Enneagram 1 and 3 Misidentification: Reasons & Insights

30 August 2024

enneagram 1 and 3 misidentification

Enneagram 1 and 3 misidentification (misidentifying Ones or misidentifying Threes) happens because Types One and Three have some crucial characteristics in common. However, they are also very different from each other, even though the differences aren’t so obvious.

In this article, we’ll explore Enneagram 1 and 3 misidentification in detail. We will also analyze Ones’ and Threes’ similarities and differences to prevent Enneagram mistyping and maximize the advantage of the Enneagram test.

Why Do Enneagram 1 and 3 Get Misidentified?

Enneagram 1 and 3 misidentification isn’t as common as, for example, Enneagram 3 and 8 misidentification, but it happens fairly often because Ones and Threes sometimes behave in similar ways.

To better understand what can lead to Enneagram 1 and 3 misidentification, let’s review the most prominent characteristics that they share:

  • Ambition: Ones are ambitious in the sense of seeking to improve the world with their skills and competence, whereas Three's ambitions are colored by their need to be admired and recognized. Nevertheless, both are very determined to pursue their goals.
  • Perfectionism: Ones hold themselves to their own high standards and want to do everything perfectly out of a sense of duty. Threes, on the other hand, want to be the best at everything and believe that the best way to achieve this is to do everything perfectly.
  • Productivity: Enneagram 1 and 3 misidentification often happens because both Ones and Threes are very efficient and goal-oriented. They like to see the results of their efforts and don’t waste time on anything that doesn’t align with their long-term goals.
  • Competitiveness: Both Ones and Threes are competitive, though in entirely different ways. Ones compete with their own standards of perfection, whereas Threes compete with everyone whom they perceive as a threat to their No. 1 status.
  • Initiative: The Perfectionist and the Achiever are both full of initiative and that’s one of the most common reasons for Enneagram 1 and 3 misidentification. They are also both very active and don’t need anyone to motivate or inspire them to pursue their dreams; they go after their goals without much hesitation.

What Is Enneagram Misidentification?

What Is Enneagram Misidentification?

Enneagram misidentification, also referred to as Enneagram mistyping, happens when you don’t determine your Enneagram type accurately but get the wrong type instead. Enneagram misidentification can lead to confusion and thus hinder your personal growth and self-discovery in subtle yet significant ways.

For example, each Enneagram type has its own unique Enneagram motivation and life strategy, so getting identified as the wrong type could encourage you to make decisions that are not in your best interest. Moreover, it can hinder your process of self-discovery and prevent you from developing adequate self-awareness.

Determining your Enneagram type correctly is important because knowing your type means understanding who you are. Moreover, it helps you understand what your core needs and desires are and how to use your strengths and overcome your weaknesses in the most efficient ways.

8 Typical Reasons for Enneagram Misidentification

Identifying the reasons for misidentifying Threes and for misidentifying Ones can help us prevent Enneagram mistyping. Here are some of the most important ones:

#1. The Intricacy of Human Personality

There’s nothing simple about human personality. While many personality theories attempt to categorize and classify people into certain types, no theory can withhold the complexity of the human psyche.

So, mistyping is a normal and inevitable consequence of every attempt at personality categorization.

#2. Lack of Knowledge About Enneagram Motivations

Motivations are one of the core concepts of the Enneagram theory and explain the psychological drivers that inspire each type’s life strategy.

The Enneagram theory isn’t focused on observable behaviors but on the deepest motivation of each Enneatype. Therefore, since behaviors may overlap and motivations are often not obvious, the possibility of mistyping is high. This is particularly relevant for Enneagram 1 and 3 misidentification because of their behavioral overlaps.

#3. Uninformed Prejudices and Stereotypes

As with any personality type theory, the Enneagram personality system is also associated with many prejudices and stereotypes. Some of them are loosely based on facts about certain types, but in general, every prejudice and stereotype is rather misleading than useful.

#4. Influence of Wings

The Enneagram theory recognizes two subtypes of each Enneagram type. These are also known as Enneagram wings, and they add more nuance and complexity to each type, but they also make it easier to misidentify Enneagram types.

#5. Impact of Enneagram Arrows

Enneagram arrows describe the ways in which Enneagram types change when they are under stress. In general, each type may take over the traits of another specific type when stressed, which, obviously, may cause mistyping.

#6. Variability in Healthy vs. Unhealthy Types

Each Enneagram type can function in a healthy, average, or unhealthy way, as well as exhibit certain behavioral patterns at a different level of functioning. Since these behaviors can be very atypical, misidentification is always possible due to not recognizing the level of functioning of a certain type.

#7. Environmental Influences

There are certain environmental influences that are not possible to account for in advance. No one can choose their family, country, or place of birth, and there are many more factors that influence us and are completely out of our control. Cultural differences can, for example, completely change or modify some crucial aspects of our personalities.

