ESTP 8w7 Personality Type Analysis + Growth Tips

30 May 2023

estp 8w7

ESTP 8w7s possess such impressive stamina that it is hard not to notice them. Regardless of what they do—or what they don’t do—their presence naturally draws attention. In a spiritual sense, they embody the archetype of a Hero, which probably explains much of their popularity.

So, is there anything else but raw strength to admire about this type? Do they even need or enjoy the attention they attract? One thing is sure—it is impossible to stay indifferent to them.

If this is enough to pique your interest, stay tuned; we’ll share many interesting facts about this fascinating personality type. You’ll learn about their fears, desires, dreams, and much more!

Let’s kick in!

ESTP 8w7 Overview

Faster than the wind and brighter than fire, ESTP 8w7s are in sync with reality and the physical world. Their senses are sharp, their gut feeling is strong, and they exude the kind of energy that instantly pulls you into being fully present here and now.

Unsurprisingly, they are often charismatic leaders, and people around them find it hard to resist their charm, despite the fact they can be brash.

They are highly adaptable and reasonable, and they give off the impression of always being in control. Challenges do not overwhelm them but bring them joy, and they will always gladly help you fix any problem that they can understand. But, if you need more delicate support and understanding, don’t count on them—they are the people of action, not of emotion.

Their enthusiasm for life is contagious. ESTP 8w7s are almost literally in love with all the possibilities life offers. They have a very pronounced epicurean side to their nature and love to explore the world with all their senses. A new taste is just as thrilling for an ESTP 8w7 as is the music they like or the sport they enjoy.

However, they never forget what they really want from life and are very ambitious. Their adventurous nature leads them down many different paths, but in the end, they always arrive exactly where they want to be.

Energetic and quick-witted, ESTP 8w7s often have skillful hands and are generally very apt in a physical sense. They typically excel in different sports and easily learn the skills that demand physical fitness.

ESTP 8w7 Fears & Desires

ESTP 8w7 Personality type

ESTP 8w7s are interested in the tangible world and do not bother to think too much about abstract concepts. Therefore, their fears do not revolve around things they can understand but rather around real, possible dangers.

When it comes to their desires, they are very determined and passionate about what they want, and they are practically unstoppable when they set their minds on something.

ESTP 8w7 Fears

ESTP 8w7s will never allow their fears to control them but rather take action to confront them. Their deepest fears are:

  • Losing control. Nothing feels more threatening than being unable to control their lives.
  • Being trapped. They fear being trapped in life circumstances that limit their freedom and spontaneity.
  • Being betrayed. Trusting others does not come naturally to them, as they feel that others may take advantage of them if they relax.

ESTP 8w7 Desires

Brave and resolute, ESTP 8w7s are ready to sweat hard until they make their dreams come true. Their biggest desires are:

  • Having power over their destiny. They feel they have what it takes to take their lives into their own hands and make great accomplishments.
  • Living an adventurous life. Life is but a series of small and big victories that they accomplish by facing different challenges, just like Hercules and similar legendary heroes.
  • Protecting their freedom and independence. These people despise weakness, and depending on others makes them more vulnerable than they can take, so they focus on keeping their freedom as long as possible.

Differences Between ESTP and ESTP 8w7

Differences Between ESTP and ESTP 8w7

The main difference between ESTPs and ESTP 8w7s is in the strength of their focus. Since ESTPs prefer to stay open to different possibilities, their focus can be dispersed. An Enneagram 8 female with a 7 wing, however, always has her goal in mind. Let’s go through all the other significant differences between these two types.

#1. Difference: Impulsiveness

ESTPs have a reputation for being reckless and impulsive at times. Because of the Seven wing, an ESTP 8w7 may have this tendency even more pronounced. 8w7s generally have big appetites when it comes to the pleasures of life, so an ESTP 8w7 may find it hard to maintain a balanced lifestyle.

#2. Difference: Anger outbursts

Both ESTPs and 8w7s have a fiery temperament. For that reason, an ESTP 8w7 may be more aggressive and confrontational than a typical ESTP. However, apart from their tendency to react too quickly, they actually enjoy heated discussions.

#3. Difference: Personal charm

The Seven wing adds a special warmth and spontaneity to the ESTPs’ characters, so ESTP 8w7s are even more charming and alluring. Their zest for life, optimistic attitude, and openness to new experiences are qualities many find simply irresistible.

#4. Difference: Vulnerability

Difference: Vulnerability

ESTPs are robust characters who avoid vulnerability in all its forms. Eigths have a soft side and can be very compassionate, but only when they assume the role of a savior who protects the weak. Sevens absolutely dread any kind of unpleasant feeling. So, an ESTP 8w7 will have even greater difficulty connecting with their soft side and handling their feelings in general.

