Rihanna’s personality type

Singer, songwriter, actress, entrepreneur

Rihanna achieved success and recognition right from the start with her debut single, “Pon de Replay.” She continued producing hits album after album, with “Good Girl Gone Bad” propelling her to global fame.

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Enneagram Type 4: The Individualist

Core desire

Being authentic

Core fear

Being ordinary

Fours are driven by the need to express their uniqueness, explore their inner worlds, and use their creativity to connect with others. Fours are honest, compassionate, and emotionally complex individuals who follow their passions freely. They are romantics who seek meaningful connections and never compromise their authenticity to please others' expectations.

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Enneagram type 4 overview

Enneagram Type Four is a nonconformist who would never compromise their authenticity and values for the sake of social expectations. Fours march to the beat of their own drum, driven by the need to explore their inner worlds and understand themselves. Sensitive, compassionate, and introverted, Fours are on an everlasting road to self-discovery, often using all kinds of artistic expression to communicate their feelings and insights.

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Rihanna’s biography

Rihanna is a singer, songwriter, actress, and entrepreneur who rose to fame after her first two wildly successful studio albums. Her single “Umbrella” became a global phenomenon and earned her her first Grammy Award. As one of the best-selling musicians of all time, Rihanna earned nine Grammys, 13 American Music Awards, and 12 Billboard Music Awards.

She is also a successful business mogul, being the founder of the cosmetics brands Fenty Beauty and Savage X Fenty.

Rihanna’s personality analysis

Rihanna’s controversial, emotional lyrics resonate deeply with diverse audiences across the globe as she uses her creativity to express her intense feelings and often edgy attitudes. Her distinct fashion style and a bit rebellious public image speak about her nonconformist nature and the need to promote her authenticity.










Rihanna's popular quotes

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“When you realize who you live for and who's important to please, a lot of people will actually start living. I am never going to get caught up in that. I'm gonna look back on my life and say that I enjoyed it - and I lived it for me.”

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Singer, songwriter, actress, entrepreneur

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“I always believed that when you follow your heart or your gut, when you really follow the things that feel great to you, you can never lose, because settling is the worst feeling in the world.”

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Singer, songwriter, actress, entrepreneur

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“I'm crazy and I don't pretend to be anything else.”

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Singer, songwriter, actress, entrepreneur

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