Tom Cruise’s personality type

Actor, producer

Tom Cruise had his major breakthrough as an actor in the movie “Top Gun,” after which he continued with brilliant performances in “Rain Man,” “Risky Business,” and other classics. He is also a multiple AcademyTom Cruise's Enneagram Type is Three, indicating he is ambitious, passionate, efficient, and committed to excellence in everything he does.

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Enneagram Type 3: The Achiever

Core desire

Being successful

Core fear


Threes are energetic, ambitious, and charming goal-getters who strive for excellence in everything they do. Energetic, charismatic, and self-assured, they are often perceived as leaders, and people are drawn to their passion and enthusiasm. Threes see life as a game in which they have to win at all costs since the mere idea of failure feels dreadful to them.

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Enneagram type 3 overview

Enneagram Type Three is defined by their need to achieve success at all costs and thus earn the recognition, respect, and status they crave. Threes want to realize their full potential and, therefore, tirelessly invest in self-development, perfecting their skills and abilities needed for success.

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Tom Cruise’s biography

Tom Cruise is known as a versatile, devoted actor, willing to push his boundaries with every role he takes, performing with the same passion in action, drama, and SF movies. He won three Golden Globe Awards and three Academy Award nominations. His roles in “Rainman” and “Jerry Maguire” earned him critical acclaim, and he is widely recognized as the face of the “Mission Impossible” movie series.

Tom Cruise’s personality analysis

Passionate about becoming a famous actor, Tom Cruise has relentlessly sought out difficult roles that have pushed him to grow in his craft. His versatility allowed him to deliver outstanding performances in many different genres, including drama and science fiction. His public persona and reputation as an actor were also carefully crafted, which is also typical of a Three.










Tom Cruise's popular quotes

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“I love what I do. I take great pride in what I do. And I can't do something halfway, three-quarters, nine-tenths. If I'm going to do something, I go all the way.”

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Tom Cruise

Actor, producer

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“I'm an all-or-nothing kind of person, and when I become interested in something, I give it my all.”

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Tom Cruise

Actor, producer

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“I disagree with people who think you learn more from getting beat up than you do from winning.”

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Tom Cruise

Actor, producer

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