Animator, film producer
Walt Disney is the creator of many beloved animated characters like Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Goofy, and Donald Duck, which have shaped the animation industry. His Walt Disney Company has become one of the most successful entertainment businesses.
Being happy
Being in pain
Sevens are carefree, joyful hedonists who want to taste all the pleasures of life. The imagination of these playful, passionate, and creative individuals is boundless, and they are at their best when they use their creativity.
Thanks to their great sense of humor, they are also excellent entertainers, and they believe that life should be fun, so they act accordingly.
Sevens are carefree, joyful hedonists who want to taste all the pleasures of life. The imagination of these playful, passionate, and creative individuals is boundless, and they are at their best when they use their creativity.
Thanks to their great sense of humor, they are also excellent entertainers, and they believe that life should be fun, so they act accordingly.
Do you have the same Enneagram Type as Walt ? Find out here!
Start the test!Sevens are known for their adventurous spirit, insatiable curiosity, and the need for excitement in life. They are free-spirited and led by the belief that life should be joyful and inspiring. Passionate as they are, Sevens follow their hearts and do only things that fulfill them for real, unbothered by social expectations and norms.
Walt Disney was the creator of Disneyland and Disney World, the pioneer of cartoon films, and one of the most successful showmen in the world.
He faced many challenges at the beginning of his career, and it was his animated character, Mickey Mouse, that saved his business by earning great popularity in a very short time. After creating it, Disney’s career continued to flourish, and he won 22 Academy Awards during his lifetime.
Thanks to Walt Disney’s imagination, a typical trait of Type Seven, the world is richer with many amusing animated characters that are still loved worldwide.
His passion and creativity have revolutionized the animation industry. Additionally, his playfulness, sense of humor, and passion made his animated characters irresistible and memorable.
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
Walt Disney
Animator, film producer
"Why worry? If you've done the very best you can, worrying won't make it any better."
Walt Disney
Animator, film producer
"If you can dream it, you can do it."
Walt Disney
Animator, film producer
Be the master of your destiny and maximize your potential by learning what your Enneagram type is!
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