INFP 9w8 Personality Type: Description & Analysis

30 May 2023

infp 9w8

There’s a lot of hidden strength in the INFP 9w8 personality type, as these silent warriors separate right from wrong just by being who they are.

Thanks to these people, many wars have been prevented. The lesson we can take from learning about them is that being strong has nothing to do with being rude or cruel. Just the opposite—the greatest strength feels like the most tender breeze.

To understand INFP 9w8 in the best possible way, we’ll dive deep into their motivations, fears, strengths, and desires. So, stay tuned if you are ready to discover the secret of the INFP 9w8’s charisma!

INFP 9w8 Overview

INFP 9w8s are strong, compassionate, and calm. Their presence is always noticeable, despite the fact that they don’t often participate in group conversations or try to draw attention to themselves in any way.

Though they are considered introverts, INFP 9w8s enjoy the company of others and can be quite easygoing. They intuitively understand others and accept them for who they are, so people feel nice in their company.

On top of that, they are very protective of their loved ones and are always willing to stand up for those in need. Grounded and in tune with reality, these people have a very strong sense of justice and find it hard to tolerate when someone is being treated unfairly.

However, when it comes to sharing how they feel, they are very private and avoid asking for help even when they obviously need it, as they are used to solving their problems on their own.

These people prefer to live a peaceful, stable life in which they can enjoy the little things. Nevertheless, they are very organized and focused when it comes to work. Unlike typical INFPs, they usually know what they want and are goal-oriented. They also tend to be very driven and assertive while working toward their goals.

Finally, even though they belong to the feeling types, they actually have a good balance between logic and emotion, which is one of the reasons why they are so stable. For the same reason, they are also capable of seeing an issue from more than one point of view and have excellent problem-solving skills.

INFP 9w8 Fears & Desires

INFP 9w8 Personality

INFP 9w8s seem so self-sufficient and content with life that it is hard to understand that they may be afraid of something or want anything in particular. And while they really are pretty resilient to stress, that surely does not mean they don’t have their share of fears.

As for their desires, they are not nearly as simple as they seem. INFP 9w8s are persistent and unstoppable when they want something.

INFP 9w8 Fears

By maintaining a steady balance between different aspects of their lives, INFP 9w8s try to neutralize their concerns and often succeed at it.

Speaking of that, their deepest fears include:

  • Being abandoned. Though introverted, they need to feel strongly connected with others to feel good.
  • Being controlled. INFP 9w8s often have some early experience of being betrayed by someone who manipulated them, so the idea of someone controlling them feels dreadful to them.
  • Being unable to resolve conflict around them. Conflicts are deeply disturbing for them, so they do their best to resolve them.

INFP 9w8 Desires

INFP 9w8s’ desires revolve around their autonomy and self-sufficiency, and they include:

  • Being independent. Thanks to the Eight wing, their natural tendency to live freely and unbound by social expectations is even stronger.
  • Being in harmony with themselves and others. They have a profound need to find inner peace and balance and achieve the same in their surroundings.
  • Living a peaceful, family life. They are the people who know to appreciate the little things in life. A peaceful home full of love is their ultimate dream.

Differences Between INFP and INFP 9w8

Differences Between INFP and INFP 9 wing 8

The INFP 9w8 meaning stands for introverted, intuitive, feeling, and perceiving personality type. The biggest difference between INFPs and INFP 9w8s is in the level of their introversion. INFPs have all the traits of a typical introvert, while INFP 9w8s are a bit more open and interested in spending time with others, so they may be considered ambiverts.

Let’s see what else is different between a typical INFP and an INFP 9w8.

#1. Difference: Focus

INFPs tend to put other people’s needs first and may lose sight of their goals. Meanwhile, INFP 9w8s are also very caring and compassionate, but they never lose their own responsibilities and goals from sight. Though it takes them a lot of energy to answer everyone’s needs while juggling their own tasks, they somehow make it all work.

#2. Difference: Reality-oriented

INFP 9w8s are very aware of what it takes to succeed and have a better sense of time than INFPs, who easily lose track of time, especially when they are doing something that brings them joy. INFP 9w8s are just as easygoing and relaxed as INFPs, but they know when they have to put a stop to something and dedicate themselves to their responsibilities.

#3. Difference: Self-discipline

While INFPs don’t really get the mere concept of self-discipline and tend to rely on the structure imposed by external circumstances, INFP 9w8s refuse to be controlled or organized by anyone. INFP 9w8s don’t allow procrastination to steal the joy from their lives and take care they organize themselves properly so that no one has to interfere with how they work.

#4. Difference: Emotional expression

Difference: Emotional expression

INFPs are not inclined when it comes to showing how they feel. Their emotions flow without any restrictions. However, thanks to the influence of the Eight wing, INFP 9w8s are not so open to expressing their feelings. They have a slight distrust of others and do not feel comfortable showing their vulnerability.

