Kim Kardashian’s personality type

Entrepreneur, social media influencer, reality television star, model, actress

Kim Kardashian is a multifaceted media personality who has built a successful career based on her aspirations for fame. She started out as a socialite and gained recognition as the star of the reality television series Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

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Enneagram Type 3: The Achiever

Core desire

Being successful

Core fear


Enneagram Type Three is defined by their ambition to be recognized as winners in every aspect of life. They are hardworking, charismatic go-getters who readily take charge in every situation, naturally assuming leadership roles. Creative and efficient, they smoothly climb the social ladder.

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Enneagram type 3 overview

Enneagram Type Three is an ambitious goal-getter with their eyes always on the prize. They are relentless in their pursuit of success, and their career, public image, and power are of utmost importance to them.

Outgoing, charming, and extroverted, Threes enjoy taking the center of the stage and easily win people over for their goals. Moreover, they are also very hardworking and efficient, as they are determined to achieve their goals at all costs.

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Kim Kardashian’s biography

Best known for her role in the reality television show Keeping Up With the Kardashians, Kim has evolved into an influential businesswoman, media mogul, and entrepreneur. She owns several garment and cosmetic brands, has millions of followers on social media, and is an iconic personality in popular culture who also engages in philanthropic endeavors.

Kim Kardashian’s personality analysis

Starting out as an ambitious socialite, Kim Kardashian has learned to use her connections, skills, and talents and develop into a competent businesswoman with a powerful influence on popular culture.

Never hesitating to use her looks to get ahead, Kim illustrates the image-consciousness typical of Enneagram 3. As she gains recognition, she manages to build her business empire, starting her own brands.










Kim Kardashian's popular quotes

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“I play into the perception of me, but it’s not really me.”

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Kim Kardashian

Entrepreneur, social media influencer, reality television star, model, actress

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“Everything family does is a reflection on the other people.”

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Kim Kardashian

Entrepreneur, social media influencer, reality television star, model, actress

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“If I look at the message I’m portraying, I think it definitely is be who you are, but be your best you.”

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Kim Kardashian

Entrepreneur, social media influencer, reality television star, model, actress

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