#5. Difference: Ambition

ESTP 8w7s are more ambitious than typical ESTPs who tend to live in the present and do not bother to make far-reaching plans. Eights are very goal oriented and aware that in order to succeed, they have to anticipate different scenarios and be ready for them.

ESTP 8w7 vs. ESTP 8w9

The key difference between ESTP 8w7s and ESTP 8w9s is reflected in the level of their extraversion. The Seven wing enhances all the extraverted aspects of the ESTPs’ personality, so ESTP 8w7s are textbook examples of extroverts. The Nine wing, on the other hand, makes them more thoughtful and collected.

Here’s a brief breakdown of all their significant differences:

ESTP 8w7

ESTP 8w9

Spontaneous and fun-loving

Serious and calm

Craves adventure

Craves stability

Is confrontational, enjoy a good debate

Mediates conflicts

Highly extraverted

More balanced; needs some time alone


Likes to have a strategy first

Strong hedonistic streak

Strong altruistic streak

Creative mind

Contemplative tendencies

Highly energetic, fiery type

Strong, silent type

ESTP 8w7 Careers Matches

ESTP 8 wing 7 Careers

ESTP 8w7s are natural leaders. Even when they are not actually in a leadership position, others tend to gather around them and follow their vision. These people also have a strong drive to have control over the environment, which is also why they often rise to positions of power.

They can work well in a team as long as they are not micromanaged and have enough flexibility and freedom to do things their way. And, needless to say, their competitiveness usually gets them promoted quickly.

Since ESTP 8w7s have an entrepreneurial streak, they may work well independently too. However, considering how extroverted they are, they will be more motivated if they are part of a group, system, or team.

Best ESTP 8w7 Careers

Considering they have enviable physical finesse, do not hesitate to be direct and even bossy, and are generally very brave, some of the best ESTP 8w7 careers are:

  • Sport Coach
  • Military Officer
  • Chef
  • Sportsman
  • Physical Education Teacher
  • Police Officer
  • Sales Representative
  • Sport Manager

Worst ESTP 8w7 Careers

ESTP 8w7s thrive in a fast-paced environment with lots of challenges. Therefore,the worst careers for them would be:

  • Administrative Officer
  • Receptionist
  • Data Scientist
  • Financial Analyst
  • Writer

Unhealthy ESTP 8w7 + Growth Tips

Kid using markers to color in a notebook

In an unhealthy mode, ESTP 8w7s become too self-indulgent, impulsive, confrontational, and manipulative. Sometimes it gets hard for them to control their desire for pleasure and fun so they give in to their need for excitement and new experiences at the expense of jeopardizing their careers or relationships with others.

Because they have paranoid tendencies, they resist the advice of others when in such a state, and insist on pushing their limits just to feel the thrill of the adventure. They take unnecessary risks and can even engage in life-threatening scenarios. Their physical strengths seduce them into believing they are invulnerable.

Unhealthy ESTp 8w7 will also experience many challenges in their relationships because they refuse to make commitments and have trouble being honest and sharing their feelings.

For an ESTP 8w7’s growth, it is essential to:

  • Make peace with the fact that they too can get tired, despite the fact they have an abundance of energy. Instead of recklessly engaging in a variety of activities, they need to make room to do nothing—just rest and relax. This way, they will gradually become able to get in touch with their feelings.
  • Question every decision they make before acting on it. This can save them a lot of time. Learning the difference between an impulse and a feeling will also help them reach their goals easier.
  • Stop running away from unpleasant feelings. Deep down they feel as if they are not capable of dealing with sadness, grief, and other negative feelings, so they push them away through different activities. However, if they understand this as a challenge they may open the door to greater emotional stability and get to know themselves better.

ESTP 8w7 Famous People

Many famous people identify as ESTP 8w7s. In fact, some of the most popular ESTP 8w7 celebrities include:

  • Donald Trump, American politician, businessman, and the 45th president of the United States
  • Zlatan Ibrahimovic, Swedish professional footballer
  • Ernest Hemingway, American novelist, short story writer, and journalist
  • Diego Maradona, Argentine professional football player and manager
  • Pink, American singer, songwriter, and actress
  • Chris Hemsworth, Australian actor
  • Frank Sinatra, American singer and actor

Key Takeaways

And that’s a wrap! We’ve covered all the aspects of the ESTP 8w7 meaning in detail. Need we say you’ll have no trouble spotting this characteristic personality type in any crowd!

Still, let’s make sure you remember all the key aspects of the ESTP 8w7’s personality:

  • ESTP 8w7s are energetic, charismatic individuals who enjoy challenges and are capable of great achievements.
  • They are quick-witted, action-oriented types who love adventures and usually excel at sports.
  • These individuals want to be independent, powerful, and free to pursue their passions, and their greatest fears are losing control and being forced into relying on others.
  • Because of their strong hedonistic streak, they love to taste all the pleasures of life and may occasionally be too self-indulgent.