Selena Gomez’s personality type

Singer, actress, producer

Selena Gomez earned popularity on Disney Channel as a child actress. She has also pursued a career in music and has released several successful albums so far. As a multitalented artist, she is still active as both an actress and a singer and uses her platform to advocate for mental health issues.

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Enneagram Type 9: The Peacemaker

Core desire


Core fear


Nines are kind and compassionate individuals who give their best to protect their inner peace and foster harmony around them. Moreover, they are perceptive, sensitive, and delicate, driven by the need to belong and stay connected to their community. In addition, Nines also have a strong hedonistic streak and know how to enjoy life.

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Enneagram type 9 overview

Nines are idealists who dream of a world where peace and harmony reign. They are genuinely benevolent souls who empathize with people from all walks of life.

Stability, collaboration, and connection are their top priorities, as they are motivated by the need to belong. Besides that, Nines are great for mediating, soothing conflicts, and promoting understanding among people.

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Selena Gomez’s biography

Selena Gomez began as an actress on the Disney Channel, which served as a great introduction to her musical career. She achieved great commercial success with her first albums and singles, earning the American Music Award, the MTV Video Music Award, and the Billboard Women Award.

The audience also loves her acting endeavors, which is confirmed by the fact that she also earned the Kid’s Choice Award and the Teen Choice Award for acting.

Selena Gomez’s personality analysis

Selena Gomez is known for her philanthropic efforts, inspired by her sensitive and compassionate nature, which is typical of Type Nine. Moreover, despite all the fame and glory she enjoys, she remains humble and balanced.










Selena Gomez's popular quotes

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“If you are broken, you do not have to stay broken.”

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Selena Gomez

Singer, actress, producer

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“I love what I do, I can't imagine doing anything else, but ultimately, my goal is to be happy and have a family. That's my life.”

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Selena Gomez

Singer, actress, producer

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“I drive the same car that I've driven since I was 16. That's who I am.”

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Selena Gomez

Singer, actress, producer

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