#8. Challenges of Self-Perception

Our self-perception is prone to all kinds of limitations but is primarily shaped by our core beliefs, fears, and attitudes. Since all personality tests are based on self-perception to some level, misidentification is always possible if ours is limited.

4 Key Differences between Enneagram Type 1 and 3

Differences between Enneagram Type 1 and 3

The crucial differences between Enneagram 1 and 3 revolve around their motivations, as previously mentioned. However, they also have many different traits, and their core values are also fundamentally different.

To better understand this, let’s go over the most prominent distinctions between Enneagram Type 1 and Enneagram Type 3.

Contrasting Traits

Ones are highly moral, ethical, and dutiful individuals who don’t care about status, image, and power, unlike the Threes who crave public validation. One's ambition and determination are inspired by their need to be morally correct, make the world a better place, and do good in general. They are altruistic and unselfish in their pursuits.

Threes, on the other hand, are very concerned with their image. They enjoy socializing, being in the limelight, and having fun. Moreover, they have a very pronounced adventurist side and are a lot more relaxed in the company of other people than Ones.

Additionally, Ones are tactful, reserved, and serious, whereas Threes are persuasive, seductive, and playful in their communication. Plus, Ones tend to dress in an elegant yet non-attention-drawing manner, while Threes like to stand out with designer clothes and extravagant pieces.

Finally, Ones are altruistic and genuinely concerned with improving the quality of life in their community, while Threes are a lot more egocentric, with their eyes always on the prize.

Core Motivations

Ones and Threes are very different in terms of their core motivations; it is incredible how often their behaviors overlap while they are motivated by entirely different needs. Let’s go over their core motivations to understand these differences:

  • Type 1 Motivations: Ones are motivated by the desire to be morally correct and do everything the right way. They believe that they can only be loved if they behave in line with the highest moral standards. For this reason, they give their best to lead exemplary lives in every way, from being a great student to being an excellent employee, partner, and friend. They feel that they need to make everything in their life perfect.
  • Type 3 Motivations: Threes are motivated by the desire to be the best in everything they do. They need achievement to feel good about themselves because they believe that they are only as good as their last success. They crave approval, admiration, and recognition and are ready to go above and beyond to earn them.

Behavioral Expressions

Enneagram One and Three may behave in similar ways in professional contexts, but other than that, their behaviors are entirely different. Here’s an overview of their typical behavioral expressions:

  • Type 1 Behaviors: Ones are kind, polite, and often a bit formal in their behavior. They don’t like to draw attention to themselves and take care that what they say and do is in line with rules, circumstances, and expectations. They exude a quiet strength and have an authoritative presence but do not seek to exert control over or dominate others. In addition, they are like the gatekeepers of morality in every situation.
  • Type 3 Behaviors: Threes are either in the center of attention or competing to get there. For them, even a relaxed social gathering is perceived as competition, and they want to be the winners in every way and in every situation. Therefore, their behavior is competitive, dynamic, challenging, and often very amusing, as they enjoy charming other people.

Stress Response

Enneagram Type 1 and Type 3 reactions to stress have some overlaps but are essentially profoundly different. Ones under stress become overly self-critical, judgmental, and full of resentment. They can also become passive-aggressive and too focused on negative things both within and around them.

Enneagram Type 3 under stress throws themselves into their work, becomes preoccupied with perceived failure, and is overly focused on getting external validation and approval. They are also prone to burnout, after which their behavior becomes lethargic, apathetic, and passive.

How to Know Which Enneagram Type You Are?

Two girls holding hands and leaning backwards in a vibrant flower field

Confirming your Enneagram type isn’t a big challenge if you understand the basics of Enneagram theory. These include concepts like Enneagram motivations, life strategies, and wings, and when you learn more about these, it becomes much easier to see differences between similar types.

Another thing you can do to check whether you got the correct results is to ask your closest friends for feedback about your behavior and traits. This kind of reality check can be a huge help in accurately determining your Enneagram type.

Finally, taking a well-designed and scientifically-backed Enneagram test is the best and most reliable way to determine your Enneageam type correctly. Such tests will also provide a detailed explanation of your type, allowing you to immediately feel if you got mistyped.

Key Takeaways

Though not as common as misidentification of some other types, Enneagram 1 and 3 misidentification is still not a rare phenomenon. Before you go, let’s highlight the most important insights from this article:

  • Enneagram 1 and 3 misidentification happens primarily because of their shared traits like ambition, initiative, perfectionism, productivity, and competitiveness.
  • Understanding each type’s life strategy and motivation is the best way to distinguish them and avoid Enneagram misidentification.
  • Determining your Enneagram type accurately can significantly improve the quality of your life by allowing you to develop your self-awareness and identify your core strengths and talents. Therefore, it is important to prevent misidentifying Enneagram types.