Enneagram 5 Friendship: Building Lasting Connections

16 October 2024

enneagram 5 friendship

Enneagram 5 friendships are very delicate and complex, based primarily on intellectual compatibility. Enneagram Type 5, also known as the Investigator, is one of the most introverted and independent personality types who doesn’t make friends easily and takes plenty of time to open up emotionally.

In this article, we’ll shed light on the crucial characteristics of Enneagram 5 friendships, as well as the strengths and challenges they face, and offer practical insights to support Fives in becoming better friends. Let’s dive in!

4 Key Traits of Enneagram 5 as Friends

The key traits of Enneagram 5 as a friend reflect their cautious, intricate nature. Here are the most important qualities they bring into their friendships:

#1. Thoughtfulness

Fives are very perceptive and sensitive, although they seem very reserved and emotionally detached at first sight. However, when it comes to people they are close with, they notice every detail about their moods, likes, and dislikes and make sure they don’t say or do anything that would make them feel uncomfortable.

Their thoughtfulness is also reflected in the way they respect your personal space, never pressuring you into talking or socializing when you don’t feel like doing so. That’s because they are also very independent and understand others' needs for autonomy. As a result, Enneagram 5 friendships are colored by mutual respect.

#2. Trustworthiness

It is not easy for Fives to become close with someone emotionally, so when they do, they respect the bond they built deeply. Because of that, they understand how difficult it may also be for others to talk about their feelings and share their intimate secrets.

They are exceptionally good at keeping others’ secrets, and their friends know they can tell them anything without fearing their vulnerabilities ever being exposed. Trustworthy and dependable, Fives can know and understand their friends on a very deep level, which is one of the many reasons why Enneagram 5 friendships are stable and lasting.

#3. Problem-Solving Skills

Fives have sharp minds and are exceptionally objective; therefore, they are able to see things from multiple perspectives. So, when a friend turns to them with a problem, they easily come up with many practical and innovative solutions.

Their problem-solving skills are also evident in the way they behave in stressful situations, remaining calm and rational so their friends know who to turn to when they are going through a rough patch.

#4. Intellectual Challenge

Enneagram 5 friendships are based on intellectual compatibility. Fives’ minds are always racing with new ideas. They are tireless in their intellectual pursuits and enjoy intellectual discussions.

For this reason, they never hesitate to confront their friends’ opinions, challenge them to justify their views and explain their logic, always eager to learn more.

Fives are true lifelong learners and need plenty of intellectual stimulation to keep them engaged in friendship. That is why they seek well-educated, curious friends with whom they can exchange knowledge and who inspire them to learn new things.

What Makes Enneagram Fives Good Friends? 3 Strengths Explained

A group of friends toasting

Enneagram Type Five brings unique strengths into their friendships, making them steady and lasting. So, here are the key qualities they display as friends:

#1. Loyalty

Fives take their relationships seriously and are very committed friends, deeply loyal to those with whom they form close bonds. It is not easy for them to find someone who can match their intellectual intensity and emotional intricacy, so when they do find such a person, they do everything in their power to ensure this person stays in their lives.

As a result, Fives are the kind of friends that are always there for you when you need them the most, loyal and devoted no matter what you’re going through.

#2. Objectivity

Investigators have analytical minds and are capable of controlling their emotions so that they don’t affect their judgment, no matter how close someone is to them. As a result, they can always see issues from a neutral perspective, which can be eye-opening for their friends when they feel emotionally overwhelmed.

In addition, Fives have truly open minds and aren’t the least judgmental. They will offer their perspective and suggest directions for you to choose from to solve your problems, but they will never pressure you or judge any choice you make.

#3. Honesty

Fives aren’t honest in the sense that they are bold or rude but in the sense that they will never hesitate to say what they really think about something or to fake anything in their friendships. Their communication style is very clear and concise.

They have no trouble sharing and backing their opinions even when their friends may find them challenging and, at the same time, always prefer to be genuine instead of pleasing others’ expectations. Their friends know they can always count on them when they need an honest opinion.

4 Challenges of Being Friends With the Investigators

The challenges of being friends with the Investigators mostly stem from their highly introverted nature.

