Enneagram 3 and 8 Misidentification: Why Does It Happen?

30 August 2024

enneagram 3 and 8 misidentification

Enneagram 3 and 8 misidentification is a very common phenomenon because it is very easy to mistake Enneagram Type Three, the Achiever, for Enneagram Type Eight, the Challenger, and vice versa. Not only are these often mistaken for one another, but they also get along great because they have so much in common!

In this article, we’ll shed light on the key reasons why Enneagram 3 and 8 misidentification happens and explain how to prevent Enneagram mistyping in general. Let’s jump in!

Why Do Enneagrams 3 and 8 Get Misidentified?

Enneagrams 3 and 8 get misidentified because they have so many shared traits and behaviors.

So, let’s analyze their shared traits, as this will allow us to better understand their differences and why misidentifying Enneagram types happens:

  • Ambition: Challengers and Achievers are fiercely ambitious and driven to be exceptionally successful in life. Though success means entirely different things to them, they both pursue it passionately and relentlessly.
  • Initiative: Neither Threes nor Eights wait for anyone to tell them what to do. They know what needs to be done and how to achieve their goals, so they go after their plans without considering anyone.
  • Leadership Skills: Enneagram Type 3 and Enneagram Type 8 are both great leaders and have highly developed organizational and management skills. They are also very persuasive and ready to take charge in any situation.
  • Charisma: Achievers and Challengers are very energetic, passionate, and charming individuals who never go unnoticed. Both know how to attract and keep the attention of people they are interested in.
  • Pragmatic Spirit: Enneagram 3 and 8 misidentification often happens because both Threes and Eights are practical, realistic, goal-oriented doers who don’t like to waste time on abstract theories.
  • Competitiveness: Threes and Eights are the most competitive Enneagram personality types. Though their competitiveness is driven by entirely different needs, they are both bold, relentless rivals.

What is Enneagram Misidentification?

Two girls happily jumping on a park walkway

Enneagram misidentification, also referred to as Enneagram mistyping, is the process of assigning the wrong type to a person due to a lack of understanding or knowledge about Enneagram types.

Enneagram misidentification is a common phenomenon and can have many undesirable effects, from limiting one’s potential for self-discovery to preventing one from making optimal life choices.

The reason why Enneagram mistyping can have such effects lies in the fact that, according to Enneagram theory, each type is defined by its own unique strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, by misidentifying your type, you fail to gain insight into your strongest and weakest points.

So, there’s no doubt that determining your Enneagram type accurately is essential for supporting your personal growth and development. Moreover, knowing your type can help you overcome your weaknesses and leverage your strengths in the most efficient way.

8 Common Reasons for Enneagram Misidentification

The best way to prevent Enneagram mistyping is to identify the reasons behind it. That is why we’ll explain the most typical reasons for Enneagram 3 and 8 misidentification and Enneagram misidentification in general below:

#1. The Complexity of Human Nature

Many personality theories aim to classify people into certain categories based on the assumption that such categories will help us understand human nature on a deeper level. While that is a fact, in some cases, every categorization is limited, and human personality is always more complex than any personality theory could account for.

Therefore, mistyping is just a common event in every personality theory, so Enneagram 3 and 8 misidentification is no exception.

#2. Lack of Knowledge About Enneagram Motivations

Understanding Enneagram theory requires knowledge of its core concepts, like Enneagram motivations and life strategies. The Enneagram personality system doesn’t rely on observable behaviors but on the deepest psychological motivation of each Enneagram type.

As a consequence, since behaviors of certain Enneagram types can be very similar and motivations are often not as obvious, it is fairly easy to misidentify any Enneagram type.

#3. Common Prejudices and Stereotypes

Every personality theory is surrounded by specific prejudices and stereotypes, and the Enneagram personality system is no exception. Stereotypes lead to misconceptions and misinterpretations of specific aspects of the theory, often resulting in Enneagram mistyping. With that in mind, it is very understandable why Enneagram 3 and 8 misidentification is so common.

#4. Influence of Wings

The concept of Enneagram wings is another core concept of the Enneagram theory, and it explains that each Enneagram type has two subtypes. These subtypes are the reason why an Enneagram type often displays atypical traits, which can lead to mistyping for obvious reasons.

#5. Impact of Enneagram Arrows

The concept of Enneagram arrows explains how each Enneagram type changes when they experience severe stress. Generally, each type is prone to exhibiting behavioral patterns typical of another type when under stress, which, obviously, may cause mistyping.

#6. Variability in Healthy vs. Unhealthy Types

Enneagram theory recognizes the nuances in each type’s functioning and defines how each Enneagram type behaves on a healthy, average, or unhealthy level.

Since Enneagram types may display certain atypical behavioral patterns depending on their level of development, misidentification is always possible due to failure to recognize the level of functioning of a particular type.

#7. Environmental Influences

No one can predict the external influences we’re all exposed to during life. There are many unpredictable factors that change and modify our personalities, and no personality test can encompass such influences entirely.

