 7w8s steal the show wherever they show up with their brisk humor and energetic appearance. It would appear that they tackle everything with such ease and enthusiasm, in contrast to how other people stress and struggle to make ends meet. Is this person's life truly as carefree as they make it seem, or do they have something else going on that we don't know about?
If there is one thing that is certain, it is that ESTP 7w8s are thrilling both to be around and to read about.
Stay tuned if you are interested in learning where they get so much of their energy, what motivates them, and what they absolutely cannot stand. In this article, we will discuss the ESTP 7w8 meaning, as well as their primary characteristics, fears, and areas of weakness!
ESTP 7w8s are energetic, lively people who live in the moment. They enjoy being surrounded by friends and celebrating life in different ways. Fascinated with all the possibilities life offers, they are curious and excited like children, following their passions and interests uninhibited by social norms or any other limitations.
People are usually charmed by their wit, humor, and warmth, so they often get in the spotlight without any particular effort. However, they crave adventure, excitement, and change, so it is not easy to keep them interested in something for too long. The moment they are bored with an idea, situation, or person, they will simply leave without the need to explain or apologize.
These individuals are exceptionally resilient, resourceful, and creative. However, they have trouble staying focused, which may make it hard for them to realize their full potential. As they mature, they understand that life is more than an exciting playground, so they typically make their biggest achievements in the second half of their lives.
ESTP 7w8s’ intuition is strong, which is why they read other people’s feelings with ease. The moment they spot something suspicious about other people’s motives, they bluntly ask about it, which is why many perceive them as insensitive. On the other hand, this trait makes them a great asset in any emergency because they don’t hesitate to speak out and do what’s necessary.
However, despite their occasional bluntness and because of their humor, childlike honesty, and charisma, ESTP 7w8s usually have lots of friends. They attract a wide range of different people who admire them because they are brimming with passion and zest for life.
In exploring life, ESTP 7w8s rely on their senses. They want to taste all the pleasures of life and see, feel, and touch all of its beauty. Passionate in their desires and fearless in searching for new thrills, these individuals have a low tolerance for frustration or any other uncomfortable emotion, so they avoid feeling and facing them as much as they possibly can.
An ESTP 7w8 expresses their concerns through reckless action and risky behavior, often trying to suppress or avoid them. However, their core fears are always there, including:
Driven and ambitious, these individuals actively work on making their dreams come true, having a lot of fun along the way. Their biggest desires are:
The key difference between ESTPs and ESTP 7w8s is in their focus. ESTPs generally identify with Enneagram 7 fairly often, so both types struggle with staying consistent and focused. The Eight wing changes this tendency and makes ESTP 7w8s a bit more resolute and goal-oriented than a typical ESTP.
Now that we know what the biggest difference between the two is, let’s discover some more!
ESTPs and Sevens live for the thrill of the moment, unburdened with plans for the future or fears of uncertainty. However, Eights are very power-driven and feel a deep need to ensure their position in life. Therefore, ESTP 7w8 will be slightly less adventurous and slightly more ambitious and driven to achieve something.
Boldness and daring nature are typical of ESTPs and Sevens to some extent, but an ESTP 7w8 takes this to a whole other level. The Eight wing makes these individuals fearless and unstoppable when they want something.
An ESTP 7w8 is empathetic and can quickly pick up on how other people are feeling. Yet, they are not really affected by other people’s feelings because they are so focused on their own pleasure, satisfaction, thrill, or passion. For this reason, they are occasionally perceived as selfish, unlike regular ESTPs, who come across as more caring.
ESTPs and Sevens are like children, full of enthusiasm and always in the mood for fun. The Eight wing makes ESTPs more aware of their needs, so they become less impulsive and reckless in their decisions.
The childlike and whimsical nature of an ESTP 7w8 makes them the life and soul of the party, but it also makes them potentially less sensitive to the emotions of others.
What’s just a joke for them may sound like dreadful criticism to someone else, and since they are not so sensitive themselves, they don’t really understand how others can get insulted over simple jokes. ESTPs, meanwhile, seem to be a bit more socially adapted in such situations.
The leading difference between ESTP 7w8s and ESTP 7w6s is in the level of their anxiety. ESTPs and Sevens often struggle with anxiety whenever they are faced with unsettling feelings of any kind. The Eight wing makes them more motivated to overcome their weaknesses, while the Six wing tones down their overall enthusiasm.
Let’s have a closer look at the main differences between these two types:
ESTP 7w8 | ESTP 7w6 |
Loves challenges | Is more cautious and security-oriented |
More ambitious and driven | More interested in stability and steadiness |
Self-centered | Community-focused |
Leadership potential | Loyal worker |
Highly optimistic | Worried and pessimistic |
Domineering and bold | Pleasant and kind |
Loves being in the spotlight | Does not want to attract attention |
Very adjustable and resilient | Depends on others |
ESTP 7w8s can be good leaders because they have a vision and know how to inspire others to work toward a common goal. However, they may have to polish their organizational skills a bit, depending on how strong their wing is. If the Eight wing is very prominent, they will not struggle with structure and schedules like typical ESTPs.
When working in a team, their energy and passion make people around them feel motivated, which is one of their biggest assets. Even though they have a tendency to be a little self-absorbed at times, they frequently provide distinctively creative contributions to the efforts of the team.
Working independently is also a great option for this personality type, as they love the flexibility and freedom that such business arrangements provide.
ESTPs love to use their hands, and 7w8s are highly creative. ESTP 7w8s will, therefore, excel at careers that require some kind of tactile skill and imagination.
Some of the best ESTP 7w8 careers are:
Since they are very action-oriented, ESTP 7w8s don’t do well in slow-paced jobs that are too abstract. So, some of the worst ESTP 7w8 careers would be:
In an unhealthy mode, ESTP 7w8 resembles a rebellious teenager. They want it all, they want it now, and they feel entitled to get whatever they need. Avoiding responsibilities, ignoring their feelings and needs, making reckless decisions, and being benignly insensitive toward others are typical behavior patterns of an unhealthy ESTP 7w8.
The Eight wing also makes them prone to angry outbursts, and they struggle to control their reactions. Impulsivity, senseless competitiveness, and the pursuit of shallow pleasures drain their energy until they become completely exhausted.
Since they typically refuse to admit how they feel and face their fears, it takes time until they find the support they need to overcome such unhealthy behaviors. For them to grow, it is essential that they:
Now that you understand the ESTP 7w8 meaning, it will probably not be hard to imagine how or why these individuals may become famous.
There are many famous ESTP 7w8s, and you’ve probably heard of some of them—here’s a quick list of some of the most renowned ESTP 7w8 celebrities:
And so we’ve reached the end of this ESTP 7w8 description! As you can probably guess, it is not a special challenge to spot this type in the crowd since they love being in the limelight.
ESTP 7w8s are hard to forget because of their appeal and charisma, but let’s make sure you memorize other important facts about them too:
26 June 2024
2 January 2025