Here are the most important ones:

  • Emotional detachment: Fives struggle to express how they feel even when they truly want to do so, which is why their friends may feel that they are emotionally detached. Moreover, they may be perceived as too distant and uninterested because they fail to show more affection and enthusiasm in their connections.
  • Tendency to self-isolation: The first and most natural defense mechanism of Enneagram Type 5 to any kind of stress and challenge is to self-isolate. Fives generally enjoy spending time alone and aren’t aware of how neglected their friends may feel because of their habit of simply disappearing from their lives for some time. It can be challenging to maintain emotional intimacy in a friendship when Fives constantly pull away for apparently no reason.
  • Overintellectualization: It may sometimes be exhausting for Fives’ friends to respond to their intellectual challenges, particularly in situations when they are going through emotionally challenging experiences. Fives focus on intellect and have a tendency to insist on logical explanations in every situation, failing to recognize that their friends sometimes need just their presence and support.
  • Lack of spontaneity: Five's tendency to cut off their feelings also reflects in the lack of spontaneity in their behavior. Since they are not in contact with their emotions, they react with logic, thought, and caution to every situation, which doesn’t leave a lot of room for simple, spontaneous fun.

3 Tips for Building Strong Friendships with the Enneagram Type 5

A group of women hanging out - enneagram 5 friendship

Building a strong friendship with an Enneagram Type 5 requires tact and patience.

Here are some essential tips:

  • Respect their autonomy: Fives need plenty of space, so, as their friend, you need to be very understanding of their tendency to withdraw. They need their alone time to recharge, regain clarity, and process their thoughts. You’ll notice that they are especially inclined to isolate themselves when they are under stress and it is essential that you let them have their space without taking their withdrawal from connection personally.
  • Share your intellectual passions: If you want to keep Fives invested in your friendship, ensure you provide them with plenty of intellectual stimulation. This means sharing your insights and knowledge, asking them tough questions, challenging their opinions, and exploring topics of mutual interest. There’s nothing a Five enjoys more than a quality intellectual discussion.
  • Show understanding of their lack of emotional expression: Fives will show their love by spending time with you, listening to you, and sharing their thoughts with you. They are not emotionally expressive, and a simple hug may feel too overwhelming for them. Therefore, be patient with them, allow them to open up spontaneously, and create a safe space for them to feel comfortable sharing their feelings with you.

How Can Enneagram Fives Become Better Friends?

Enneagram Fives can become better friends primarily by focusing more on their emotional expression. Below are the key strategies to becoming the best Enneagram 5 friend you can:

#1. Show More Affection

There’s so much joy that Fives don’t let out, unaware of how beneficial it would be for their relationships to show more affection. So, for starters, verbalize your emotions, talk about them, and see how it feels. With time, you will feel more and more comfortable expressing your feelings, and your friends will surely encourage your efforts to open up emotionally.

Your friendships generally tend to lack emotional engagement because you prioritize logic over emotion. Because of that, you need to focus more on being emotionally available and present to strengthen your friendships on a deeper level.

This doesn't require you to change who you are—small gestures that show that you acknowledge and validate your friends’ feelings can make a huge difference.

#2. Don’t Avoid Conflicts

Though you easily remain calm and composed under pressure and solve professional conflicts with grace, when you are emotionally involved with someone, conflicts feel too dangerous. As a result, you tend to avoid them, which may create unnecessary emotional distance in your friendships.

So, approach conflicts as opportunities to gain more clarity and achieve greater intimacy with your friends. Do not hold back your feelings, show your anger, and explain your reasons while also being open to hearing and understanding your friends’ perspectives on the issue at hand.

By persisting through conflicts and learning to manage them in a healthy way, you’ll deepen your friendship and build stronger bonds with others.

#3. Foster Compassion

Your objectivity is very valuable to your friends, but sometimes they just need you to offer them compassion instead of the solution to their problem. Therefore, focus more on understanding your friends’ feelings and practice empathizing with them, as in most cases, you’ll see they are perfectly capable of finding solutions themselves.

#4. Ask for Help

Asking for help may feel completely against your nature, but having someone who honestly wants to help you out in life is one of the greatest advantages of having friends. You insist so much on your independence and aren’t even aware of how much you can make your friends feel like you don’t need them simply because you never ask them for anything.

So, look at it as a kind of social experiment and try asking your friends to help you out the next time you face any kind of challenge in life. You’ll be amazed by the results!

Which Enneagram Type Could Be Your BFF?

Take our free Enneagram test and find out now!

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap! We hope you can now understand your enigmatic Enneagram Type 5 friend better!

With that in mind, let’s remind you of some insights about Enneagram 5 friendship:

  • Intellectual compatibility is the most important aspect of Enneagram 5 friendships—it is the foundation of the entire relationship.
  • To be a good friend to Enneagram Type 5, you need to understand their need for space, their emotional complexity, and their intellectual passion.
  • Fives can become better friends by focusing more on strengthening the emotional bond with their friends.