Moreover, culture, tradition, and similar powerful influences may offer a misleading image of certain traits of our personality and thus cause Enneagram mistyping.

#8. Subjectivity

Every personality test is based on self-perception to some extent. Since our self-perception is limited by our subjective attitudes and beliefs, it is impossible to achieve absolute objectivity in testing. With that in mind, misidentification is always possible due to subjectivity and limited self-perception.

4 Key Differences Between Enneagram 3 and 8

Enneagram 3 and 8 Misidentification

The crucial difference between Enneagrams 3 and 8 is their motivations. However, they are also different in many other ways. Here’s an overview of all their important differences:

Differences in Traits

Though both Threes and Eights are highly energetic and active individuals, the quality of their energy and presence are entirely different.

Eights have a commanding presence, and they always draw attention to themselves as people feel their strength, regardless of how they look. Threes, on the other hand, often look very attractive and like to charm other people, so they get noticed because of that.

Furthermore, Threes are way more adaptable and flexible. They scan their environment to intuitively grasp the best way to stand out. Meanwhile, Eights are more rigid in their attitude and seek to control their environment, not adapt to it.

Moreover, Eights are direct, determined to have things their way, and very confrontational, while Threes aren’t as openly confrontational. They would rather manipulate other people subtly to get their way.y

Another important distinction is in the way Threes and Eights manage their reputations. Threes are very concerned with their public image, while Eights don’t care at all how they are perceived as long as they are achieving their goals.

Understanding Motivations

Enneagram motivations are one of the core concepts of the Enneagram test and theory, and they explain the fundamental difference between Enneagrams 3 and 8. So, here’s an overview of each type’s core motivation:

  • Type 3 Motivations: Threes are motivated by the desire to be admired and seen as successful and exceptional. As a result, they identify with their achievements and suffer deeply when they experience failure. They are very image-conscious, and success is only a tool for them to get social approval.
  • Type 8 Motivations: Eights are motivated by the desire for independence and autonomy. They want to be the masters of their lives, and they can’t stand the idea of being controlled by anyone or anything. Therefore, success for them is a tool that provides them with the power to protect their independence.

Behavioral Expressions

Threes and Eights’ behaviors can often be very similar, but these similarities are limited to specific circumstances. In general, there are many differences in their behaviors, including:

  • Type 3 behaviors: Threes enjoy being in the limelight and are often the life of the party. Impressing other people is important to them, so their behavior is always polished and adjusted to the circumstances. They intentionally want to stand out in the crowd and use all the means that are available to them to make sure they leave an impression of success.
  • Type 8 behaviors: Eights exude self-confidence and behave like they are in control in every situation, unbothered by social norms or others’ approval. They aren’t concerned with impressing others, and they know what they want to get from every situation and choose the most efficient way to achieve their goals. Their behavior is bold and even rude at times, as they are never afraid to speak up or start a conflict.

Stress Response

Though both have a high tolerance for stress, Threes and Eights react to stress in completely different ways. Here are their typical behavioral patterns when they are under extreme stress:

  • Type 3 stress response: When under stress, Threes become overwhelmed with insecurity and are prone to deception and all kinds of tricks to hide their crippling fear of failure. They become restless and irrational and easily slide into workaholism and burnout.
  • Type 8 stress response: Eights under stress become aggressive, ready to start a fight at the slightest trigger, and their behavior oscillates on the verge of violence. They might become very dangerous and, at some point, even self-destructive.

How to Know Which Enneagram Type is Yours

Two girls looking at a notebook

It is not too difficult to determine your Enneagram type when you understand the foundations

of the Enneagram theory. So, getting familiar with the basic concepts of Enneagram, like Enneagram motivations and life strategies and Enneagram wings, helps you understand the essence of each personality type, thus helping you prevent mistyping.

You can also always ask the people who are close to you and who know you well for realistic feedback about your personality and behavior. This means you can ask them how they perceive you and then compare their insights with yours. This kind of reality check can be of great help when identifying your Enneagram type.

Finally, there’s no doubt that the best and most reliable way to correctly identify your Enneagram type is to take a well-designed Enneagram test. A quality Enneagram test should give you a detailed explanation of your Enneagram personality type so that you can quickly notice whether you got mistyped.

Key Takeaways

Threes and Eights are really easy to misidentify for one another, especially if you’re not familiar with Enneagram motivations.

Therefore, to prevent Enneagram 3 and 8 misidentification, let’s round off by focusing on the most important insights from this article:

  • Enneagrams 3 and 8 share many traits like charisma, leadership skills, initiative, drive, and energy, so misidentifying Threes and misidentifying Eights happens often. However, they behave in very different ways.
  • The best way to avoid Enneagram 3 and 8 misidentification and learn to differentiate between Eights and Threes is to understand their core motivations and life strategies.
  • Determining your Enneagram type accurately can transform your life by supporting your personal growth and development in the most efficient ways.