#5. Difference: Action-oriented

The Eight wing shows a strong influence on the overall dynamics of this personality type, making them more assertive and proactive. INFPs like to go with the flow. So, although they are introverted, outer circumstances dictate how active they will be. INFP 9w8s don’t wait for anyone to tell them what to do—they know exactly what needs to be done for them to get what they want.

INFP 9w8 vs. INFP 9w1

The leading difference between an INFP 9w8 and an INFP 9w1 is in the level of their extraversion. The Eight wing enhances the extraverted aspects of the INFPs, while the One wing highlights their introversion. So, an INFP 9w8 will be the more extroverted version of the INFP personality type. Let’s see a brief overview of all their differences:

INFP 9w8

INFP 9w1

More grounded and realistic

More idealistic

More of an ambivert

More of an introvert







Cares about inner peace

Cares about peace around them

Energetic and assertive

Orderly and stable

Likes challenges

Likes routine

INFP 9w8 Careers Matches

INFP 9 wing 8 Careers Matches

INFP 9w8s are not interested in managerial positions, nor do they care about being leaders. They are great at supporting others, but a corporate environment is not something they ever dream about.

However, INFP 9w8s are amazing team players. They will soothe conflicts and take care that the general atmosphere is pleasant and inspiring by making everyone feel welcome and accepted. They are not competitive, yet they are very knowledgeable and always willing to help, so their coworkers usually appreciate them.

Working alone may be a good choice for INFP 9w8s because they will resist any control from the outside. They may seem mellow and amiable, but they are actually quite headstrong and can’t stand being micromanaged. Therefore, freelancing, remote work, and similar arrangements are definitely a good fit for them.

Best INFP 9w8 Careers

Compassionate, creative, and strong, INTP 9w8s show in the best light in careers where such qualities are essential and which offer just enough flexibility. Therefore, the best INFP 9w8 careers include:

  • Social Worker
  • Environmental Scientist
  • Teacher
  • Nurse
  • Medical Doctor
  • Mediator
  • Diplomat
  • Writer
  • Arbitrator
  • Attorney

Worst INFP 9w8 Careers

Careers that do not offer chances for personal and professional growth, do not involve contact with others, or are too fast-paced and commercial are not inspiring for this personality type. So, the worst INFP 9w8 careers include:

  • Dentist
  • Financial Manager
  • Auditor
  • Police Officer
  • Chemist
  • Sales Manager

Unhealthy INFP 9w8 + Growth Tips

Hands delicately holding a flower submerged in water

In an unhealthy mode, INFP 9w8s tend to withdraw and isolate in an attempt to solve their issues on their own. Since it is rarely possible to retreat completely, people around them notice they are more aloof and reserved and less compassionate than usual.

Sometimes they resort to workaholism and similar compulsive tactics to resolve their inner tension and escape facing their feelings. This may lead to complete psychophysical exhaustion and, eventually, psychosomatic symptoms.

When pushed over the edge, they may also become angry and aggressive and lash out at others. Both Nines and Eights belong to the Enneagram gut triad, so an INFP 9w8 may have a lot of built-up anger inside of them.

It is of utter importance for INFP 9w8s to find balance and harmony in life, so here are a few ideas that can help them lead more quality lives:

  • Nurturing close relationships and learning to rely on others will be a life-changing experience for these individuals. They hold back and help others solve their issues, but they have no idea how it feels to have the same support. When they learn that they can depend on people who they love and who love them back, they will unlock the door to even greater strength.
  • Finding ways to express their creativity will allow them to better understand their own inner world. They are naturally introspective, but they don’t allow themselves to express a lot of what they feel.
  • INFP 9w8s can take in a lot without ever complaining, and they are often not even aware of how tired they are. Therefore, they need to learn to recognize when it is time to stop and take a moment to rest.

INFP 9w8 Famous People

Bob Marley - infp 9w8 famous people

When talking about fame, INFP 9w8s are not interested in it. However, that does not mean they get any less famous than other personality types—here’s a list of some of the most popular INFP 9w8 celebrities:

  • Bob Marley, Jamaican singer
  • Adam Driver, American actor
  • 14th Dalai Lama, current Dalai Lama and the highest spiritual leader and head of Tibet
  • Benicio Del Toro, Puerto Rican actor and producer
  • Stanley Jordan, American jazz guitarist
  • Jorge de Lima, Brazilian politician

Key Takeaways

Being around an INFP 9w8 often feels like you can finally be yourself without any judgment. As you can see, noticing how you react to others may be one way to recognize their personality type. However, it is safer to also keep in mind INFP 9w8s’ core traits to avoid relying solely on your intuition or confusing them with another similar personality type. So, here we go:

  • INFP 9w8s are compassionate, caring people who have a very strong sense of what’s right and what’s wrong.
  • They are capable of being objective despite the fact that they are very emotional.
  • Realistic, practical, and goal-oriented, they are excellent problem solvers who know how to soothe any conflict.
  • They want to be independent and hate being controlled or micromanaged.