25 May 2023
You may have taken both personality and Enneagram tests and feel like neither offers a full explanation of your personality. The thing is, the most precise description is attainable when you combine the insights from both of these tools. That means you are not either an INFP or a 4w5, but an INFP 4w5 personality.
The INFP 4w5 type is among the rarest Enneagram types, and it is not easy to understand all the complexity of their nature, but it is easy to love them.
If you are curious to learn more about what it means to be both an INFP and a 4w5, dive in! You’ll learn what this type fears and yearns for, as well as what’s unique about them.
INFP 4w5s are quiet people who are very driven to find and make their own identities. They want to leave a unique trace in the world by using their talents and are often very creative, though not always in an artsy kind of way.
Since they are on an endless quest to find themselves and understand their essence, they may sometimes seem self-absorbed and egocentric. Because of this propensity and their tendency to overreact, they might also come across as demanding in friendships and relationships.
However, they are much more flexible and tolerant than they seem. Still, their empathy and care for others are not obvious, as they often lack interpersonal skills. Small talk feels like a punishment to them.
Despite generally being very emotional and sensitive, they do not base their entire lives on how they feel. INFP 4w5 can be logical. Moreover, in particular areas of their lives, they will predominantly use logic.
Hyperintellectualization and overthinking are their typical habits. They easily get lost in their heads trying to observe certain phenomena from every possible angle.
Talking about ideas and theories with others is something an INFP 4w5 deeply enjoys. They are able to come to some kind of insight based on emotions and then continue to discuss it using their logic. For that reason, they are usually very interesting conversationalists.
Generally, most descriptions of INFPs correspond to the descriptions of the Enneagram Type Four, or to Enneagram types with a Four wing, so INFP 4w5 fears are very similar to the typical fears of the Enneagram Type Four.
Since this type’s biggest concern is their identity, their fears are mostly about:
The desires of the INFP 4w5 personality are very distinct and specific. They include:
Since Enneagram Type Four perfectly fits the description of the INFP personality type, what really makes the difference in the case of INFP 4w5 is the influence of the Enneagram Wing Five.
Though generally preoccupied with their feelings and prone to reaching subjective conclusions, INFP 4w5 are capable of making logical decisions. This type is typically used to relying on logic in specific areas of their life, while in others they allow themselves to follow their hearts.
They still mostly base their views of the world on how they feel, but they are not so easily overwhelmed. They are more in control of their emotions and capable of using logic when they estimate that’s what's best for them.
INFPs love to enjoy their freedom. This need is especially accentuated in the case of INFP 4w5s. This type needs to feel self-sufficient and is therefore more willing to organize their finances and lifestyle in general.
Though it may seem that they are a bit more orderly than a typical INFP type, they are just more aware of how their ability to take care of their stuff impacts their independence.
Exploring different theories related to their fields of interest makes this type feel inspired. Their intuition drives their curiosity, and they are often capable of collecting a wide range of data.
Thanks to this trait, they often come up with interesting, unique ideas, concepts, and artistic creations.
Though it may seem that these two characters will share many traits, they are fundamentally different. Both types will surely be creative, intellectually oriented loners who enjoy their solitude. Therefore, the easiest way to understand their differences is to look at their deepest motivations.
Here’s a breakdown of the core differences between INFP 4w5 vs. INFP 5w4.
INFP 4w5s | INFP 5w4s |
Stress about their flaws | Stress when they feel incompetent |
Focus on finding and expressing their uniqueness | Focus on acquiring competencies, skills, and knowledge |
Are deeply curious about their feelings | Are deeply curious about the outer world and science |
Care about their public image and want to be perceived as different | Don’t care about their public image and have preferably comfortable, casual clothing style |
Gravitate more toward art | Gravitate more toward science |
Tend to bend or avoid rules | Tend to follow and create rules |
Find it easier to express emotionally | Find it hard to show affection |
Are on a quest to find their life purpose | Are on a quest to find the purpose of life in general |
Are subjective and prone to mood swings | Are less subjective and more stable |
INFP 4w5s are very original and have no interest in conforming to social norms and expectations. Therefore, they are often not interested in climbing the corporate ladder.
In fact, they can be thought leaders, but they usually don’t care about managerial roles and don’t like being held responsible for others. Therefore, being a boss sounds like a burden to them—not a reward.
Since they are very introverted, working in a team is not their thing, as they will always look for ways to distinguish themselves from others, not to connect. They can feel good as associates who occasionally contribute, but full-time work in a team may exhaust them.
Working independently is what they need to be able to show their talents. They need room to explore their passions and follow their flow of thought.
Profitability is never a good enough reason for an INFP 4w5s to do any job, regardless of their financial situation. And, whatever they choose to do, they will find a way to do it differently from the way others do it. With that in mind, some of the most suitable INFP 4w5 careers are:
Strict rules and a lack of creativity in the workplace can be very stressful for INFP 4w5s. They need to feel free to give their best, so repetitive and tedious administrative tasks can be considered their worst nightmare. With regard to this, some of their worst career choices would be:
Discover which academic fields suit your personality type best with our Academic Exploration Test.
When their capacity to cope with stress is exhausted, an unhealthy INFP 4w5 will become scattered, isolated, and unable to keep their focus. They tend to overthink things in these situations and are easily offended by the slightest reprimand.
Generally, the more troubled their childhood is, the more likely they are to have issues with emotional regulation. This type generally tends to identify with how they feel, and if their life situation becomes too challenging, they may get lost in their feelings.
What’s particularly worrying is that since they are very introverted, they do not see asking for help as a viable option. So, they take measures to distance themselves from others and suffer in silence. They may also swing between appearing completely detached and being clingy and needy.
Like many other types with a dominant perceiving function, they typically struggle with setting and recognizing their boundaries, so they are often either too rigid or too loose with them.
In order to grow, INFP 4w5s need to accept that needing others is not a sign of weakness and does not jeopardize their identity. It is essential that they make a conscious effort to connect with others and share how they feel. Otherwise, they can easily get lost in their heads.
INFP 4w5 characters are often gifted artists and performers of all kinds. Some of the most well-known INFP 4w5 famous personalities are:
Now that you understand the INFP 4w5 meaning, you’ll surely be able to recognize this personality type more easily. Still, let’s recap this guide by remembering some of their most distinct traits:
26 June 2024
2 January 2025