Marilyn Monroe’s personality type

Actress, model

Marilyn Monroe started out as a model and rose to fame thanks to the roles of bombastic blondes in Hollywood comedies. She earned the status of a sex symbol, which she holds to this day despite her tragic death and dramatic life story.

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Enneagram Type 6: The Loyalist

Core desire


Core fear


Sixes are modest, hospitable, loyal, and compassionate people, motivated by a need for stability and authentic relationships. Life is a serious business for them, and they are always full of worries for the future. Since they feel more at ease with order and structure, they like to plan things out thoroughly.

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Enneagram type 6 overview

The need for safety and predictability is a defining characteristic of Enneagram Type 6. This is why Sixes are so good at planning ahead and foreseeing the worst-case scenarios.

Building strong bonds with others is important to them because it makes them feel protected by giving them a sense of belonging. Practical, structured, and responsible, Sixes make the best friends and partners.

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Marilyn Monroe’s biography

Marilyn Monroe had a challenging childhood growing up in foster care and orphanages. She dreamed of fame from a young age, and thanks to her natural beauty, she easily landed modeling jobs. She rose to prominence with her comedic portrayals of fatal blondes in Gentlemen Prefer Blondes, Some Like it Hot, and How to Marry a Millionaire.

Marilyn Monroe’s personality analysis

Despite her worldwide success and status, Marilyn Monroe has always displayed some level of insecurity, typical of Type Six. As opposed to the roles she played, she was extremely emotionally sensitive in her private life and always remained humble.










Marilyn Monroe's popular quotes

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"Beneath the makeup and behind the smile, I am just a girl who wishes for the world."

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Marilyn Monroe

Actress, model

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"A wise girl knows her limits; a smart girl knows that she has none."

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Marilyn Monroe

Actress, model

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"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring."

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Marilyn Monroe

Actress, model

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