Paul McCartney’s personality type

Singer, songwriter, musician

Paul McCartney gained recognition as one of the founding members of the iconic band The Beatles. He played the bass guitar, sang, and wrote songs alongside John Lennon with great success. His solo career was also very successful, and he is known for his humanitarian work as well.

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Enneagram Type 3: The Achiever

Core desire

Being successful

Core fear


Threes are charismatic, driven goal-getters determined to succeed in life. They are full of energy and often have many talents, which they readily use to gain recognition. Threes shine in the limelight as exceptional entertainers and performers. Motivated by the need to always be the best in everything, they never stop perfecting their skills and talents.

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Enneagram type 3 overview

Enneagram Type Three is a natural leader who readily takes charge in every situation. They are focused on finding the most efficient way to achieve their goals and are motivated by the desire to prove their worth and earn recognition. Hardworking, resolute, and energetic, they are very passionate about their dreams and determined to make them a reality.

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Paul McCartney’s biography

Paul McCartney achieved paramount success by forming a legendary band, The Beatles, with John Lennon, George Harrison, and Ringo Starr. After The Beatles split, he embarked on a solo career, gaining recognition and critical acclaim with hits like Band on the Run and Live and Let Die.

He received multiple Grammy Awards and a knighthood from Queen Elizabeth II for his contribution to music and culture.

Paul McCartney’s personality analysis

Paul McCartney was devoted to his music his entire life, and no obstacle was too big to stop him from creating numerous hits that have changed the rock music industry. Creative and determined to succeed, he turned his failures into his biggest musical hits, just like a true Type Three.










Paul McCartney's popular quotes

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"And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make."

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Paul McCartney

Singer, songwriter, musician

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"The more I do, the more I want to do, the more excited I get."

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Paul McCartney

Singer, songwriter, musician

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"If you're not busy being born, you're busy dying."

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Paul McCartney

Singer, songwriter, musician

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